Lol I think I'll use that banner on my geocities web page instead maybe.heckfu said:You sure? You didn't see my sparkle banner? I'll wait while you check.
powersurge said:Oh man I hope they give the HD treatment to Halo 2 as well. I'm doing my part. Amazon preorder with $.99 release day delivery!![]()
Hitmonchan107 said:
Mechazawa said:That's amazing. What were these people thinking.
I generally make it a point to sit out the credits and glance through them out of respect, but I don't think that's happening when I pick this up.
TheOddOne said:I wasn't talking about that, I was commenting on the poster saying Marty is a pompous ass. Which is true at all, never tempt the gods >:|
Hypertrooper said:Why? I love it.
Devin Olsen said:No no, nobody has won yet!
I will say you'll have better luck if you lean more towards a League of Legends theme. I don't mind the Halo stuff but LoL artwork is really cool, and I am honestly playing it more than Halo at this point.
GrizzNKev said:I always felt like Bungie had intended for humans and forerunners to be one and the same. The fact that they were ancient enemies isn't terrible, but I wish it had turned out the way I expected.
OuterWorldVoice said:In a way they are the same. Vying for primacy and stewardship of the Galaxy. Allowing he military to be the tip of an almost literal spear. Using deception and tirckery tongain the upper hand. Treating beaten foes with contempt. Battling an enemy worse than either forerunner or human. Vain. Arrogant. Immensely powerful, or with the potential to be. Ultimately possessing great potential for good and evil.
Ouch. Well you still have about 24 hours until Tuesday.Domino Theory said:On the eve of CEA, AC: R, and SR3 as well as consuming myself in Skyrim, my power brick decides to die on me.![]()
Biggest-Geek-Ever said:Humans as enemies in Halo 4 confirmed?
You had Greg Bear write that for you, didn't you?OuterWorldVoice said:In a way they are the same. Vying for primacy and stewardship of the Galaxy. Allowing he military to be the tip of an almost literal spear. Using deception and tirckery tongain the upper hand. Treating beaten foes with contempt. Battling an enemy worse than either forerunner or human. Vain. Arrogant. Immensely powerful, or with the potential to be. Ultimately possessing great potential for good and evil.
Blue Ninja said:And a Bungie employee once posted on HBO that indeed, Bungie's original intent with Halo 3 was to reveal that humans and Forerunnrs were the same. As you can see, it turned out a bit differently now.
OuterWorldVoice said:In a way they are the same. Vying for primacy and stewardship of the Galaxy. Allowing he military to be the tip of an almost literal spear. Using deception and tirckery tongain the upper hand. Treating beaten foes with contempt. Battling an enemy worse than either forerunner or human. Vain. Arrogant. Immensely powerful, or with the potential to be. Ultimately possessing great potential for good and evil.
GrizzNKev said:I agree they are pretty similar, but where I'm conflicted isI'm still not totally convinced, but I'm looking forward to see where that goes and if my concerns are addressed.their level and speed of technological advancement. Although we didn't get much detail on humans in their pre-forerunner-war state, it seems doubtful that they ever could have had or mastered something similar to the Domain, as well as have accomplished something as monumental as the construction of the Ark and Halos. Then again, a species in desperation will advance faster, as the humans did in their conflict with the Covenant.
Ohhhhh a wise guy ayyyy??OuterWorldVoice said:Only if Tashi and Juices count as human.
OuterWorldVoice said:Regular 20th century humans went from basic agriculture to being on the moon in 100 years.
Just sayin'
Current humans have measured the warping of space time and expanded our understanding of reality from three to at least ten dimensions. In about the same timeframe.
We, unless we really screw things up, are going to be a force to be reckoned with, eventually. Let's hope that doesn't attract unwanted attention.
GrizzNKev said:So how many years until we build big floaty space circles that can turn a galaxy's worth of biomass into glitter?
Yeah, exactly. Didn't mean to imply that they did.Slightly Live said:Frankie was on the writing team of Halo 3 when he was at Bungie (and Reach iirc).
Plans and intent mean nothing to the canon if the final product alters course.
Halo on Ice. Believe.Tashi0106 said:How was that Ice Skating? Beautiful I'm sure.
<3OuterWorldVoice said:Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk woowoowooowoowoowooo.
Another has seen the light. Mission accomplished. Looking forward to the trailer/montage.Tashi0106 said:Upscaling Trailer/Montage to 1080p and so far I'm pleased with the way it's coming out. Also purchased Sacred Icon Suite 2 from Amazon. So fuckin good.
:lolOuterWorldVoice said:Sonofabitch.
OuterWorldVoice said:At least seven.
Tashi0106 said::lol
Honestly I'm surprised a TV is shared. No man cave?
Wow they're up to quintuples now? I remember it used to be like double axel. Seems like not even figure skating can escape the reach of performance enhancing drugs lol.OuterWorldVoice said:Yeah, she wanted the TiVo rather than the screen. Mancave is cold this time of year. And a quintuple axle could come any time now!
Tashi0106 said:What's the mancave setup like? 3D? 7.1 Surround? Statue of the Chief?
I hope we get a Master Chief statue with some Halo 4 edition. At the very least, a helmet that will fit my cat!GrizzNKev said:Not such a worthwhile investment for him, if I recall correctly. Though now you're entering the realm of my dreams for the future. Actually, any room with a statue of the Chief is a dream room...
OuterWorldVoice said:Only if Tashi and Juices count as human.
Most modern monitors seem to come with HDMI and a headphone port these days no? I used to play on VGA but the new setup required me to adopt HDMI.FyreWulff said:I liberated myself from the TV with hooking up to a computer monitor.
I've tried to suggest to other people to do the same, but the VGA cable has become about as rare as a Mew in retail. I also got lucky when Toys R Us was having a clearance sale and was selling them for 10$ each.
Tashi0106 said:Most modern monitors seem to come with HDMI and a headphone port these days no? I used to play on VGA but the new setup required me to adopt HDMI.
Jokey jokes aside, humans in Halo now have some spare time and a whole lot of ancient super-technology to harvest. It's quite likely that the Forerunners also stole their advancements from their own more advanced predecessors, forerunners, precursors.GrizzNKev said:So how many years until we build big floaty space circles that can turn a galaxy's worth of biomass into glitter?
Tashi0106 said:Most modern monitors seem to come with HDMI and a headphone port these days no? I used to play on VGA but the new setup required me to adopt HDMI.
Tashi0106 said:Most modern monitors seem to come with HDMI and a headphone port these days no? I used to play on VGA but the new setup required me to adopt HDMI.
They used up their annual supply of 10s in the last week, too, so no chance for CEA, I'm afraid.urk said:They gave the original an 8.![]()
it has.Eye Drop said:Oh boy, just realised - this game won't have bumper jumper, will it?