My main issue is how it breaks the flow of the game, you just kinda stop and wait, where as the other AAs you continue to play in one form or another. AL is definitely (for me at least) the most disruptive AA, and is really aggravating when fighting.
The solution here would be to remove it from lists where people don't like it, and not half a drain mechanism that turns out to be a complete waste of a grenade or sniper shot to do so.
The only change that made a little bit of sense to me was the stickies not being knocked off by going into lock, but they should have adjusted it's normal drain rate to be really fast so it was more of a parry than a block. You should also not get the EMP burst if you take damage to be delocked.
As it is, the hit drain makes it so when you sword an AL user, you'll instantly knock them out of AL and lose all your shields and can be instantly melee'd by them for a kill because they can turn the camera toward you and mash B to melee halfway out of the animation.
It's a shame that AL was removed from Squad Slayer so people had an AL free list to play in Vanilla settings and then they made the list 100% TU settings when AL wasn't even in it in the first place. It seemed like Bungie was heading towards optimizing AL's presence in the game and 343 went "nope lol" and reintroduced it to show off that they had changed in the TU I guess
AL changes: No EMP on hit drain, maximum one use. Keep in lists 6v6 and above. Fix bug where you can walk around armor locked. Make more of parry.
Evade change: Reduce physics pulse massively, one use per charge. Introduce Elites in more gametypes and make this their featured AA.
Jetpack: Make height ceiling lower (the engine seems to determine how high the jetpack will take you by the last geometry you touched with your feet, and ignores the actual "force" of the jetpack pushing you up otherwise)
Hologram change: allow two holograms to be deployed at the cost of half the deploy time. Hologram should expire once meter recharges, not some nebulous time afterwards.
Sprint: fix that freaking animation bug where your first person view goes super speed sometimes when you sprint and jump because it freaks me the fuck out each time it happens
Camo: Firing drains camo meter on per weapon basis. Keep at launch time. One sniper rifle shot drains 3/4ths of meter for example, PP drains a little tiny chunk. Introduce longer recharge period between uses if you allow it to drain all the way. Try to feature this AA more on Elites in MM.
Drop Shield: needs to be completely reworked. I'd just drop it from everything except Invasion. If I had infinite time and access to the code I'd re-use the assassination animation subsystem and make it a true "Medic" loadout where you have the biofoam from ODST on your back. When you engage it near a player, you go into third person, grab the player (leaving both of you exposed) and inject the biofoam into them to restore health. It'd have a lengthy cooldown. If no players are in range you just biofoam yourself. It was like they wanted to bring the concept of the bubble shield and the regen from Halo 3 but I think this is the one AA that would have definitely worked better as a pickup item.