wwm0nkey said:I have a feeling we will see stuff like terminals in future Halo games that will explain things.
I would not like that, these animated terminals where amazing and I hope they are here to stay. Seriously the Keyes and The Maw terminal where just flat out amazing.TheOddOne said:While I like the animated terminals, I do hope they keep text based terminals too. I find text to be more mysterious![]()
wwm0nkey said:I have a feeling we will see stuff like terminals in future Halo games that will explain things.
S1kkZ said:the only thing i am worried about: with the huge amount of story stuff told in the recent (and upcoming) novels, will halo fans who only play the games be able to make sense of it all when they play halo 4? or will 343 just ignore most of the story stuff like bungie did with halo 1-reach? they cannot fit all of the background information from cryptum and glasslands (havent read it yet) into halo 4, right?
OuterWorldVoice said:All stories will work as connected pieces, or standalone.
S1kkZ said:yeah, that would be awesome. i hope the animated terminals are now a part of every halo game. bungie left all the story stuff out of the games and moved it to the novels and it worked (for the most part). but i am not so sure if this will work for halo 4.
Voltron in Halo 4 confirmed.OuterWorldVoice said:All stories will work as connected pieces, or standalone.
You couldn't save coop progress in the original either. Staying true FTW?The Xtortionist said:WOW OK
Me and my buddy get randomly disconnected (not from Xbox Live, mind you) 3 times around 3/4 through AotCR, so the one time I decide to save and quit to preserve a checkpoint in the event of a disconnect, I learn that you can't save in coop. 30 more minutes wasted.
What the fuck, 343. Between this shit and the horrid input lag, your coop is fucking broken. Can't wait for fucking Halo 4.
Biggest-Geek-Ever said:You couldn't save coop progress in the original either. Staying true FTW?
PsychoRaven said:So interesting thing. You know how I complained about the rumble. Well I was talking to a friend today and he said it was fine. So turns out he was playing on a wireless controller while I was playing on a wired controller. So I switch to my wireless to test and sure enough the rumble is fine on it.
So what's up with that? How can the rumble be so overdone on a wired 360 controller vs a wireless?
People Opposing Women Abuse?OuterWorldVoice said:POWA
OuterWorldVoice said:POWA
Pretty sure you can just do that in your profile settings from the Xbox Guide menu.PsychoRaven said:That was my guess too. The only possible reason. Either way an option to turn rumble off would have been nice.
Start > Controls > Vibration?PsychoRaven said:That was my guess too. The only possible reason. Either way an option to turn rumble off would have been nice.
Barrow Roll said:Pretty sure you can just do that in your profile settings from the Xbox Guide menu.
Rickenslacker said:Start > Controls > Vibration?
PsychoRaven said:WTF. I looked it over and so did my friend and neither of us saw a vibration option. But there it is.
Blinding said:I think that option only shows up when accessing the settings from the main menu, not in-game.
PsychoRaven said:Ah. That might explain it. And nope. It's there then too. How the hell can 2 people miss it multiple times each? smh @ myself and friend.
So damn stupid we are.
Blinding said:That's odd, I remember looking for it myself when hearing people weren't able to find it and only seeing it in the main menu settings screen. Guess I missed it too.
Hunters were always easy on Normal though in Halo CE. One shotgun blast to the back and they're dead without even damaging you.Guts Of Thor said:Is it me or did they tone the difficulty level down? I'm playing on normal and I am just blasting my way through enemies left and right. Hunters are just falling at my feet when I face them. I played the original Halo last year and remember some sections being quite difficult to get through even on normal. I may have to go up to Heroic difficulty even though I'm already at Truth and Reconciliation.
I don't know about Normal or Heroic but Truth and Reconciliation on Legendary was just as soul crushing as I remember. That Belly of the Beast section must have taken me at least 2 hours alone.Guts Of Thor said:Is it me or did they tone the difficulty level down? I'm playing on normal and I am just blasting my way through enemies left and right. Hunters are just falling at my feet when I face them. I played the original Halo last year and remember some sections being quite difficult to get through even on normal. I may have to go up to Heroic difficulty even though I'm already at Truth and Reconciliation.
