Gonna start playing in about 2-3 hours.
is it really that hard to NOT be a dick?
I mean, typing out a message with a stick in the middle of a game is kind of annoying, yet some people feel its necessary to go through all that trouble to talk shit.
He wasn't even pulling his weight in any of his matches, hah.
Yar, I enjoy using her a lot. Plus her EX Burst Attack has nice tracking.
Another vid as well with that Burst Attack tracking -
You could always check the niconico video list since the YT selection has been considerably thinned out.Shouta since you had mentioned you used to use the Zudah you wouldnt happen to have any old YT footage of your matches would you? Would be nice watching footage of other players thats why. If not Ill just keep searching YT.
lunamaria's impulse is fun : D
Is it true that you can't even do 2v2 with two systems online? What kind of piece of shit game is this?
You can do 2v2 but not a good one with just 2 systems. Local online MP is possible with a 2nd controller and if necessary you can get a 2nd PS3 for 2 more players to make the 2v2 happen.
I've been playing split screen and "cutting it down below 30 FPS" is putting it nicely.
It is for me! I just want to play with my friends, and a game that won't even let me do it with the same setup it does for everything else is obnoxious.>:| Hey its ok to voice your displeasure about local online MP but its not a shit game just because it doesn't do that.
I don't care about good, I just want it to work. I'd like to know how.You can do 2v2 but not a good one with just 2 systems. Local online MP is possible with a 2nd controller and if necessary you can get a 2nd PS3 for 2 more players to make the 2v2 happen.
However, your FPS will cut down to below 30 FPS I believe and you have to split the screen which is a big deal in this game considering how much information is on the screen at any one time.
The best way is to have 4 copies of the game and join a private lobby with 4 PS3s and have the 2v2.
Arcade and Free Match both work wonderfully in splitscreen.Which offline content is meant for split screen? I've just been doing custom matches but if there's stuff meant for offlne co-op I'd love to check it out.
Arcade and Free Match both work wonderfully in splitscreen.
Arcade and Free Match both work wonderfully in splitscreen.
So the problem is that you can't invite 2 of your other friends on 1 PS3 with their own split screen to the Free Match?
Why not send an invite over PSN? Also do they have an JPN online pass for the game?
The desired setup:
(Since local 2v2 isn't an option...)
Two monitors
Two PS3s, each with JP PSN account
Two controllers attached to each PS3, one for each player in the same room
2v2 for the four people in the same room
I'd like to know how to make it happen if it's at ALL possible.
Free Match is two local players only. If it supported four-way splitscreen then none of this would be an issue!
And renounce to online pass money?
Scamco pls
The best chance for local 4P is Maxi Boost PS4
is it really that hard to NOT be a dick?
I mean, typing out a message with a stick in the middle of a game is kind of annoying, yet some people feel its necessary to go through all that trouble to talk shit.
He wasn't even pulling his weight in any of his matches, hah.
I've played with this guy.
Most shit-talkers don't understand the game well, and don't realize that often if your teammate is ineffective, it's because you failed to recognize your roles in the match. You can't know for sure until you watch a replay. So, fuck that guy. This is why i disable messages on my console.
Sony needs a better reporting system, since would be nice to have more dumbshits purged from the network.
I remember when people are rude, and kick them from my rooms on sight. Lighting_theif [sic], for example, is always kicked from my room. I encourage everybody to do the same.
Of course, it was the obnoxious SF4 community that made me block all messages first, lol.
Time to take notes and have a KOS list for the community eh?
*KOS = Kick On Sight
Sounds good. I'll keep and eye out for rude messages, people attacking their own partners in rage, and excessive Saltigatou's (Sarcastic arigatou messages)
Alot of suits changing cost in Maxi
FA-ZZ and God now 3k, Arios jumps from 1000 to 2.5k
Premium Sound G is like 7600ish yen at Amiami as well.Did they have effing huge sales previsions for Full Boost? I see the game is at half the RRP at multiple brick and mortar retail chains.
It was 6000 in the store I just left, I was pretty surprised.
Well, the game is tracking far below vanilla, which probably no one expectedDid they have effing huge sales previsions for Full Boost? I see the game is at half the RRP at multiple brick and mortar retail chains.
Did they have effing huge sales previsions for Full Boost? I see the game is at half the RRP at multiple brick and mortar retail chains.
Isn't that usually how it goes? As far as I remember usually about a month or two after initial sales the left over copies get some pretty nice price cuts. But like others said the sales were below the first, which probably was expected given the nature of the franchise being an arcade title, and having another version already announced.
If anyone seems like a Bamco shill and asks us why we think full boost sold less just blame the online pass.