The first few moments of a match, where people are rushing for the Scorpion/Gauss Hog/Power Weapons.This forum need a glossary sometimes.. What does "opening rush" refer to? Thanks!
The first few moments of a match, where people are rushing for the Scorpion/Gauss Hog/Power Weapons.This forum need a glossary sometimes.. What does "opening rush" refer to? Thanks!
Your complaints aren't harsh enough. Come back later.
I finished the campaign last night and tried to write up some quick thoughts but I was too tired. Here they are now.
I honestly don't know how I feel. There are some things that I like, but they're overshadowed by the myriad of what I think are missteps and design decisions that I simply don't agree with. After the fifth level the game quickly settled back into its routine of poor engagements and disconnected encounters. Meaning it got boring for me again.
I'm confused as hell about the story, and that's coming from someone who's read all the books. I can only imagine what the casual Halo players think. Yes, yes, go read the terminals and I fully intend to do that! but many players won't because they're not in the game. The feedback system (vehicles especially so) needs to be completely overhauled and made to make the player far more aware of the damage she's doing. The current vehicle/player health system needs to be thrown out and replaced with something like Halo 2 or Halo 3's. The AI system needs another pass and be made made smarter and more fair. The quality of the encounters needs to be dialed up several notches (they're comparable to Reach's), and that moment-to-moment experience of past Halo games has to be layered back in.
And either I was completely disoriented throughout most of the game or the level design needs to be looked at again. I felt like I had to follow a waypoint the entire time and the game was giving a lot of waypoints pointing me where to go. Far more than in past Halo games. You remember how The Ark subtly led you to that battle right in front of the Cartographer's wall and afterwards you noticed the other path leading to the Dawn's landing zone? There's nothing comparable to that here.
**Most importantly and above all, 343 needs to nail that 30 seconds of fun because it is not there.
If this weren't a Halo game I don't think I would've finished it. I'm dreading a legendary run more than I am looking forward to it at this point, but I'll try one in the hopes that something will click with me.
Apologies to Fubar and Polish Pimp (P for Poland?) for not partying up. We were trying to get a game of 4 going and people kept joining and there was a major lack of communication (and a lack of good party leadership from Tunavi!).
Question, yesterday I started playing the campaign on legendary and and I quit playing at the start of the last mission. I didn't do 'save and quit' but just shut down my Xbox. When I tried to continue campaign, it was waaaay behind where I left off because it didn't save at that checkpoint.. So I had to continue my campaign trough mission select, and the the rally point closes to where I was.
But now, I've completed the campaign and all the missions show up as completed, but the final mission doesn't. So I didn't get the achievement..
Am I supposed to do the whole mission over..?
I am pretty dissapointed by what seems like an overemphasise on graphics rather than gameplay in the campaign - the game looks stunning but due to the limited AI and what feels like small engagements there is no replay ability.
I have alway respected bungies decision to put gameplay and features over graphics and I can't help but feel a lot was sacrificed for the graphics with halo 4
The Waypoint kids have found some more of the unlock codes:
They're spread across a 150 page thread on waypoint, so I made a quick guide.
1 - 500XP + SPEC/Raider Shoulder Armour
2 - 500XP + Spec/Raider Torso Armour
3 - 5000XP + Concept Art Gallery and ONI Emblem
4 - 2000XP + Concept Art Gallery and Wiseguy Emblem
5 - 500 XP + SPEC/Raider Helmet
You can enter the codes either through the console Waypoint App or on the Waypoint site here.
I honestly forgot about the OT. Should probably post there rather than hereThe only thing I'm confused with is when to post in the Halo 4 |OT| and when to post in here :O
I have high hopes for the campaign weekly challenges. Hopefully there will be things like
"Complete level X using only Covenant Weapons"
"Complete Infinity without getting in a vehicle"
"Complete level X without killing any Covenant"
There's potential for very interesting challenges, anyways.
