Really? Xbox exclusives aren't usually as polished as PS ones
Hahahaha omfg.
Really? Xbox exclusives aren't usually as polished as PS ones
How many Forzas do we need though? I could be wrong here but I'm not seeing a wealth of must have new IP like we have every new gen. Sequel after sequel. It's a highly regarded series but I think we should expect better than a spin off one year then a main series entry the next year, repeat over and over. Fatigue really starts to kick in.
Really? Xbox exclusives aren't usually as polished as PS ones
Aaaargh is this real leaf?Really? Xbox exclusives aren't usually as polished as PS ones
I really doubt any Xbox exclusive will surpass the 90 metacritic again.
What is so unpolished about Halo 5, Forza 6, or Sunset Overdrive?
Really? Xbox exclusives aren't usually as polished as PS ones
Reading reactions throughout the thread I thought maybe the campaign was seen as not so good..
...then I went through the ACTUAL reviews and..
Every single one of those are from a different Seems the campaign is pretty good and a blast to play through. Had me worried as I'm more of a campaign person than multiplayer.
That's from 22 of the reviews...I can only read so much..haha
Looking forward to tomorrow.
I finished in about 6:45 on Normal, first playthrough. Legendary will take longer, finding all the collectibles (intel and skulls) will add more to that, and then of course there's multiplayer. I think the amount of campaign content is fair.
PS, my (campaign-centric) review:
What is so unpolished about Halo 5, Forza 6, or Sunset Overdrive?
Really? Xbox exclusives aren't usually as polished as PS ones
Really? Xbox exclusives aren't usually as polished as PS ones
Need receipts.Really? Xbox exclusives aren't usually as polished as PS ones
Hahaha! Just woke up to that. Looks like they're here.* Citation needed
Really? Xbox exclusives aren't usually as polished as PS ones
Eh, MGS V, The Witcher 3, Bloodborne, Destiny: The Taken King, Pillars of Eternity, Super Mario Maker, Ori and the Blind Forest, Batman: Arkham Knight, Uncharted Collection, and more all ended up with a higher score than the 86 rating that Halo 5 sits at now. I don't think it's a stretch to say that these scores are at least somewhat disappointing.
There is no way Bloodborne should be rated higher than Halo 5. That is all.
Really? Xbox exclusives aren't usually as polished as PS ones
Aaaargh is this real leaf?
This thread is amazingReally? Xbox exclusives aren't usually as polished as PS ones
Really? Xbox exclusives aren't usually as polished as PS ones
There is no way Bloodborne should be rated higher than Halo 5. That is all.
I don't think that fatigue for racing games exist. You know what to expect when you buy a racing game. There isn't a way to reinvent the gameplay in this genre. You drive a car... against others... and try to win.
There is no way Bloodborne should be rated higher than Halo 5. That is all.
Really? Xbox exclusives aren't usually as polished as PS ones
A metacritic of 97 which is even higher than the great Half Life 2.
Really? Xbox exclusives aren't usually as polished as PS ones
There's a link floating around here somewhere you should look at...
Times have changed. 90+ is guaranteed for AAA games anymore.For those that like to compare
Really? Xbox exclusives aren't usually as polished as PS ones
An 80s score is still really good. I don't know why people are inevitably disappointed when a major game is under 90
In the end it's just a number
Interesting it got lower with each entry? And i would've thought 2 would be the highestFor those that like to compare
Gameplay is the tried and true that Halo veterans will know but if you’re after something revolutionary, look somewhere else: You won’t find it here. I also felt that the closing missions suffered too much from repetition and rinse-and-repeat game play. The finale disappointed me a little, too. I was expecting something a little more epic.
With Halo 4, 343 laid the ground work for what it could do with the series. With Halo 5, it has shown it knows how to respect the franchise and has created a game that, for me, was one of the most enjoyable of the series, even if the campaign has a few missteps near the end and it left a lot of questions.
The bottom line is that Halo 5 Guardians is a great game that will fuel your inner Spartan but where the franchise is heading to from here I’ve no idea.
I guess we’ll find out in Halo 6.
Please stop with the Bloodborne comparisons. It's embarrassing. And I'm saying this as someone who's really looking forward to Halo 5.
Why can't we get gothic space-horror FPS games?
So why release a game every year if that's the case? I'll speak to you another time about dude as this thread is all over the place.
Why can't we get gothic space-horror FPS games?
With a list of positive things being said about the campaign? I've read it.
Does someone need to make a list of all the negative things people are saying about the campaign?
There is no way Bloodborne should be rated higher than Halo 5. That is all.
With a list of positive things being said about the campaign? I've read it.
Does someone need to make a list of all the negative things people are saying about the campaign?
A number that impacts sales when it's supposed to be your big exclusive of the year.