BecauseSpartan Ops / Campaign spoiler.
Why are the Prometheans still orange, as if they were under control of the Didact still?
he fell through a slipspace portal, he isn't dead
BecauseSpartan Ops / Campaign spoiler.
Why are the Prometheans still orange, as if they were under control of the Didact still?
I'm not sure what it is with the lag compensation but the amount of times that it just ends up killing both people is much higher than any previous game.
Not surprised this issue hasn't been fixed since 2004 since Microsoft can't be bothered to set up dedicated servers since it might take money away from their marketing
Either you leave it open for players to discover an exploit and boost before 343 can respond, undermining your own efforts for progression, or you do what they're doing now. The idea that progression is tied directly to someone's satisfaction in Halo 4 blows my mind. If you're capping, be proud, not frustrated.
Becausehe fell through a slipspace portal, he isn't dead
-Get rid of global ordnance. Bring back the old timed static weapon system or at least some sort of system that is predictable. Duncan suggested a 2d map like GoW3 or in-game indicators that show when and where weapons will drop.
-Get rid of JIP (matched into games where one team is about to win and there are games where it is 3v5 for the whole match).
-Get rid of jetpack (still ruins map flow)
-Get rid of being able to shoot grenades. I don't mind being able to shoot the sticky detonator once it is planted though.
-Bring back death markers.
-Simplify the UI, it is convoluted.
-Make the party system easier to maintain.
-No Slayer or Objective gametypes on Abandon.
These are the most jarring aspects of multiplayer so far.
Really? The game is pretty playable in a lot of times. Yes. I am having a freaking delay if I play with Americans but at the end it isn't that bad as Reach.I think I have had more laggy games in the last four days of Halo 4 than I have all year in Reach :/
If HBO is allowed to upload the cutscenes, you may see a Spartan Ops cutscene library at, interesting if true.
Anyone know if we're able to get the CGI episodes of SpOps as a download? Just streamed the first one for the first time and it was a couple of hundred of MB apparently. I'm on a 15GB a month plan, so don't really have the luxury of streaming things every time I want to view them.
Not at all.
FFAs are all about the leader. If you're not the leader, you want to keep the leader from scoring and ending the game before you can overtake him. The problem is that most players are stupid and will actively work against this goal. It happens in other FFA games too, like Settlers of Catan. If everyone isn't actively keeping the leader down, the game becomes imbalanced and it's out of a single player's hands to stop the leader from running away with the victory.
Regicide puts a target over the leader's head so everyone knows where the priority is. You don't need to go after the leader, you still earn 10 points per kill on other players, but going after the leader (as you should be) rewards a larger amount, depending on how long he's gone untouched. The end result is a frenzied back and forth between the best players and closer matches, which didn't always happen in default FFAs.
Just finished Reclaimer, and it's the best goddamn mission in the game by a country mile.
The whole concept and setup is very unique to a Halo game. It was so refreshing.
But it's not just the concept that makes the level great the quality of the encounters takes a significant leap. And there's a reason for that their design is very much like Halo 3's. And this isn't more apparent than afterThey lend themselves to a huge portion of the Halo sandbox and give the player so many options. I can't wait to go back and tackle those encounters in different ways.the player meets the Librarian and steps outside to the sprawling battle with the two tanks, the Warthog, and the mongoose with rockets. It was harkening back to the battle outside the Cartographer on The Ark. They even had Pete Stacker yelling, "Form up on the Chief! Second line clear, move forward!" Halo 4 was screaming "Halo 3!" at you by that point. Despite their similarity, the execution was different, so it still felt new.
It's the only level in the game that didn't make me feel tired and is if the game were on auto pilot and just going through the motions. Despite the poor feedback system in the game, it was the first time in Halo 4 where I was feeling that moment-to-moment progression of past Halo games. I was feeling that "thirty seconds of fun" again. That flow was there again. And, again, that's probably because it was emulating Halo 3.
The level ramps up in unexpected and satisfying ways,like taking down that new Covenant drop ship, and it had a fantastic atmospheric moment inside that Forerunner structure.
Some nitpicks:
1. Jumping out of the Covenant dropship would've been cooler if you didn't have any fall damage. Come on, 343. Get rid of it.
2. Inside the Forerunner structure, Cortana says something to the effect of, "Sentinels seem to be leading us somewhere." I don't think that line was necessary because it was pretty obvious to me, through the subtle use of the HUD and your reticule turning "green" when you placed it over the sentinel, that something different was up.
3. I am so confused by what was revealed between the Librarian and the Chief, but I was having so much fun with the level, I don't care at this point. I'll sort it out later.
4. Halo 4 has problems with distributing enough ammo to the player. It was bothering me when fighting upwards inside the Forerunner structure.
5. What would've made the "The Ark"-like portion even better was if there was some appropriate music to get your blood pumping. I was fooled for a second there in thinking that the Halo theme would come in. Of course that didn't happen, but there was no satisfying music in its place.
My perception of the quality of this level could be a bit skewed given that the past four levels haven't been...good, but if anything, this level has given me the push to see the game through to its completion. The setup for mission six looks damn interesting as well.
There's hope.![]()
So some kid wall glitched on Complex.
I have video of how he did it. Anyone know who's best to inform?
343 better get fix shit, because the halo fanbase is gonna leave this game very very soon if they don't add playlists that play like old halo games.