Pot kettle? thisisneogaf.gifThe people on Waypoint did something other than bitch about the game? I'm almost too shocked for words.
What are the pre- requisites for these? Spartan ops? It says I need to do something before I can use the code
Pot kettle? thisisneogaf.gif
The armour requires you to complete Spartan Ops. Code 4 requires you to access a terminal and I'm 90% sure you can just use number 3 whenever.What are the pre- requisites for these? Spartan ops? It says I need to do something before I can use the code
What are the pre- requisites for these? Spartan ops? It says I need to do something before I can use the code
This game has so many bugs lol. Apparently i'm back to SR1.
I posted this in the main page but I have to say it again. This game is great but I feel that the playlists in MP are lacking. Something just seems off. We need more variety. We need to mix it up with some of the classic playlists.
I mean where is the multi-team playlist? Also can I get a regular free-for-all playlist and not just regicide?
Oh yeah did I mention that we need a multi-team playlist? Jokes aside I can't believe you guys left that out. Please Frankie bring it back in an update.
Basically, yes. Should've saved bro.
Does anyone know when SpOps episode 2 will be up for download?
The Weekly Challenge is up at 10am (GMT) on Monday, so maybe then?
Thanks, Shadders!I've updated my post with the prerequisites. SpOps for the first 3, multi for the 4th and Campaign Terminals for the 5th.
Server bother, they switch to a default server so you can still play. It was mentioned in the bulletin.
"Sometimes I see a different set of hoppers, and my SR gets set back to 0. Why does that happen?
What you are seeing are fallback hoppers. When you enter this mode, you will see a UI notification. It shows up on the Find Game screen for War Games. In previous Halo titles, youre dependent on the servers to get the information you needed for Matchmaing, and if they go down, you cant play. Fallback hoppers are a new functionality for Halo 4, and they allow people to continue playing Halo 4 when there are server issues. "
Also in today's bulletin, they announced that Playlists will now be updated and rotated weekly.
I just got through mission 4 and I for turned around pretty badly in the jungle--unlike Sierra 117 there wasnt a landmark easily visible to direct yourself.i cant really understand how dislike it so much, fair enough... i never needed the waypoint markers for guidance though..
I want to like Thruster... but I can't... It just seems so inconsistent and useless.
Someone earlier mentioned shooting to the body and only finishing with a headshot - is this true even for DMR? I usually go only for the headshot and inevitably I will miss at least one of those per encounter. Should I be aiming for body first, or maybe try another weapon?
You do the same damage to their shields on the body as the head, so always go for the body first to lower their shields and pop them with a head shot to finish the kill quickly.
Someone also mentioned sticking close to walls and not running out into open spaces. I can understand why I shouldn't be running into open spaces, but if I stick close to walls will I not be easier to kill with grenades?
I wouldn't say necessarily stick close to walls, but you should try and move from cover to cover rather than running through big open spaces to get from point a to point b.
Speaking of grenades, when is it best to use them? Should I use them at start of a fight? At end to finish them off? Or only use them to throw around corners?
I use nades in both contexts. Either when you see a dot on your radar around a corner, drop one to lower their shields or at the end of a battle as a last ditch effort to kill your opponent. Dropping nades right before you die is often a good way to clean up the guy who killed you as well, since you wont get those nades back anyway.
Any other tips that will help me? I really love the game and know I'm probably not going to be a 'pro' but would like it at least finish my games having not completely dragged my other team mates down.
I think the biggest one is DON'T chase kills. It often feels like the right thing to do, you pop a guy's shields, he's one shot and you want to finish him as he runs away. Likelihood is, unless he is in a fairly open area, he will have a backup plan to take you down. He could have a shotgun, he could drop a nice nade as you round the corner he just turned or more likely than anything else, he will run you into a 2v1 situation and you will die. Let the kill go unless you know you can definitely finish it.
