Also. As of Monday it's gone. Wah wahhhhh. <343so the 4v4 forge island playlist is actually kind of fun
i imagine that this is because 343 didn't have all that much to do with it
Also. As of Monday it's gone. Wah wahhhhh. <343so the 4v4 forge island playlist is actually kind of fun
i imagine that this is because 343 didn't have all that much to do with it
Do you have to win to go up in rank or does a lot of kills count more like in Reach?
So the better maps can get put in the other playlists. Sounds good by me.Also. As of Monday it's gone. Wah wahhhhh. <343
E-peen deployment imminent!
It depends on the playlist. Example infinity slayer it depends on how well you play ( by your score) and On Team Throwdown it's your W/L per game.
I'm to lazy to find the link for it.
I'm to lazy to find the link for it.
M2ARP YourExWife is starting a Halo 4 clan and is looking for players to help start it. You must be at least SR50 and have a positive K/D ratio to join message him back if you're interested.
You use Jetpack
I've played around with this, and as far as I could tell the flag object itself had its pick up properties removed, although it's still a 'weapon' object.
Internally, the CTF variant just basically sets a property on the player who was in the pickup the radius that says they're carrying the flag. Then when that player is within their flag stand's radius it checks that property and performs that scoring logic from there. If I recall, this is also how Reach's CTF worked as well. Been a while since I looked it though.
I swapped the grifball with the flag in a Grifball variant and there wasn't even an option to pick up the flag when I disabled the Grifball 'automatic pickup' option, which hints to me that the flag object doesn't have any properties for picking it up, either automatically or by holding action.
So it's par for the course: totally random and different for each playlist. Who's idea was this?
Welp, got the Dominion mastery and the Dominion Emblem, I can finally play the game now.
Its been tough getting custom lobbies together to run anything on it, but I liked what I saw just from looking at it in-game. A great Sidewinder remake is close to impossible to pull off so every remake I'd seen up to that point ranged from terrible to okay at best. Your's was the first one that really looked like it had a quality amount of thought and work put into it. It's not perfect (no remake ever will be), but it's probably the best we'll get with what we have to work with.Are you enjoying my interpretation of Sidewinder? I never did get any feedback on it.
You have terrible priorities.
Holy shat, can't unsee it now. Kind of want it. I feel turrible.Might get if I also get that Spawn icon.....
Holy shat, can't unsee it now. Kind of want it. I feel turrible.
Ha ha, at first I thought it was just some thing but then I saw the Spawn like logo. It's actually the logo? Damn, my mind is really starting to go downhill.What do you mean with can't unsee it?
It IS the Spawn logo, the logo from McFarlane toys.
i want the didact skin![]()
The problem is its going to look real shit in the game. Like the majority of skins the lack of an RGB color value selector and the messy design on the armor makes it incredible difficult to actually spot them.
Yeah, but they look really cool in campaign screenshots.
Gosh, those armor schematics really do Halo 4's armor justice.
I still stand by my statement that the art in this game is one of my favorites. Except for the Forerunner campaign structures and UNSC MP maps.
My pro/con list for Monday's update:
-BR returns to 4 shot kill glory; 2 shots + melee kill
-Carbine gets love with a buff
-DMR's red reticule range reduced
-Universal movement speed increased by 10%
-Light Rifle's single shot getting stronger; 3 shot burst getting weaker
-AR, Storm, and Suppressor getting buffed (they're already strong)
-SAW getting a buff
I just worry about the Light Rifle becoming the new DMR. Otherwise, it's a step in the right direction.
We have trees in forge now. Minimalism is dead. For good.Something about Halo CE's color scheme and minimalist (by necessity) environments makes it look so great to me. None of the sequels really tried to pull off that minimalist look, though. It'd be great if they tried.
Yeah I loved the look of Halo CE. Even though Bungie didn't stick with the minimalist style in the following games, the still had a unique style. Halo 4 feels more generic sci-fi to me. For example, Halo prior to 343 taking over, Mass Effect, and Star Wars all have their own unique look. When you see something from them, you know where it's from. Halo 4, and even CEA don't have that. It's one of my least favorite changes to the series.Something about Halo CE's color scheme and minimalist (by necessity) environments makes it look so great to me. None of the sequels really tried to pull off that minimalist look, though. It'd be great if they tried.
Something about Halo CE's color scheme and minimalist (by necessity) environments makes it look so great to me. None of the sequels really tried to pull off that minimalist look, though. It'd be great if they tried.
Yeah I loved the look of Halo CE. Even though Bungie didn't stick with the minimalist style in the following games, the still had a unique style. Halo 4 feels more generic sci-fi to me. For example, Halo prior to 343 taking over, Mass Effect, and Star Wars all have their own unique look. When you see something from them, you know where it's from. Halo 4, and even CEA don't have that. It's one of my least favorite changes to the series.
I don't know why, all I really love is clean, simple lines in maps... No unnecessary eye candy like you get in most games now. It's why I like Haven so much as opposed to Solace.
But I love skyboxes. First thing I always look at in maps.
Ya, totally agree. For whatever reason, games tend to be judged by technical prowess first, aesthetic style second. More than movies, imo. Probably because the technology and art are so integrated in games; one begets the other.I think that's a problem with increased graphic horsepower. CE's shiny textures and sleek look really do look good to me as well.
I was thinking about that the other day when I watched Star Trek, movie CG has fallen prey to the Transformers effect--they're blowing loads of money modeling every rivet on every incredibly busy 3D design. More tech doesn't destroy the principles of design.
My pro/con list for Monday's update:
-BR returns to 4 shot kill glory; 2 shots + melee kill
-Carbine gets love with a buff
-DMR's red reticule range reduced
-Universal movement speed increased by 10%
-Light Rifle's single shot getting stronger; 3 shot burst getting weaker
-AR, Storm, and Suppressor getting buffed (they're already strong)
-SAW getting a buff
I just worry about the Light Rifle becoming the new DMR. Otherwise, it's a step in the right direction.
For shame on the bolded, con for me. 3 melee's to kill solve/significantly improve the melee issues of the past few Halo games, not something that makes melee stronger.
Still don't understand the changes to the LR. I know they want to push each weapon into its role, but I don't think the utility weapons should be terrible out of their strongest range area. As it stands, the LR already gets completely shit on my the BR and DMR in short and medium range (unscoped fire) and now they are making it even worse in that range.
I would argue that with how powerful sprint double melee is and boltshot, 2 shot melee fits very nicely.
Also, Pistola is finally streaming.
I would argue that with how powerful sprint double melee is and boltshot, 2 shot melee fits very nicely.
Also, Pistola is finally streaming.
Yeah, but I think there's a fair point at making it 3 hit melee. There's no doubt the melee strength in CE was pretty ridiculously weak (although it makes the Anniversary lists pretty funny to watch) but the 2HK system creates some bad issues with beatdowns. Just slightly reducing the damage so two hits with no other damage won't kill them, so you at least have to plug him once.