I noticed and smirked. I wanted to add "But you know that already".I know. I was making a funny. Or trying to.
We know nothing specific. Microsoft/343i showed the press the singleplayer and the multiplayer but we don't know if we get any video footage.I haven't been following the Halo 4 stuff, is there actual footage or talk on it tomorrow?
Also theres still 2000 posts till the next OT guys...
I haven't been following the Halo 4 stuff, is there actual footage or talk on it tomorrow?
Also theres still 2000 posts till the next OT guys...
Out of interest is anyone doing a nice write up of what information comes out? I can imagine coming home to a stupid amount of posts, no way I will be able to browse through it all while trying to get to the Halo meat.
Any chance the main links can go up in the first post?
Out of interest is anyone doing a nice write up of what information comes out? I can imagine coming home to a stupid amount of posts, no way I will be able to browse through it all while trying to get to the Halo meat.
Any chance the main links can go up in the first post?
<3FUD will be hosting a hub. =)
FUD will be hosting a hub. =)
FUD will be hosting a hub. =)
Just unlocked 'Don't Touch That!', my final achievement from the newest Defiant achievements yesterday. If Reach is going to receive any more new achievements, 343i please make them possible within a reasonable span of games. I do not want to go through the torment of unlocking 'All Alone' ever again.
Nice avy! And "Don't Touch That!" is my last achievement in this game. I would love to get another party together today to do it.
I'm actually glad that 'leak' isn't happening. A coordinated media explosion in a few hours will be much more fun.
I'm going to annoy my wife and have the alarm set half an hour early just so I can stagger up for it. :lol
Back on track, where did the name The Pit come from?
Joe Tung named it, Carney notes. Its from The Wire. Its where all the deals went down.
I didn't know about this. Although Reach has all those Wire character names in it.Haha. Holy shit I forgot about this:
Haha. Holy shit I forgot about this:
I'm actually glad that 'leak' isn't happening. A coordinated media explosion in a few hours will be much more fun.
I'm going to annoy my wife and have the alarm set half an hour early just so I can stagger up for it. :lol
I hope Devo writes a write-up. I don't know if she is allowed to or even wants to do it. But if she does, I think it will be the best "preview" of the game.I'm actually glad that 'leak' isn't happening. A coordinated media explosion in a few hours will be much more fun.
I'm going to annoy my wife and have the alarm set half an hour early just so I can stagger up for it. :lol
2PM GMT.What time is the embargo up? I'm out all day until 5PM GMT.
I didn't know about this. Although Reach has all those Wire character names in it.
I'm actually glad that 'leak' isn't happening. A coordinated media explosion in a few hours will be much more fun.
I'm going to annoy my wife and have the alarm set half an hour early just so I can stagger up for it. :lol
"Lag was fucking awful, so I quit."I hope Devo writes a write-up. I don't know if she is allowed to or if she played the game, but if she did, I think it will be the best "preview" of the game.
hahaha this got me"Lag was fucking awful, so I quit."
"Lag was fucking awful, so I quit."
1 user thanked Shake Appeal for this useful post. Hypertrooper"Lag was fucking awful, so I quit."
"Lag was fucking awful, so I quit."
I hope Devo writes a write-up. I don't know if she is allowed to or even wants to do it. But if she does, I think it will be the best "preview" of the game.
"Whoever I played against was fucking host."I hope Devo writes a write-up. I don't know if she is allowed to or even wants to do it. But if she does, I think it will be the best "preview" of the game.
Going through a lot of Halo concept art for inspiration on a pet project of mine and came across this:
EDIT: Linked to avoid page stretch
Damn, just imagine if you had to fight some of these in Reach. They just seem so much more alien and menacing.
"Whoever I played against was fucking host."
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUihzNN0eesGoing through a lot of Halo concept art for inspiration on a pet project of mine and came across this:
EDIT: Linked to avoid page stretch
Damn, just imagine if you had to fight some of these in Reach. They just seem so much more alien and menacing.
Going through a lot of Halo concept art for inspiration on a pet project of mine and came across this:
EDIT: Linked to avoid page stretch
Damn, just imagine if you had to fight some of these in Reach. They just seem so much more alien and menacing.
Click and hold the picture to expand!
They look like the Covenant Power Rangers, but yeah, it would be pretty cool if Noble Team had to fight that team of Elites and traded kills. Would be much better than just random Zealots.
Valhalla concept art. The base design changed quite a bit from the picture.
They look a bit cheesy in that art style, but I do agree they were more interesting than some of the ones we ended up with. They kinda remind me of the more interesting Halo 2 Elites in a way.Going through a lot of Halo concept art for inspiration on a pet project of mine and came across this:
EDIT: Linked to avoid page stretch
Damn, just imagine if you had to fight some of these in Reach. They just seem so much more alien and menacing.
Going through a lot of Halo concept art for inspiration on a pet project of mine and came across this:
Damn, just imagine if you had to fight some of these in Reach. They just seem so much more alien and menacing.
1 user thanked Plywood for this useful post. Hypertrooper"Whoever I played against was fucking host."
Equipment Ryan? You're dead to me
It's good to see you posting again, Shakes.If we see Halo 4 MP footage and it's set in some new, snowy take on Valhalla called, I don't know, 'Asgard', or 'Ragnarok' or something, and someone's waving a bloomless rifle of some kind around, I swear I just might cry.
"Lag was fucking awful, so I quit."
"They have like a million grenades. Jeez.""There wasn't enough bullets in the pistol. Its like nobody even thinks about this shit."
I had a dream about Halo 3 last night, and after I woke up I literally laid there for 15 minutes thinking about how I miss equipment. When everyone was playing the game it was always taken for granted, but I think it took armor abilities to realize how special equipment was and how fun and balanced it could be.