Nothing to see here, just your average American room.
And they'll still all lose.
Nothing to see here, just your average American room.
I didn't know the Americans only know of Gundam Wing thing still existed. Wing came out waaaay long ago.
How they get around to importing this game, but not getting acquainted with any other Gundam series?
Wing to this day remains incredibly popular. Wing could have been the N.A. UC.I didn't know the Americans only know of Gundam Wing thing still existed. Wing came out waaaay long ago.
How they get around to importing this game, but not getting acquainted with any other Gundam series?
...I'm thinking that him basically being the best suit in the game also has a teeny weeny bit to do with it.
However as mwntioned it doesnt hurt that both versions of Wing Zero are very strong.
Speaking in very broad terms, yes. They generally have the most tools available at any given time, usually with boosted health and attack power as well.Now it makes sense! lol Gotcha. I'm guessing all the 3K Mobile Suits outclass the others?
I don't know about that, I think I'd pick having to run away from Epyon the whole match than having to worry about getting tagged by a couple of buster shots and being at like, half health.I'll take WZTV players over more Epyon players every single day
I hate that shit tooBut nothing makes me rage more in this game than being hit by that obnoxious stab epyon combo
Oh god WZC in Extreme Vs. He can misfire his Buster Rifle? How was this shit allowed?Wing Zero Custom was bottom tier in EXVS, so it's balancing and dumb luck WZC and WZTV are good in this.
The Toonami advent for Wing Gundam was amazing. One of the random mooks screaming about GUNDAM!!! Hyped me up all the time for the show.
Here is one of them
Also helped that it was very good looking show for its time and the designs of the suits are some of the most popular around.
I was just about to order this game.. but it seems like there's an updated version coming out in March?
Maxi Boost and Full Boost are different right? Btw I can't believe the price of Full Boost in play-asia is $77! Is it that good?
Maxi Boost is coming out in arcades, if you want to wait to order that you'll be waiting like a year and a half to two years.
$77 is a standard price for an import game.
The Toonami advent for Wing Gundam was amazing. One of the random mooks screaming about GUNDAM!!! Hyped me up all the time for the show.
Here is one of them
Also helped that it was very good looking show for its time and the designs of the suits are some of the most popular around.
Oh ok, thanks... i'll just order the game
im hooked. im a fan of sniper/artillery gundam like the gn-006 and the tallgeese iii. just going through the fb missions right now. it's too damn good. any other sniper gundams?
Cherudim and Dynames from 00
im hooked. im a fan of sniper/artillery gundam like the gn-006 and the tallgeese iii. just going through the fb missions right now. it's too damn good. any other sniper gundams?
Cherudim and Dynames from 00
These promos were epic
Does this game play kinda like virtual-ON?
How come when I try to do shuffle it always just throws me in a game with only one other human player.![]()
The two minute one used to hype it is dabes:
Guess I should get into Japanese rooms before that patch is released then :lol
Patch 1.05 should be out next week
- Ranked shuffle matches will attempt to limit the opponents you encounter close to your rank
- Connection requirement will be added to the room creation screen (bye
Does this game play kinda like virtual-ON?
Here is a Gaffer selling his copy on the BST thread.
Its probably cheaper and faster to get it from him than to import and pay shipping. Act fast! ;b
Yes, it's essentially the same deal.Does this game play kinda like virtual-ON?
Don't feel bad about it, there's no reason to feel bad about losing the game beyond the moment the match ends. It seems most of the community doesn't care, except for one guy who seems to be a serial hate mailer.Oh, I didn't know they were rooms. Just got into a 11/12 room. Quit after one game though because I felt bad for being useless to my teammate.![]()
It seems most of the community doesn't care, except for one guy who seems to be a serial hate mailer.
Oh snap, is that Lightning Thief? I got some horrific hate mail after screwing up in a game and didn't put two and two together immediately....Don't feel bad about it, there's no reason to feel bad about losing the game beyond the moment the match ends. It seems most of the community doesn't care, except for one guy who seems to be a serial hate mailer.
Don't be silly. He only sends out love mail. Very very upfront love mail.Oh snap, is that Lightning Thief? I got some horrific hate mail after screwing up in a game and didn't put two and two together immediately.
I'm pretty bad and I have a ton of fun playing with others and the AI. You'll naturally pick up a lot of techniques when playing and get better as time goes on.I really hope this game is good... and not one of those super complex games where it's only good *if you're an expert....
I really hope this game is good... and not one of those super complex games where it's only good *if you're an expert....
I've never paid over $90 for a PS3 game
I'm pretty bad and I have a ton of fun playing with others and the AI. You'll naturally pick up a lot of techniques when playing and get better as time goes on.
One thing though is dont be surprised when you get roflstomped when switching from AI opponents to live ones. As its a totally different game when you do. But far more enjoyable truthfully against other players.
Since the Gundam GAF group is a bunch of great folks and highly active am sure you will have a good time and learn a lot.
Be sure to stop in the IRC chan and such.
Im not around as much currently due to too many other games out at once and am trying to clear some backlog atm. D: But I keep posting here pretending Im part of the community, until my Zudah can make its glorious return.
I was in Hong Kong this summer and I noticed this game was HUGE in the arcades... in every arcade I visited people were all over this game and there were a bunch of machines for it. It looked pretty fun but I didn't play it because others were playing it seriously and I thought I would just get my ass kicked.
Darn... I already ordered it as soon as I posted that message
It seems most of the community doesn't care, except for one guy who seems to be a serial hate mailer.
Small correction, if you were in HK last summer, what you saw was GvGN, the game that came before EXVS was introduced. (Although, if you were in Tsuen Wan earlier this year, I guess you were witnessing the loketest for Maxiboost, which is AHEAD of FB...)
Where did you order from? I ordered from Play Asia and got the HK version so be careful lol. As the online pass won't work on a JPN account if its a HK game.
Looking forward to you joining us.
I got the JPN version:
I didn't do much research but I hope I picked the right one.