Also, just a basic tip: As a general rule, keep an all rounder weapon with you. Don't swap out your DMR/BR and roll with 2 power weapons just because they are good guns. The primary weapons are designed to be all-purpose, whereas power weapons are for specific situations. There are exceptions to this rule obviously, rockets and sniper or shotgun and sniper can be pretty effective if you are camping a location, but I would generally steer clear of it. Even if you are T2...
Lastly. If I'm now getting matched up with people above my skill level (didn't have this problem first few days and was kicking butt) will the game recognise this soon and start matching me with other people that are more at my level?
According to 343 the game uses 'trueskill' in the background to match you up with people of a similar skill. This means if you consistantly win games, the game will match you with people of a higher skill level until you start to have a more consistant win/loss ratio or 'level out'. Same goes for if you lose games, you should start to play lower level folks that match your skill level.
As a general comment, I just finished my Solo Legendary run and really enjoyed it, the cutscenes had more impact and the gameplay was fanatastic. Not especially hard, died maybe once or twice per level, but much better than the hideously easy Halo 3 and Reach campaigns on Legendary. I recommend everyone play the campaign Solo Legendary, I got a lot more enjoyment out of it than my first run through.
Every time I enter one of those codes on Waypoint and submit I just get a spinning wheel.
As a general comment, I just finished my Solo Legendary run and really enjoyed it, the cutscenes had more impact and the gameplay was fanatastic. Not especially hard, died maybe once or twice per level, but much better than the hideously easy Halo 3 and Reach campaigns on Legendary. I recommend everyone play the campaign Solo Legendary, I got a lot more enjoyment out of it than my first run through.
do you get the option to download?
Get nothing. Enter code, hit >> arrows, spinning loading wheel forever.
I was doing well the first couple of days, but last night and this morning i've been getting absolutely mauled in War Games.
True Skill actually working. I've noticed my games have gotten a lot tougher excluding Infinity.
Every time I enter one of those codes on Waypoint and submit I just get a spinning wheel.
Flag cap was awesome.Just some cool clips I uploaded from today. Thought you guys would get a kick out of them.
The first is something I tried and failed to do at the review event. I think Naded was the first one to do it. I finally got it today
Adrift Flag Cap
2nd one is just a funny Hologram Fake Out
I've been doing that a LOT. Still kind of adjusting to the Fishstick controls, and sometimes I'll try to throw a grenade and end up jetting forward into the crowd of enemies like an idiot. My first reaction isn't "oh shit", it's "oh yeah, I have something other than sprint!"I still find myself forgetting to use my AA completely in some matches though.
My favorite level so far. I walked around for a while in between encounters just to look at the pretty views. The outside area/skybox is incredible.I have really enjoyed spartan ops. The 4th mission in particular had really awesome environment with the intermixing of thick colorful jungle with forerunner structures. Makes me really want a MP map based on this aesthetic.
As a non-follower of the fiction, I was not confused in the slightest. I think there is supposed to be an air of "how the hell did THAT happen"; something to be solved/explained in the next game. If not, it wouldn't be the first time I've been underwhelmed by a Halo story.I'm confused as hell about the story, and that's coming from someone who's read all the books. I can only imagine what the casual Halo players think.
Mine has a weird color reversal:Am I the only one who thinks it is a bit odd to have the layout look like this.
It is hard to word it properly, but I think that the color on the circle graph needs to be on the side corresponding with it. Meaning Game Victories should be on the right side and Defeats on the left.... Hopefully that makes sense.
I call bullshit. Radio Shack existing in 2557? It ain't gonna exist in 2014!Zeouterlimits might enjoy this:
Agreed. Last night, I had a rocket launcher with one rocket. I killed a guy with a binary rifle, dropped my rocket to take the last BR shot, turned around... and the rocket launcher was gone.Weapons despawning literally within 10 seconds is incredibly obnoxious.
You will.If HBO is allowed to upload the cutscenes, you may see a Spartan Ops cutscene library at halo.bungie.org.
