The maps are apparently free right now due to an error, so go go go
Just played KoTH on Wreckage. Was pretty fun. Framerate seemed to hold up which was kind of shocking.
Didn't need to do anything special to get the maps either. Just went to the Marketplace in game and downloaded them. LE user here btw.
Games have been laggy though. Nothing too bad but people are eating shots and skipping around here and there. So yea, I guess it's kinda bad lol
Eh, I've only seen one person say this. Everyone else says it's still 800.
Are you on stream? Lemme watch new maps plz.
okay, wtf
I got this on Shatter, while I was inside of a building. Does Shatter even HAVE a mancannon?
And why isn't it showing up as unlocked on Waypoint?
It's new to Halo 4, and was on-disc at release, just not in matchmaking.So there is a new game mode? I swear I've never played extraction before.
This is the first time it's been featured in matchmaking. The gametype has been on the disc since day 1 and is supported on several launch maps.So there is a new game mode? I swear I've never played extraction before.
Extraction was always on disc but it didn't have his own playlist.So there is a new game mode? I swear I've never played extraction before.
Infinity Slayer is Team Slayer
From last week's Bulletin:Thanks - will the new maps show up in the regular Infinity Big Team Slayer playlist or only in the "Crimson DLC Playlist"???
okay, wtf
I got this on Shatter, while I was inside of a building. Does Shatter even HAVE a mancannon?
And why isn't it showing up as unlocked on Waypoint?
okay, wtf
I got this on Shatter, while I was inside of a building. Does Shatter even HAVE a mancannon?
And why isn't it showing up as unlocked on Waypoint?
Yea the maps are definitely free right now if you used a specialization code that they sent out. You have to be ingame and click the marketplace thing on the main menu.
It's almost like those codes are working like the LE codes.
Eh, they were for me. Downloading nowNot true. I got a specialization code and they are not free for me.
Eh, they were for me. Downloading now
so many friends have been getting the map pack for free, any word on an error from 343 or Ms?
A little, yeah. I had the points already, so it's not like I spent any additional money when I dropped the 800 points on 'em early this morning, but in an ideal world I'd lobby for a refund since others are getting it for free.Nope. I feel for them, this whole thing has been a bit of a mess. Also, I do imagine more than a few people will be ticked that they had to pay when so many got them for free..
A little, yeah. I had the points already, so it's not like I spent any additional money when I dropped the 800 points on 'em early this morning, but in an ideal world I'd lobby for a refund since others are getting it for free.
I guess it was probably worth it to give early impressions for folks this morning. That's always fun.
I don't see how you can be held accountable for a fuck up on their end. I say do it. The worst that can happen IMO is them removing your license to the DLC, which I don't see happening.I can download the maps for free ... but can I do it ? >.>
I can download the maps for free ... but can I do it ? >.>
I can download the maps for free ... but can I do it ? >.>
Downloaded maps...Damn CA you made some brown-ass maps!
I like Extraction, just don't like these maps. They're too big. It takes too long to get anywhere. You are out constantly out in the open and susceptible to DMR pinging. Visually they are drab and bland looking, no personality whatsoever. I'd rather play well-designed Forge maps than play brown shit. Reach had better maps.