Hey all! Just checking in. i'm still around just not playing the beta weekends anymore. Waiting for the full release :-D
Are we still set on the same server?
Hey all! Just checking in. i'm still around just not playing the beta weekends anymore. Waiting for the full release :-D
Are we still set on the same server?
We will remain on the same server for the duration of the Beta (unless someone goes through some serious effort to coordinate a guild-wide server migration, but that sounds unlikely).
What server we use when the actual game releases has not been decided on though. There's not really any reason to stay on Henge of Denravi (and whatever server the bulk of the European players ended up on) since our accounts should not be tied to that server anymore when they wipe Beta characters. But maybe we'll stick with it because that's a name people recognize now. There seems to be some dissatisfaction with our server of choice though, so we shall see.
When a release date is actually announced, we will probably coordinate servers in the weeks leading up to the release, just as we did with the Beta. Whether we decide to stay with Henge of Denravi, or switch to a different server, Ferny will undoubtedly update the OP with the details. Just make sure to check in before making your server choice.
I come in hoping to find an answer to this question (which server we'd choose for release) but looks like we're waiting.
I hope everyone chooses to stick together. I love that sense of community you get from the early days of a big game release. BWE1 was great in that sense.
We were only trounced in WvW because the server skill match isn't in place yet.
That's not really much of a consolation prize.I mean, ideally we would be capable of at least competing against anyone, regardless of their skills or size. And there are just too many people - not in our guild, per se, but server-wide - that think banging their heads against gates is the proper way to play the game. The important thing is helping them realize that's not really the best option and move on from there. The BWEs are too short to educate others in a larger scale fashion though, so we'll see how it goes.
We were out-numbered, plain and simple. And plus there were still free server transfers, so I'm sure people jumped ship.
So release date announced, same server or a different one?
There was a lot of disappointment with Henge of Denravi, so once we get a list of servers we'll go from there. Officers will have to discuss it, but someone has been tossing around "Gates of Madness" since it's now the first "G"-named server.
Watch this thread for more details.
I'm quite partial to being on low or medium population servers, if only for the fact that I would enjoy being one of the most notorious guilds on that server. In the higher pop servers we would get lost in the mix.
I'm quite partial to being on low or medium population servers, if only for the fact that I would enjoy being one of the most notorious guilds on that server. In the higher pop servers we would get lost in the mix.
This.This is why I think Gates of Madness would be a better fit. We won't have to worry about the bigger guild servers (since they'll stay matched up against one another) and we'll be able to live comfortably.
List of server with guilds, the Sorrow's servers looks good (Sorrow furnance and Sea of sorrows), found at /vg/:
As far as servers go, in my mind there's a balance to be struck.
One one hand, if we're a low pop server (like Henge), when we get curbstomped in the initial WvW pairings, that will encourage more people to leave, exacerbating the problem. I dunno about you guys, but placing so low in the BWE was a matter of pride. I know it's a test and all, but it still sucked to see us so low. Queues are low, of course, which is a good thing.
On the other hand, if we're on a higher pop server, we're more likely to do well in WvW, especially if the community remains active overnight. I can see us fighting tooth and nail for stuff and then having it all taken without a fight if the server is dead after a certain time. The downside is that queues for the WvW maps may be longer. I'd rather get on at peak hours and be able to play.
And on the third and final hand (I grew a third one to hold my beer while I play), we need a server with a name that sounds good. We kinda fell on "Henge" because there wasn't a g-named server at the time. There is now, and Gates of Madness sounds kinda cool.
So, in my opinion, AT LAUNCH (not before), I'm of the mind that we should roll on Gates of Madness. We'll discuss it amongst the officers and GMs (and of course, any feedback people want to provide is welcome) and get a decision before launch. It's still a medium population server, has a better name, and maybe more people will head to it for launch.
That's my opinion, but we'll have to hammer out the details.
Sounds cool, AND has a pretty cool lore description too...There is now, and Gates of Madness sounds kinda cool.
So, in my opinion, AT LAUNCH (not before), I'm of the mind that we should roll on Gates of Madness. We'll discuss it amongst the officers and GMs (and of course, any feedback people want to provide is welcome) and get a decision before launch. It's still a medium population server, has a better name, and maybe more people will head to it for launch.
That's my opinion, but we'll have to hammer out the details.
I'm excited about the game people!!!!!!!!!!
let's pair up with the giantbomb crew
They were on Yaks Bend last BWE. Yaks is already Full population.
How do they know when they're Full ?
Shouldn't they all be labeled High ?
Weltall Zero.2438
I'm assuming there's a single guild for all members, US and Euro, right?
We currently have 2 guilds due to the 100 person guild cap at the moment, but at launch we will have a single guild for everyone. It'll just be a matter of increasing the cap and all we know in that regard is that you don't do it with Influence but something else.