Used 'em all up when you found out that you could no longer cancel your preorder?urk said:I had a bunch for launch, but I used them all up.
His connection and framerate "problems" are like imaginary friends.sableholic said:What kind of connection speed do you have SafeBet?
WOWSailorDaravon said:Safe Bet, I just watched your film, it was smooth as butter.
*roll eyes*the disgruntled gamer said:His connection and framerate "problems" are like imaginary friends.
They're imaginary, and mean people come to make fun of him for them!
Halo has no flaws, eye-roller.Safe Bet said:*roll eyes*
I have a strange feeling you've got a suicide vest hanging in the closet for emergencies just like this...the disgruntled gamer said:Halo has no flaws, eye-roller.
Suicide = -1 point to your kill total = upset Halo gods.Safe Bet said:I have a strange feeling you've got a suicide vest hanging in the closet for emergencies just like this...
Darvan said:Hi guys hope am in the right section am looking for 3 others to complete single play co-op online legend mode do some term hunting etc. Gametag is Darvan send me a message on the 360 if your up to it I want to find a group that will tough it through till the end.
Safe Bet said:WOW
You're honestly telling me you don't see the Elite with the Hammer teleport a couple feet to the right before he kills me in the first film or the Red Spartan that "skips" down the steps in the second film (skippy 2 is my perspective and skippy 2a is free camera perspective of the same event)?
C'mon guys...
There's no way those videos play differently on my machine than they do yours...
I know my frame skipping complaint is a small part of a big game but I wouldn't be bitching about it if people quit trying to pretend it didn't exisit.
Also, my connection is like 6 down 2 up or something like that.
Meltdown much?SailorDaravon said:You need to fucking accept that this is some sort of problem on your end. I actually went through the trouble of getting off the game I was playing (HL2) to check out your video because people were giving you shit. There's nothing wrong with it. If I had some sort of camcorder I would videotape my TV playing it perfectly. There is not some sort of grand fucking conspiracy against you. Deal with it.
We need that map more in Slayer and Objectives. *listens*JdFoX187 said:I love Bungie's clusterfuck that is Oddball on Snowbound. "Gee...let's just camp in the shield doors and melee anyone who coms through." Not to mention the complete population of imbiciles who would rather kill the guy going after the oddball rather than the guy standing there with the oddball. That map is probably the worst Halo map conceived. We need more games on Epitaph, that is a great map.
Safe Bet said:Meltdown much?
Its no big deal. I do it all the time too.![]()
Played a game of BTB tonight...
The skipping in the videos is due to lag...
Why I can see the lag in those two clips but you can't, I dunno...
Maybe you're less sensitive to frame skipping than I?
But thanks for taking the time to view them...
"We're working on it" tmStriker said:We need that map more in Slayer and Objectives. *listens*
I've played with the FR Cannon in a custom game on Guardian with someone on my friendlist.Cocopjojo said:Wait... I just realized that you can't have the Fuel Rod Cannon in MP. You can't even add it in it Forge. Weird. What possible reason could there have been to not let us add it in?
Dude...SailorDaravon said:Wow :lol
I give up.
Ramirez said:By parry do you mean completely negate the damage? How is this done? I've had the sword do no damage sometimes to people that didn't have a sword, is there way to block it completely now? So lost on that new sword...
Also, team hammers is quite possibly the wost game type ever conceived in any game ever.
You know, we've argued about Snowbound before, and nothing has really changed. We still know that I'm right, and you're wrong.JdFoX187 said:I love Bungie's clusterfuck that is Oddball on Snowbound. "Gee...let's just camp in the shield doors and melee anyone who coms through." Not to mention the complete population of imbiciles who would rather kill the guy going after the oddball rather than the guy standing there with the oddball. That map is probably the worst Halo map conceived. We need more games on Epitaph, that is a great map. you really think people are going to listen to a fanboy like you? You're so wrapped up in your ego and love for Halo, you can't see anything wrong with it. Go back and cry in a corner or something unless you have something more to add, which I highly doubt.the disgruntled gamer said:You know, we've argued about Snowbound before, and nothing has really changed. We still know that I'm right, and you're wrong.
JdFoX187 you really think people are going to listen to a fanboy like you? You're so wrapped up in your ego and love for Halo, you can't see anything wrong with it. Go back and cry in a corner or something unless you have something more to add, which I highly doubt.
Is that in matchmaking? Because if so, it souldn't be. I thought it might be cool, I played it with some of my friends, and it was the most repetetive, idiotic, boring thing I have ever done. Worse than the already-bad Team Swords.Ramirez said:Also, team hammers is quite possibly the wost game type ever conceived in any game ever.
SailorDaravon said:Safe Bet, I just watched your film, it was smooth as butter. If you're having this problem a lot, I'm sorry but it's something on your end, either your system is dying or it's some sort of lag/latency problem on your end.
Do they continue to rush throughout the game or just in the beginning? All the games I play have six guys rushing the rockets while two of us go for the sniper. The sword remains untouched for half the game.TheWolf said:i hate The Pit. why does the rest of my team always want to rush the sword room and get slaughtered over and over again?![]()
TheWolf said:i hate The Pit. why does the rest of my team always want to rush the sword room and get slaughtered over and over again?![]()
Ramirez said:It's in Social Doubles, as is Flag Rally, and that sucks really bad too.
JdFoX187 said:Do they continue to rush throughout the game or just in the beginning? All the games I play have six guys rushing the rockets while two of us go for the sniper. The sword remains untouched for half the game.
SailorDaravon said:That's why I always go for Sword and Overshield first thing, and there's never anyone over there. I think there's some sort of morbid fascination with fighting for the Rockets at the beginning.
My best sword sprees have come on The Pit. It's all in how you use it. Rockets are only good if you run through the tight corridors.Ramirez said:Rockets are the true power weapon of the map, the sword is pretty much worthless on The Pit. Invis+Rockets=free kills ahoy.
JdFoX187 said:Do they continue to rush throughout the game or just in the beginning? All the games I play have six guys rushing the rockets while two of us go for the sniper. The sword remains untouched for half the game.
SailorDaravon said:Don't even get me going on Flag Rally, it's an abomination to man, largely because you can force infinite (?!?) Sudden Deaths if a territory is going back and forth, lost many games to it.
That's why I always go for Sword and Overshield first thing, and there's never anyone over there. I think there's some sort of morbid fascination with fighting for the Rockets at the beginning.
JdFoX187 said:My best sword sprees have come on The Pit. It's all in how you use it. Rockets are only good if you run through the tight corridors.
Really? Rockets are pretty powerful. I usually get a kill per rocket, if I manage to snag them at the beginning.Ezenzer said:I rush rockets not for the rocket but because the other team almost always does. I barely use the launcher after that initial fight.
Ezenzer said:I rush rockets not for the rocket but because the other team almost always does. I barely use the launcher after that initial fight.
*nod*WickedLaharl said:you didn't notice the teleporting elite with the hammer? :lol
anyways it was just due to lag
That's a good strategy. That area is a deathtrap of grenades, and the rockets aren't that great, and there isn't much ammo anyway. Sword will get you more kills.SailorDaravon said:That's why I always go for Sword and Overshield first thing, and there's never anyone over there. I think there's some sort of morbid fascination with fighting for the Rockets at the beginning.