Two flag stands labeled Flag_Return_Zone is enough.
So the Wall, coliseum piece is ~9.8 units long.
I'm not sure if I want to bother forging anything, every time I look at a new object Certain Affinity has made it worse in some way or another. There's tiny gaps and indents everywhere, the size of some objects make it so they don't fit well with any of the other objects and I'm not a big fan of most of the textures at all. They somehow made it more frustrating to Forge in Halo 4 than it was in Reach.
So I'm trying to phase objects into the ground on Ravine and they just keep bouncing back out.
What the fuck, Certain Affinity.
Yup. I built out a prototype the other night, slapped it on my File Share, and decided it wasn't worth the maddening frustration that the tools bring to keep going on it. This is after building six separate, fully-realized (if not necessarily good) Forge maps in Reach.So the Wall, Coliseum piece is ~9.8 units long.
I'm not sure if I want to bother forging anything, every time I look at a new object Certain Affinity has made it worse in some way or another. There's tiny gaps and indents everywhere, the size of some objects make it so they don't fit well with any of the other objects and I'm not a big fan of most of the textures at all. They somehow made it more frustrating to Forge in Halo 4 than it was in Reach.
Yup. I built out a prototype the other night, slapped it on my File Share, and decided it wasn't worth the maddening frustration that the tools bring to keep going on it. This is after building six separate, fully-realized (if not necessarily good) Forge maps in Reach.
Some of it's just kind of baffling. Why remove precision controls when they were a vital tool? Why do magnets leave a giant gap between pieces (try it yourself, connect a Bridge to a Ramp Bridge) that weapons can be fired through and grenades can fall through? Why did half of my map shift position when I saved it and quit despite using coordinates for nearly the entire thing? Why are there still only 4 objects in the Natural category?! There was a pretty clear path forward that CA could have followed (keep precision while adding magnets, make objects have World Unit sizes that make sense, give people a damn flat area to make something, get rid of the object category limits, improve performance, just to name a few) and made Forge a truly great feature, but instead they regressed in some key areas to the point where I don't think I can see myself using this for anything serious.
Sad to hear. I keep wondering about CA and how they made some of the Forge choices. Either we get a TU for Forge that addresses the main issues, or Forge is pretty much dead until Halo 5 rolls around and we hope they give us a fully features version.
Apparently you can set Dominion turrets for the infection gametype, I can see some crazy infection gametypes happening.
I get that everyone is frustrated, but what we lost is worth what we have gained.
So bridge pieces are now 2 units wide excluding the railings, so in total they're 2.4 units wide.
Godly your map is AMAZING!
I have a beta version of my first 'serious' sym map, Trimach, in my file share. The base geometry is done, but I've yet to populate the map with scenery/clutter to control sightlines.
Check it out if you want.
So uh, how are you guys finding maps and why is the file browser stuff still borked?
So I decided to dive into forge last night and today and came up with this map. At the moment it is only set up for big team slayer with jetpacks, but I plan to add some other modes once I get some feedback on what to change and improve. I wouldn't mind doing some testing with whoever wants to (with this map or any other). My gamer tag is matellis82.
I couldn't find anywhere on the waypoint website for my file share but if you look up matellis82 there you should see the map. It's called Cargo_Bridge(WIP).
I look forward to your feedback guys!
Does anyone know how to not switch Defenders/Attackers every round? I want to do a 10 round game, but I want red to spawn in red side every time, and blue to spawn in blue side every time. They switch every round which messes it up.
I really like forge (minus the not being able to phase into the ground on ravine glitch, and the glitch of stuff moving when you reload a map) so far. I'll be posting some fun custom game maps that I have created soon!
Yup. There's a preview at THFE's youtube channel.Hehehe... this sounds awesome. Do they actually animate and work?
Are there no other known workarounds for this?
Am I missing something or there's still no mirror / symmetry tool in Forge yet? Trying to make symmetrical levels in this thing is almost impossible![]()
OK, so I'm totally new to forge. How exactly can I download people's maps in Halo 4? Sorry for the noob question but I wanted to give "Think Again" a whirl.
Thanks for any advice!
So the Wall, Coliseum piece is ~9.8 units long.
Round based gametypes always switches sides, unfortunately.
OK, so I'm totally new to forge. How exactly can I download people's maps in Halo 4? Sorry for the noob question but I wanted to give "Think Again" a whirl.
Thanks for any advice!
Start Menu>Settings & Files>File Browser>Map Variants>File Share Search