Mojo said:The game itself is still CE, so still worst in the series. Precision issues, no vehicle boarding, indoor levels are still samey and boring, the Flood are a shit enemy. I liked the Terminal moves though.
Biggest-Geek-Ever said:I don't know about Normal or Heroic but Truth and Reconciliation on Legendary was just as soul crushing as I remember. That Belly of the Beast section must have taken me at least 2 hours alone.
Guts Of Thor said:Is it me or did they tone the difficulty level down? I'm playing on normal and I am just blasting my way through enemies left and right. Hunters are just falling at my feet when I face them. I played the original Halo last year and remember some sections being quite difficult to get through even on normal. I may have to go up to Heroic difficulty even though I'm already at Truth and Reconciliation.
Karl2177 said:Who's the lady in the pink dress in the Keyes terminal?
"single company of Prometheans." Is Didact a Promethean and what the fuck is a Promethean? We'll definitely be seeing them later.
Maybe it's just different play styles. The lack of a pistol for the entire level completely threw me off.PsychoRaven said:Actually The hardest part for me was just getting the lift cleared. The inside part wasn't so bad surprisingly enough which is odd cause back in the days that was one of the hardest parts of the game. It was only surpassed by The Library.
Biggest-Geek-Ever said:Maybe it's just different play styles. The lack of a pistol for the entire level completely threw me off.
Conversely, I found the Library to not be all that bad this time around. It certainly seems doable to complete it with no deaths, just have to be careful and a little lucky. I have no idea how to beat it in 30 minutes without resorting to the Bandanna skull though. =(
PsychoRaven said:Even then I don't see how it would be possible. That's one I really think will probably be a must for co-op. Double the firepower to take them flood bastards out.
Digital-Hero said:Stuck at a black screen in the game. Reverting save or quitting out to the title screen doesn't help. I can still hear the game going in the background.
[EDIT: Wow, exiting the game entirely to the dashboard doesn't fix it either. I have to restart mission. So lame.]
Did you try switching to classic graphics?
I dunno, I kind of had fun playing The Library this time around. The new visuals really make a difference there, and that Shotgun is just a joy to use. I think it'd be cool if Halo 4 had a full fledged Zombie survival mode instead the current weak sauce Living Dead playlist and Zombie gametype. Have mini campaigns like Left 4 Dead in Forerunner environments and put in the deleted Flood Juggernaut from Halo 2 as a boss. Could be cool.789shadow said:Why does everything in this game suck after the Flood are introduced?
Well sir, I don't agree with your opinion but I will defend to the death your right to say it.789shadow said:No, pretty much everything with the Flood sucks. Every level after AoTCR is annoying, and AoTCR was already hella tedious.
No, pretty much everything with the Flood sucks. Every level after AoTCR is annoying, and AoTCR was already hella tedious.Barrow Roll said:I dunno, I kind of had fun playing The Library this time around. The new visuals really make a difference there, and that Shotgun is just a joy to use. I think it'd be cool if Halo 4 had a full fledged Zombie survival mode instead the current weak sauce Living Dead playlist and Zombie gametype. Have mini campaigns like Left 4 Dead in Forerunner environments and put in the deleted Flood Juggernaut from Halo 2 as a boss. Could be cool.
I'm having the opposite reaction. The Library is more tedious this time around (I think this is the first time I've played it in about a year at least).Barrow Roll said:I dunno, I kind of had fun playing The Library this time around. The new visuals really make a difference there, and that Shotgun is just a joy to use. I think it'd be cool if Halo 4 had a full fledged Zombie survival mode instead the current weak sauce Living Dead playlist and Zombie gametype. Have mini campaigns like Left 4 Dead in Forerunner environments and put in the deleted Flood Juggernaut from Halo 2 as a boss. Could be cool.