There was a scent on the street, lingering in the air much longer than such a smell should hang around. I could feel it encasing my body and clothing, leaving a reminder to myself and anyone who passed me on these shady streets, where the lighting was as spotty as my facial hair growth, which I had passed by this place in my journeys. I grabbed a pack of smokes out of my left coat pocket, slowly sifting around for my lighter in my right pocket, but jabbing around for it after a few seconds of blind search only returned lint. I discovered it passed the business card of the blond who I had met at Charlie's last Thursday evening when I passing my usually vodka cascade past my lips. She was a cute number that held a tune pretty well, but she ended up turning up some past priors when I ran her name through later as a Jane who liked to work the upper left side, but she did flag something interesting. Something that had brought me to this wharf. Something that had caused me to go nights without sleep the past week and a half, fighting for sleep amidst the sounds of the fan rotating the stale air around the bedroom and the scent of pasta sauce coming from the apartment below me. I'll never understand why that lady in 5B cooked pasta sauce at 3AM every morning, but it probably had to do something with the cheating husband she had coming home at all hours of the nights every night of the week. It was murder on her, and it was murder on me. Where's a cop to charge these asswipes when you need one.
I lit my cigarette and took a long drag to both steady my nerves and get the scent that filled the air out of my lungs and nostrils. The cancerous smell evoked many feelings in me, and I welcomed them in this hell hole as I waited for my contact to arrive. I smoked it to a bud, counting the ambers as they fell to the ground in a beautiful dance that provided for some type of way to pass the time. If I had a watch, I'd probably be checking it between the glancing over my shoulder, the smoking of the cigarette, and the god awful stench of whatever the fuck had died. This is my life. I'm Agent Dormer, and I'm the lead investigator of the iDA - Detective Agency.