yeah, noone wants to admit how good halo 5 mp is sadly. Even when i tell friends of how good it is, show them clips or ask them to watch the finals.. they just associate it with a doomed xbox, horrible xbox one reveal, horrible and arrogant 343 cause of mcc, lesser sales compared to its competition and whatever negative thing any article can pull up about anything ms/343/halo/sales related.
with all that clouding their head, they just shrug something like this off. Whatever though, as long as i can pull up mp games quickly i'll be happy. i just want to share the love sometimes![]()
It sucks Halo 5 is paying for the sins of its father. It took me a while to admit it due to nostalgia, but this MP is the best in the series for me. 343 absolutely killed it. For Halo 6, I'd honselty just like to see vehicles fixed and have the total package at launch (All Gametypes, BTB maps, Warzone, more arena maps etc...).
I love all of you.
HaloGAF is known for being a bad community?
I really like this. Better than most of the communities I had been on Internet.
It's just FATs going around saying we're mean.