Gnome Scat
Unimportant Feedback: Remove the death music that sounds like it's from The Wolf Among Us (it gets really annoying after awhile) and also add the ammo display on the DMR like how it was in Halo 4.
Swat in this game will make it truly feel like a CoD game.
Breakout next week is going to be insane
The controls seem overly complicated and just don't jive that great in gameplay.
What.343 have hinted at another beta later in 2015 for BTB.
I keep finding players but then it gets stuck at loading slayer. Then I get kicked from the lobby and get the server issue message. Tried hard resetting as well.
343 have hinted at another beta later in 2015 for BTB.
343 have hinted at another beta later in 2015 for BTB.
That is nothing but speculation. There might be another beta closer to launch, but that's it. We know nothing else, and 343 haven't hinted anything.
Anyway to get the beta without MCC?
Even when friends arent around - just hang around teammates. Its pretty obvious how important teamwork is in H5 - even far more than other Halos. A good player can beastmode an entire map in older Halos - im not so sure this is possible in H5.Ok, after having a miserable time with multiplayer I hopped on with a friend and saw the light. This game shines when playing with a friend(s), and when everyone sticks together and works as a team.
My k/d ratio was a night and day difference from going solo (hey, I'm new to Halo mp). I finally get it now guys!
Still must suck when you get placed on a team where everyone runs in different directions.
It is but where is the dedis your playing on is another questionI am assuming this isn't running on dedis, it can't be. People are constantly eating shots after their shields are popped, meanwhile one stray AR bullet can kill me when I get to the second shield bar. Not a good first impression.
I am assuming this isn't running on dedis, it can't be. People are constantly eating shots after their shields are popped, meanwhile one stray AR bullet can kill me when I get to the second shield bar. Not a good first impression.
Game feels awesome to play. Finally, a Halo game that plays like a modern fps.
As modern FPS go, the gameplay is very stripped down, yet the team play element is still important.
Im actually quite impressed with how team oriented it feels. I love the chatter
As modern FPS go, the gameplay is very stripped down, yet the team play element is still important.
Im actually quite impressed with how team oriented it feels. I love the chatter
A lot of people tap zoom to seemingly avoid negative effect of descoping when they get hit...I don't know if it works but if it does then there's a loophole that people have found to exploit to get an advantage from ADS.
Why do all weapons have scope? Even SMG? The weapons that never had scope shouldn't really need scope. I understand it provides the AR with slightly higher range but SMG is shit at anything but close range why does it need scope?
The sword has too much bloom, obstructs vision somewhat.
The indoor map (forgot the name) is crap.
Hovering (while holding zoom) seems to be a useless ability.
The game seems to have an awful amount of grenade spam. And the dash is not that useful as you only get one until you have to recharge again and it doesn't take you very far. So not that useful to avoid grenade spams.
Health recharge takes fuckin ages !! Not helpful at all when there are so many places to get shot or naded from, especially in these tiny maps.
Lastly, why is the beta 10GB when it only has two small maps and one game mode?
Killcam needs to go. Still don't see the purpose of it.