The internet is fucked up
I'm not saying the whole community, I'm saying any part of the community. Like, there are individual people I know within the community that I like / actually know, but no Halo community online is particularly inviting towards everyone, which is the main problem.
What's with all the armor designs in DOOM looking like they were done by 343?Y'all dogged on halo 5 beta being too bro
Meanwhile doom is styling on us
and apparantly stole some 343 artists for making armor
What's with all the armor designs in DOOM looking like they were done by 343?
yeah, noone wants to admit how good halo 5 mp is sadly. Even when i tell friends of how good it is, show them clips or ask them to watch the finals.. they just associate it with a doomed xbox, horrible xbox one reveal, horrible and arrogant 343 cause of mcc, lesser sales compared to its competition and whatever negative thing any article can pull up about anything ms/343/halo/sales related.
with all that clouding their head, they just shrug something like this off. Whatever though, as long as i can pull up mp games quickly i'll be happy. i just want to share the love sometimes![]()
yeah, noone wants to admit how good halo 5 mp is sadly. Even when i tell friends of how good it is, show them clips or ask them to watch the finals.. they just associate it with a doomed xbox, horrible xbox one reveal, horrible and arrogant 343 cause of mcc, lesser sales compared to its competition and whatever negative thing any article can pull up about anything ms/343/halo/sales related.
with all that clouding their head, they just shrug something like this off. Whatever though, as long as i can pull up mp games quickly i'll be happy. i just want to share the love sometimes![]()
I didn't even try Doom.
Maybe I would've liked it who knows... but I dont need to buy another game when I'm plenty happy with Halo and Overwatch is right around the corner. Those 2 are the only mp shooters I need for a long time.
Halo 5 is the best game this generation that's been shit on by people afraid to enjoy it.
I wish I could do the carlton dance after winning in Halo
I hate all of you serious folks.
yeah, noone wants to admit how good halo 5 mp is sadly. Even when i tell friends of how good it is, show them clips or ask them to watch the finals.. they just associate it with a doomed xbox, horrible xbox one reveal, horrible and arrogant 343 cause of mcc, lesser sales compared to its competition and whatever negative thing any article can pull up about anything ms/343/halo/sales related.
with all that clouding their head, they just shrug something like this off. Whatever though, as long as i can pull up mp games quickly i'll be happy. i just want to share the love sometimes![]()
People just want to run around doing 360 no scopes, calling in airstrikes, and rage quitting when doing bad.
yeah, noone wants to admit how good halo 5 mp is sadly. Even when i tell friends of how good it is, show them clips or ask them to watch the finals.. they just associate it with a doomed xbox, horrible xbox one reveal, horrible and arrogant 343 cause of mcc, lesser sales compared to its competition and whatever negative thing any article can pull up about anything ms/343/halo/sales related.
with all that clouding their head, they just shrug something like this off. Whatever though, as long as i can pull up mp games quickly i'll be happy. i just want to share the love sometimes![]()
Certain Affinity did the brunt of the DOOM armor design, and they were likewise one of the major wings of Halo 5 that were assigned with designing the armor (alongside a few other smaller companies).
It's a shame how much negativity shrouds the Xbox in general, if they hadn't screwed up the pre-release and launch things would be different. Like I tell folks how good H5 is and they just relate it to that weaker console they own but don't use. I've mentioned Quantum Break to people and how much I liked it and they shrug it off because it's an X1 exclusive. Shame.
The saddest thing is that always-online Xbox that Mattrick and co originally pitched would've probably worked out better in the long term for most people. And it's going to come to pass soon anyway. Really was ahead of its time.
Let us build a campfire my friends. let us tell these tall tales of which were told to deaf ears before. let us weep in sorror and let our pain free...
wait.. uhh.. hahaha
But yeah guys, my little /rant over and does anyone know if any of the 343 staff mentioned any feedback for Firefight accepted yet? today is the last day it's live right?
Is this matchmaking a joke?
How the hell did they matchmake a gold, diamonds, an onyx and a SR9 smurf together?
But yeah guys, my little /rant over and does anyone know if any of the 343 staff mentioned any feedback for Firefight accepted yet? today is the last day it's live right?