343 better fix shit fast, because the halo fanbase is gonna leave this game very very soon if they don't add playlists that play like old halo games.
343 better fix shit fast, because the halo fanbase is gonna leave this game very very soon if they don't add playlists that play like old halo games.
343 better fix shit fast, because the halo fanbase is gonna leave this game very very soon if they don't add playlists that play like old halo games.
The high number of players isn't going to last long, but not for the game sucking. Three words: Black Ops 2.
I don't buy that at all.343 better fix shit fast, because the halo fanbase is gonna leave this game very very soon if they don't add playlists that play like old halo games.
I think most of the problems stem from actually getting owned in a Halo game.
I guess some people just cant take the fact that they were really not that good to begin with especially if they were coming off of Reach (like Antitype). Cant really say I will miss these people.
I think most of the problems stem from actually getting owned in a Halo game.
I guess some people just cant take the fact that they were really not that good to begin with especially if they were coming off of Reach (like Antitype). Cant really say I will miss these people.
The gunplay in this game is amazing and reminiscent of Halo 2. I wish people would stop the bitching and actually get good at a game. Yes Black Ops will steal people.. the same people that break controllers because they cant kill their opponent in 1 shot and then blame the game because they suck.
I think most of the problems stem from actually getting owned in a Halo game.
I guess some people just cant take the fact that they were really not that good to begin with especially if they were coming off of Reach (like Antitype). Cant really say I will miss these people.
The gunplay in this game is amazing and reminiscent of Halo 2. I wish people would stop the bitching and actually get good at a game. Yes Black Ops will steal people.. the same people that break controllers because they cant kill their opponent in 1 shot and then blame the game because they suck.
That is garbage reasoning. COD has a dedicated fanbase, much like Halo.The game does not deserve any players in the current state it is in. I guess this is what happens when you release a multiplayer game without a beta before.
It doesn't help that for all their technological effects they still haven't updated the networking model of the game since Bungie developed the original. It's atrocious that a peer to peer system is still being used. And just because COD is doing it doesn't make it right.
You know me. I will call bad design when I see it.
Bulletproof Emblem:
Some xtra codes
I think most of the problems stem from actually getting owned in a Halo game.
I guess some people just cant take the fact that they were really not that good to begin with especially if they were coming off of Reach (like Antitype). Cant really say I will miss these people.
The gunplay in this game is amazing and reminiscent of Halo 2. I wish people would stop the bitching and actually get good at a game. Yes Black Ops will steal people.. the same people that break controllers because they cant kill their opponent in 1 shot and then blame the game because they suck.
Yes there are some bad design choices, but gunplay+melee+grenades are not part of it.
That is garbage reasoning. COD has a dedicated fanbase, much like Halo.
It was related to the first part of your post. Overall you are exaggerating for the sake exaggerating, which you done countless times before.What does fanbase have to do with it. I'm talking about netcode
This is so true. I've been playing with my friends, and they are all getting mad when we lose saying "god this game sucks" or "WTF MAN I TOTALLY KILLED HIM". We'll win about 5 or so games, lose 1, and they all wanna quit. People are better sometimes and you just have to accept that.
Wow Kevin Franklin blowing minds right now.
Weapon despawns in 12 seconds. However, despawn timer is stopped by proximity and line of sight. (within a certain distance)
Yeah, too bad about the audio quality though.Wow Kevin Franklin blowing minds right now.
Weapon despawns in 12 seconds. However, despawn timer is stopped by proximity and line of sight. (within a certain distance)
However, despawn timer is stopped by proximity and line of sight.
That uh...makes not much sense.
They want to keep new weapons coming in, while keeping the total number of weapons down.That uh...makes not much sense.
Not part of design or bad design choices?
All 3 fall under design, and grenades are questionable(spread and strength), melee is definitely fucked. -Both combatants dying, assassination taps rarely work- assassination animation is especially a clear case as bad design from its conception
What are you even talking about? I do not think you understood what I said.
I for one love the grenades.. no more mini nukes. I love the smaller lunge on Melee. The both combatants dying rarely happens to me, and even then its been in Halo for YEARS. It is not something that all of sudden has caused the game to break.
You die and drop your weapon. As soon as you die, a 12 second timer starts. If you're within a certain distance of the weapon, the timer pauses. If you're within a larger distance of the weapon and are looking at it, the timer pauses.
They want to keep new weapons coming in, while keeping the total number of weapons down.
Adding new weapons changes the flow of the map and rewards players.
It isn't really a bad thing.
I get that part but it seems like a very strange system.
Except the method for adding in new weapons to the map is terrible.
Was just going to say this too, on smaller maps it makes more sense but on huge maps that limitation should not even be a factor.Good games with Barrow and Zeouterlimits, too bad the lag started to creep in.
A 12 second despawn timer? That's ridiculous. Take that in the context of Ragnarok being in a 5v5 playlist. You would just be spawning, and your weapon would be gone before you could even start the 15 second run to your body and you have almost no recourse other than to tell someone else, who is likely in one of the thousand vehicles on the map, to pick it up. Patch it, it's awful on 90% of the maps in the game. I think I've made maybe two successful corpse runs in the last 60 games. If they want they can keep it on something like Haven, that makes sense, but to have that across the board is crazy.
I used to wreck in Halo 3, now I'm getting zooted in most of my H4 matches. Feels bad, man. Too much power weapon spam.