What up, guitar GAF. I'm looking for some suggestions for recording covers overdubbed on top of music/backing tracks on PC. I know there's headphone amps, usb "amps", mixers, interfaces, etc.
I've been using a pretty awful setup with my amp + a microphone hooked up to my PC while a backing track plays and I'm recording both. It sounds alright, but since I'm overlaying it from a completely digital track to one that is actually recorded in a room, it's off.
Looking for a pretty simple, introductory-level solution to this without having to buy a crap ton of audio gear. So...what's the easiest way to record guitar on a PC?
EDIT: Oh, I should let ya'll know what I currently own, in case that helps. I currently have a guitar and bass, two amps (one for each), nice recording headphones, and a decent quality mic.
I do a bunch of cover vids on YouTube. Basically I rip the song into the software (in my case GarageBand). I make sure I assign the correct tempo and line up the start of the song so it starts on cue with a four-count. The song is played through GarageBand. Then I record my guitar (and bass on some of my covers) by micing the amp while simultaneously videoing myself with Iphone. My mic is simple with a USB out. USB goes in computer to record guitar. Then, this is the KEY part, I post-EQ the recorded guitar to flesh out the tone. I may even add Reverb or Chorus to liven it up a bit. I also EQ the crap out of the original track to minimize the original guitar parts as much as possible so my own guitar stands out. Mix down and export track. Then I dump the track and Iphone video into iMovie. I synch the audio and video in iMovie and edit. Export video and done. Upload to YouTube.