Apart from the retooled sound of the Warthog (very irritating and overly loud), I find that it might be the best version of it so far. It strikes a nice balance between the death machine that it was in Halo 3 and the paper-thin death trap that it was in Reach.The operator perk is a joke, not worth using at all. sure it cuts plasma pistol time, but its so easy to stick warthogs it doesn't even matter. Since everyone can spawn with a plasma pistol and plasma grenades, its only a matter of time (a short amount of time) that any half competent team can remove even the most skilled warthog driver
The gauss hog is also a joke, totally imbalanced and shouldn't exist in matchmaking unless its retooled
edit: balance is regarding the standard warthog. Ghosts aren't nearly as affected due to the fact they have speed and manueverability, not to mention being a smaller target. Warthogs are big, clunky and have to maintain a reasonable speed to not flip over on the smallest pebble![]()
I don't think there's anything that could make me want the Gauss 'hog in matchmaking. High velocity one-hit-kill vehicles have no place outside of campaign/FF/SpOps in my humble opinion.
No you shouldn't, and I really dislike the trend that 343 is following. The only carrot on a stick I need is solid gameplay with as little randomness as can be allowed over xbl, not grinding for upgrades that end up changing the game for some and not others.You shouldnt have to grind for many hours to unlock a perk to balances vehicle gameplay and of course even with the perk you will still get demolished by plasma grenades. Reducing the plasma grenade count to 1 is a simple and obvious solution.
I dont know how the Scorpion keeps finding its way on maps. If a map has a tank it should always be the Wraith.