Hmm... I think the prerequisite for 5 might be wrong. I've found all seven terms - Waypoint even THINKS I've found all 7 terms. (I realize those are sometimes different things.The Waypoint kids have found some more of the unlock codes:
They're spread across a 150 page thread on waypoint, so I made a quick guide.
1 - 500XP and SPEC/Raider Shoulder Armour [Prerequisite: Complete Spartan Ops Mission 1]
2 - 500XP and Spec/Raider Torso Armour [Prerequisite: Complete Spartan Ops Mission 2]
3 - 5000XP a Concept Art Gallery and ONI Emblem [Prerequisite: Complete Spartan Ops Mission 3]
4 - 2000XP a Concept Art Gallery and Wiseguy Emblem [Prerequisite: Enlist in Infinity Multiplayer]
5 - 500 XP and SPEC/Raider Helmet [Prerequisite: Find the Seven campaign Terminals]
You can enter the codes either through the console Waypoint App or on the Waypoint site here.
The Waypoint kids have found some more of the unlock codes:
They're spread across a 150 page thread on waypoint, so I made a quick guide.
1 - 500XP and SPEC/Raider Shoulder Armour [Prerequisite: Complete Spartan Ops Mission 1]
2 - 500XP and Spec/Raider Torso Armour [Prerequisite: Complete Spartan Ops Mission 2]
3 - 5000XP a Concept Art Gallery and ONI Emblem [Prerequisite: Complete Spartan Ops Mission 3]
4 - 2000XP a Concept Art Gallery and Wiseguy Emblem [Prerequisite: Enlist in Infinity Multiplayer]
5 - 500 XP and SPEC/Raider Helmet [Prerequisite: Find the Seven campaign Terminals]
You can enter the codes either through the console Waypoint App or on the Waypoint site here.
1. The addition of a Red X on death is something being internally discussed at 343i - there is no public information on it yet.
2. He discussed the light rifle. You only need 1 of your 4 shots to be zoomed in for it to be a 4sk.
3. He discussed the reasoning behind having power weapons disappear within 12 seconds (because of personal ordinance mainly) and said if there is a player within close proximity or looking at it - you'll see the despawn timer stop.
4. He discussed the spawn weighting. 1.) Explosion damage (rockets, grenades, etc) in the vicinity is the largest portion of the weighting for where you will respawn. 2.) If the enemy is looking at the spawn is second and 3.) teammate location is third. Sometimes you may just have to spawn as an "emergency spawn" though and could end up in some fire if that happens on spawn.
5. He discussed some kind of timers - I can't remember which they were. Something about 70 seconds and 91 seconds - maybe someone else will know.
6. Swat is coming out next week.
7. He discussed the decision behind not being knocked out of scope when sniping - but I didn't hear his response.
8. He said the ranking system will likely be 1-50 or a similar variation, but there wasn't a final system in place how they would do that.
9. There is no doubles right now due to all the maps being larger. It will likely be added in the future and so will snipes.
10. The playlist stuff is not really his area and he was being fairly tight lipped about upcoming playlist changes that would be possible announcement type stuff.
Huh. Then I guess I haven't 'enlisted in Infinity Multiplayer'... what does that mean? (I thought it meant 'play MP' - but clearly I'm missing something.I tried to input #4 and it said that I had to find Terminal #2 on the second level. So I think you have 4 and 5 backwards on the prereq. I could input number 5 no problem and I have only
found 3 terminals so far.
Edit: Beaten. Damn Wu...
Yeah... no. My rocket launcher disappeared when I was nearly standing on it. (I wasn't looking at it, though.)Kevin Franklin did some Q/A in Walshy stream, some stuff:
3. He discussed the reasoning behind having power weapons disappear within 12 seconds (because of personal ordinance mainly) and said if there is a player within close proximity or looking at it - you'll see the despawn timer stop.