not going to lie, I'm craving doritos now. mountain dew on the other hand tastes like crap.
not going to lie, I'm craving doritos now. mountain dew on the other hand tastes like crap.
only good mountain dew is code red
Just bought some Code Red and Coke Vanilla today, yum.
jesus christ
this entire thing is disgusting.
jesus christ
this entire thing is disgusting.
The biggest issue here is that
No Game Fuel came out this year for Halo 4.
I know Pepsi Co. has basically changed gamefuel to every 2 years (So we should see some next year)
But its a shame that Halo the thing that started it, hasn't had another Game Fuel yet.
I'm drinking one right now.
Wait when did this happen?
I was under the impression that no gamefuel was released this year?
Wait when did this happen?
I was under the impression that no gamefuel was released this year?
No, it's the biggest part of the double xp/Mtn Dew/Doritos thing. We've known about it for months, shipped out to stores about 2 weeks ago.
That's Game Fuel in the Keighly pic.
It's there just ridiculously hard to find in certain areas. :/
They have new gamefuel. It's red.
There is a line you cross when you require scanning Doritos bar codes to reload.
This is a new low for gaming.
Holy shit.
People are allowed to talk about things that do not directly affect them.I know this may comes as a shock, but you don't have to do any of that to enjoy the actual game.
There is a distinction here i think you are avoiding.GAMING HAS GONE DOWNHILL, JUST LOOK AT THIS SHAMELESS MARKETING:
Oh wait I meant to get a halo 4 promotion, give me a sec...
There is a distinction here i think you are avoiding.
There is a distinction here i think you are avoiding.
It might be comparable if a mobile final fantasy were released that required you to scan Pepsi labels in order to heal, and that sign featured Cloud drinking a Pepsi with a Big Mac in his free hand.
There is a distinction here i think you are avoiding.
It might be comparable if a mobile final fantasy were released that required you to scan Pepsi labels in order to heal, and that sign featured Cloud drinking a Pepsi with a Big Mac in his free hand.
Of course, but there is something exorbitant about the pictures in the OP.Nah, I know, I'm just kidding around. I find the app just as disturbing/hilarious as anyone else. But it does go to show that cross promotion has existed for quite some time.
Of course, but there is something exorbitant about the pictures in the OP.
It's definitely ridiculous and overdone, but if it doesn't affect the quality of the game to you, the player, does it actually matter that much in the long run?
Oh wait I meant to get a halo 4 promotion, give me a sec...[/QUOTE]
Also baconsammy is being a little too defensive about this stupid "game" not too much of a shocker though
Did gaf just discovered cross product marketting? Doesn't anyone remember E.T. & reese's pieces?
who gives a flying shit about promotions? unless there's branding actually in-game, this thread should not have so many whiners
I've always known that standards for video games as a cultural medium have been low, but seeing people go out of their way to defend things like this is stunning. Not only is there branding in this game (the screenshots in the OP clearly demonstrate this), there is branding in the game's fucking title.
For emphasis: the name of the game is Halo 4: King of the Hill Fueled by Mountain Dew.
Because this has happened before does not invalidate its discussion.