i love these
I tried some "lego" map, so are there any GOOD maps?
... sigh
Yes, hundreds.
various forge youtube channels
in game content browser
There are more ways than ever to find what you want.
What type of maps do you want?
They re-wrote the engine to support campaign AI on dedis instead of lockstep. Any code built up to that point would have been useless.
I've noticed that Warzone/Firefight AI desync if you fast forward, so I wonder if Campaign just isn't rigged to stay synced.
Rewrote? Lol ok no they didn't. Everything can be done offline.
now that looks like a dev map!
Élixir Sanguelios map is looking impressive!
You make that?? Looks great.
I predicted Halo 5 being all dedis a year before it came out
yeah, I think know what I'm talking about
Does anyone have a 48hr LIVE code? I want to try the new update soo bad x(
Thanks for the reminder, but I don't put these maps in the same ballpark, figuratively speaking.You can enter more than 1 court.
They are necessary. Bumps kick players out of a slide.Is having the floating spartan effect from smoothing the floor with blockers a necessary evil for gameplay? If I don't do it that way, there will be bumps.
Just got this game. Hows the learning curve compared to H3 and Reach? I used to make maps all the time on those games. Seems like they have added quite a lot more features.
The Imgur are broken. Get the links from the YouTube description.
The links works for me perfect.In pc w.8.1 with firefox and in the xbox one with edge.Well in edge i have to select open this link in another tab or directly open because if i press A in the link only appears a blank website but this is a problem of edge.
I meant if you look at the actual links on the Imgur page they do not point to the map, just to his map page on Waypoint, which does not show this map because he likely forgot to turn the Search feature on for the map file.
Noob question,
Can player deaths trigger events?
More specifically, could different events be triggered depending on which player has died?
depends if its stationary or not, and team based or not
if stationary, super easy
boundry check
if not, not so much, but Im pretty sure you can engineer the logic
Is there any official documentation for scripting or is all of it community generated?
Creative Force is currently setting up the framework for a comprehensive doc. No E.T.A.
btw I've abandoned battle pinball (8 player).
I have it built and everything wired correctly, the game just can't support it. One in game second takes about 10-15 real world seconds.
Too much lag from the fx, scripts, interactive objects, idk. The tables are as minimal as they get, nowhere near obj count, it's just the ones I do have are too straining.
I could very well put out either solo table or 1v1, but I'd rather not, I want it to be a seamless team game that's easy to load up.