Cairo Station Legendary complete. Had to stockpile plasma pistols for that hangar bay encounter.
Cairo Station Legendary complete. Had to stockpile plasma pistols for that hangar bay encounter.
That's hot.
Yea I was talking about Halo 4. I thought it looked like a jetpack in the teaser but could be wrong. Either way nothing breaks a MP map like a jetpack so hopefully it won't be in Halo 4 MP.I thought that isn't a jetpack? (We are talking about Halo 4?)
I thought that isn't a jetpack? (We are talking about Halo 4?)Jetpack could be a ton of fun.....in the campaign. Hopefully they leave it there.
http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=26140677&player=The Henery
Closest I've come to a non-grifball killionaire. Feel queasy.
I thought that isn't a jetpack? (We are talking about Halo 4?)
Possibly a dumbed down version we'll see in Halo 4, more like a jump pack which gives you an additional boost to your jumps.
I disagree completely with the premise.
BTF #7 : The Deeper End of the Military Sci-Fi Pool
ODST was a nice change of pace, but the midway point between Chief and The Rookie is just too flawed to work right as Reach has shown me. Keep the realism with the other military shooters that I couldn't care less about; my heart lies in the near-absurdity of Master Chief's abilities. Good read, though; it's nice to have something Halo-related to talk about.Another week and Beyond the Frontline Volume Two continues with a new entry by Postmortem.
HaloGAF.com/gamertagsIs there a Halo GAF friends list?
That's an awesome banner, Duncan. I love the textured background.
I hope it is more than that. Give mePossibly a dumbed down version we'll see in Halo 4, more like a jump pack which gives you an additional boost to your jumps.
So I had to post this here since this is plagued with CC's.
Regarding Heavy variants, have 343 stated what gametypes they're willing to use with our maps? We had Heavy Slayer and 2 Flags Heavy back in 3 and Slayer is pretty much obvious right now, what about these CTF and Bomb settings?
DMR/AR start is all that is known at this point.
Yeah. Sounds better than my idea. When I thought my idea I fear that it could break the halo gameplay too much.Those thrusters in the Halo 4 trailer? I hope they're only used in a zero-G sequence in campaign. (I think Dead Space did that well.)
The Bullfrogs section of Exodus was awesome, but the jetpack breaks the intended flow when it pops up in the rest of the campaign.
Also, I don't want any more zero-G (well, low-G) areas in multiplayer maps. They're neat in concept but slowing players down just causes frustration.
No one liked my banner?
*goes home*
Is this broken enough 343?
I don't know why they keep the Banshee in matchmaking when it's clearly broken... they spent the whole match doing barrel rolls so we couln't really do anything.
They also were abusing the sniper + Revenant exploit and they weren't even a coordinated team. So much spawn killing.
I hope they contact the author or simply remove the map from matchmaking's rotation.
When there's people going +68 and +50 you know something is broken.
This is not the first time this has happened to me on the same map.
Now... I'm not the judge of all things Halo. But I suspect you may be playing that gametype incorrectly. I believe the objective is to attempt to stand in that green box - not spam DMR shots into it relentlessly from the opposite side of the map.
Still... nice.
Haha Renegade, that map is complete garbage. That kind of crap makes me never want to play in regular BTB, no matter how old it gets playing Ridgeline over and over again in Anniversary BTB.
Utopia is only slightly less of a pile of shit and it only has one Banshee. Can't polish a turd, can't fix that stupid island.I don't even know how that map passed the testing phase, Paradiso already demostrated a map CAN'T HAVE TWO BANSHEES. Never.
Utopia is only slightly less of a pile of shit and it only has one Banshee. Can't polish a turd, can't fix that stupid island.
Utopia is only slightly less of a pile of shit and it only has one Banshee. Can't polish a turd, can't fix that stupid island.
I know, I was going to post the rendered video where I get spawn killed three times in a row by the Banshee on that map. It looks like I've lost it.
I've had that same experience. I think this kind of just points to the need for them to focus on fixing old content instead of creating new stuff. People love the idea of new content...but part of that is just because it's less obviously broken than the old stuff is.I know, I was going to post the rendered video where I get spawn killed three times in a row by the Banshee on that map. It looks like I've lost it.
Surprisingly enough, removing the neutral Banshee and replacing it with a neutral Falcon works pretty well.
I've still got it. This one?
:lol yeah, thanks for posting it!I've still got it. This one?
That's because the Falcon is actually balanced. The Banshee just wrecks shit. It needs to be deleted until it's patched.
I don't even care if it breaks immersion on Invasion Spire, give the Elites a Falcon too.
Also, I swear Renegade was one of the first community maps to switch from Banshees to Falcons? Must be thinking of a different one.
Anybody here have the MLG controller yet? Wondering if anybody has some good honest opinions on it, only gripe is it's wired but looking to get it soon.
Also, removing/replacing Banshees wouldn't make Renegade a good map. It's shit wall to wall.
Wait... your gripe is that it's wired? Does not compute...
At work, soon to be "learning" in class which means I'll be on.Why you not on aim?
But yea, you're right to not let us go into regular btb.
I've had that same experience. I think this kind of just points to the need for them to focus on fixing old content instead of creating new stuff. People love the idea of new content...but part of that is just because it's less obviously broken than the old stuff is.
I like my controllers to be wireless all the time. Can't stand extra wires.
But how do you feel about responsiveness. Certainly the form factor of the wireless controller is better, but for performance, the Microsoft wireless controllers feel so much less responsive than the Microsoft wired controllers.
I honestly can't comment because it's been so long since I've used a wired one. I don't play competitively (because the very notion of that is laughable due to skill) but I haven't ever noticed enough lag where I sit and scratch my head in wonder. The reviews I've read of the MLG controller have piqued my curiosity enough though that I may invest in it just to try something new. Madcatz have gone from old third party garbage to getting the MLG license and that enough is a great review for me.
The MLG Pro Circuit Controller is available for pre-order now at $99.99.
People are paying $250 for a fighting stick.
my favorite parts of using wired controllers is the lack of weight, and the lack of "oh shit batteries are gone in the middle of a game" situationsI honestly can't comment because it's been so long since I've used a wired one. I don't play competitively (because the very notion of that is laughable due to skill) but I haven't ever noticed enough lag where I sit and scratch my head in wonder. The reviews I've read of the MLG controller have piqued my curiosity enough though that I may invest in it just to try something new. Madcatz have gone from old third party garbage to getting the MLG license and that enough is a great review for me.
Wait... your gripe is that it's wired? Does not compute...
I don't compete anymore and like my stuff wireless and want a good controller, I know I'm weird.
So is a new default one.Its a REALLY nice controller.
I wonder how successful Madcatz will be with these? In my circle of competitive friends, I've yet to find anyone who has picked one up. I'm really curious how willing folks will be to shell out the money. Most folks I've spoken with seem to think the additional money isn't worth it. That's certainly my chief obstacle...
I'm definitely curious to hear real reviews outside of those who have a vested interest in MLG products.