I know it's fun to make fun of other games and all but you appear to have some sort of deep hatred toward Cod and its players.
They should put the War Games Pass on sale to welcome back players.
Is that just the hours tracked by Raptr users since launch?
The deepest pits of hell cannot hold my hatred for CoD.
fuck that game.
Haha lol
It's not even funny. Just thinking about the failed abortion that is Black Ops 2 makes me want to set fire to an orphanage. GOD I HATE THAT GAME
Haha, I only played slayer pro twice on complex BTB so far, but I got killing frenzy both times I got the sword. It's so deadly in the buildings. And I wasn't even camping.
But hey, that's what makes the weapon to effective in cqc. It felt like Halo 3 Pit sword room a while.
I think it also highlights how poor of a map complex is. Far too big and complex for the style of play. And I think it's because they can never test these maps with mass gamers in mind.
Look at Bungie testing for Sword Base or the videos they showed, to how the map actually played in gamers hands. I feel harvest is a much better map than complex.
It's not even funny. Just thinking about the failed abortion that is Black Ops 2 makes me want to set fire to an orphanage. GOD I HATE THAT GAME
It's flowing dude.... it's flowing
W@W stinks too
Yes. Everyone keeps incorrectly assuming this is a population chart... this tracks hours played by Raptr users- It is written right on the chart.
So more raptr users play Reach? Or Reach players play longer. Either way that's fucked up!
K I'm going to play Halo 4 tonight. EVERYONE WATCH.
I think I had more fun watching Juices playing Halo 4 than he had playing it.
Damn, the movement speed increase is good, I like it, but holy shit do I notice flinch more often. Maybe it's placebo effect?
Also, has it been laggy for anyone else playing? Two matches in a row it's been rubber band shooting, ordnance not even showing up etc.
Also did they finally say fuck it and get rid of global ordnance?
We just played CTF on Ragnarok in a 5v5 playlist. It was DMRS cross map all game noone capped 0-0 tie ending. Dear lord fix your settings! 343 What are you doing!?
DMR should control open long sight lines on maps like Ragnarok.
On large objective maps respawn should be 10-12 seconds. Otherwise noone is going to score. We got to top mid killed them pushed up they were respawned by the time we got up to their half.
Its not like hard its just common sense.
Serenity framerate = Simply unacceptable.
Objective needs to go back to 4v4 as 6v6 is way too chaotic and mindless.
Played about 10 or so games of the new TU, liking it so far.
Though I'm wondering atm:
- Has shield recharge rate gone up to compensate for the buffs?
- Why is pistol still 6 shots?
My post wasn't about settler, it was about the constant bitching exhibited by btb "fans" in this and other halo threads.Maybe instead of telling us what and how to play, you should educate yourself and realize that Settler is in like 3 other playlists than BTB, including CTF and Objective.
Edit: too rough.
You just need a few to control the mid in Ragnarok - two on the hill and one at Pelican. The two others can drive in vehicles. Easy to maintain control of that map once you kill the one or two people in the initial rush for laser.That's my issue with the DMR. You can sit in base and place shots on guys at mid with relative ease which encourages players to not want to control mid and instead camp closer to their base. It's boring to me. If I wanted to play sniper like gameplay where everyone tries to head glitch then I'd find Team Snipers.
TO wasn't going to be much since Oddball/King is only decent on Haven. It is terrible on things like Complex, Abandon, Solace, Adrift, etc. Since the raise in the number of players, you see things like King on Meltdown or King on Ragnarok. These changes are similar to what they keep doing with CTF. Does Complex CTF make sense? No, but they keep them in there for the sake of variety, otherwise the map pool would be extremely thin. Probably why I always had seen Relay and Settler show up so much the last time I was on, and quite frankly I would rather play The Cage than those two again.I didn't know it was in the other two playlists though as I haven't played either since they ruined objective by making it 6v6.
Check PMs. Well... Check them in a minute. Think I have a two week code that came with Tomb RaiderSomeone got a 48h LIVE code?
DMR should control open long sight lines on maps like Ragnarok.
Something something choice of time over quality something something, Halo game every year, consequences be damned.Loving this update, totally changed the eb and flow of the game. Carbine is ace, BR is ace, AR is ace, movement speed is ace.
God, why couldn't it have launched like this?
Check PMs. Well... Check them in a minute. Think I have a two week code that came with Tomb Raider
Best be a precursor to a new Halo Wars on XBO.
Best be a precursor to a new Halo Wars on XBO.
I was thinking the same thing.This is the Halo 4 thread. Not the Halo thread. Stop talking off topic guys.
This is the Halo 4 thread. Not the Halo thread. Stop talking off topic guys.
I was thinking the same thing.
Spoiler: There's a thread for the SA game itself.Spoiler: There is no Halo thread.
For the love of god make the saw less available!