The saddest thing is that always-online Xbox that Mattrick and co originally pitched would've probably worked out better in the long term for most people. And it's going to come to pass soon anyway. Really was ahead of its time.
Nope. Max Hoberman said that they (Certain Affinity) didn't do anything for Halo 5 this time, since they were busy with Doom and their own IP.
The armor/helmets for H5 come from 343i, Airborn Studios and Liquid Development.
Not that I've seen. They really should just keep it going indefinitely and add updates as needed. Why remove a playlist that I'm sure so many people have really been enjoying over the past few days?
I'm deciphering this as "Has 343 responded to any feedback yet"? And I'm gonna go ahead and say no, I'm sure once the beta ends Bravo will make a statement like:
"The beta was a huge success thank you everyone for jumping into the fight, 1 trillion shots were fired and 1000 Wardens will slain, great job Spartans. Thank you all for your feedback keep it coming, we will be keeping a close eye on it and will take it on board ty ty ty etc."
Nah, they have some valid points. Also: like 98% of the Halo community are baseline dorks to begin with, it's not like challenging community norms somehow exacerbates that. There's arguments to be made, considering Halo's never really had a great community, so "making it great again" is kind of a misnomer. That being said, I'd love for Halo 5's playerbase to actually consist of people I enjoy interacting with, rather than just enjoying the game and the game alone.
Also, just look at GAF's games communities (hell, look at off topic communities) and come back and tell me Halo is the worst or the most elitist or the most impenetrable. Compared to Dota we're the OT of brotherly love.
Hey Braxzy Gosu I just finished QB what a great game, now it's time for theBeta!Gears of War 4 and the last days of the Halo 5
I got stuck onand have been playing Dark Souls 3 all week, I miss Halothe last boss, ARGH![]()
Crazy how fast brand perception can change. Im lucky most of my friends still like Xbox (very few play Halo though).
Got kicked out of the last two wzff games, feels bad. I wonder if they're winding down.
Only because I'm constantly spreading it with my pure positive vibes.
I got stuck onand have been playing Dark Souls 3 all week, I miss Halothe last boss, ARGH![]()
yeah, noone wants to admit how good halo 5 mp is sadly. Even when i tell friends of how good it is, show them clips or ask them to watch the finals.. they just associate it with a doomed xbox, horrible xbox one reveal, horrible and arrogant 343 cause of mcc, lesser sales compared to its competition and whatever negative thing any article can pull up about anything ms/343/halo/sales related.
with all that clouding their head, they just shrug something like this off. Whatever though, as long as i can pull up mp games quickly i'll be happy. i just want to share the love sometimes![]()
Halo 5 is the best game this generation that's been shit on by people afraid to enjoy it.
That's what I thought but keep getting booted. Was on Rd5 the last time.You still have about a day left to play WFF
Considering the work we put into Community Evolved and both the positive stuff people talked about in interviews and the response to it, I'd say that at least a significant segment disagrees with you. I can't think of any community that is 100% sunshine and rainbows, but I think Halo is doing quite well for itself, especially considering the split when Bungie left. The issue is entirely one of self-selection; I'm not reading dumbass comments on a RUL video so I don't see it, and that's where the community's health and quality is entirely of your own making.
Also, just look at GAF's games communities (hell, look at off topic communities) and come back and tell me Halo is the worst or the most elitist or the most impenetrable. Compared to Dota we're the OT of brotherly love.
Also, "inviting towards everyone" is a bad metric to use. Communities are defined as much by their exclusion as they are their inclusivity. No one wants jerks.
Got kicked out of the last two wzff games, feels bad. I wonder if they're winding down.
Y'all dogged on halo 5 beta being too bro
Meanwhile doom is styling on us
and apparantly stole some 343 artists for making armor
I love all of you.
HaloGAF is known for being a bad community?
I really like this. Better than most of the communities I had been on Internet.
I would kill for emotes in halo.
FFS just let me twerk
I'm agreeing with you on this, but I'm not talking "no jerks allowed" so much as overlap with the "us gamers huh" demographic that have a tendency to alienate potential fans, e.g:
(the "corrupted childs" comment is the one i'm specifically calling to attention; the rest of it is fine)