McFarlane Toys has been working with Microsoft and 343 Industries since the release of 2008’s Halo 3 line. For the past three years, wave after wave of Spartan and Covenant soldier have frequently packed the shelves wherever toys are sold. It should come as no surprise then that McFarlane Toys has just confirmed that they’ll be producing action figures based on Halo 4 starting this August. “Halo 4 marks the return of the Master Chief and Cortana,” said Todd McFarlane. “Plus the introduction of new characters, weapons and locations sure to excite long-time fans." Though the only confirmed figures at this time are Master Chief and Cortana, there are two waves announced, and each will consist of four figures. There are also plans for boxed figures that will come with larger accessories, such as Master Chief boxed with a Cryotube.
As if that wasn’t enough to get Halo fans excited, McFarlane also announced a new line of mini-figures based on Halo Avatar items. Coming this fall, the 2 ½” blind box figures will feature the clothing items that are featured on the Xbox Live Avatar marketplace. Fans will be able to hunt down miniature versions of Master Chief, Carter, a Warthog, and more. Todd McFarlane added, “With an avatar figure, each one is a surprise. And collecting a full series of our standard figures can be a significant investment, but an avatar figure is something any fan can afford."
The Halo 4 figures will retail for around $12, and the Avatar minis will be sold for $3 each when they release later this year. How many of you will be adding to your collection when these lines arrive?