only 90% geometry complete and colors are not final, buuuttt...
Lots of cover and trees and aesthetics left, but I am super excited
I will be cutting pieces short more than normal, especially around the perimeter, because I want Wasp's, and it is absolutely forbidden to see pieces sticking out. so as much as Id love to have crazy huge rocks encompassing the whole map, I want clean outskirts so when you are flying you dont see ugliness.
[spoiler]i think it looks ugly in these pics, but in game its pretty awesome[/spoiler]
Good shit. This was probably my favorite map in Reach. I remember I stayed home from school the day it came out and gave Blue base a bunch of Covenant vehicles and did Spartan vs Elite CTF. Match lasted for like an hour and a half. I still have the film.
I hope eventually we get low-res background assets. Some nearly to-scale Covenant ships to put in the background along with other things that aren't meant to be in the map proper.