I seriously can't wait to go through campaign again co-op with Tunavi.
Can't quit thinking about how good it was. Legendary co-op should be a blast!
I honestly can't understand the hate some people have given Halo 4's Campaign (Halo fans that is). The missions and gameplay and story telling and and and... SO GOOD! Co-op is so fun especially now that you already beat the game and you have free space to truly soak in everything.
ITT: Gamers preaching what they think is right for the future of Halo 4 as if it's the word of the fucking Precursors and demanding tweaks and updates based on their experience of a few nights.
This. Seriously, I know the multiplayer debate will never (ever) end, but I thought Halo 4's campaign was glorious. Every level was quality, and the Prometheans made for some awesome changes in gameplay. I loved the level Keyes for its dynamic 3-way fights, and the level Forerunner was even able to top that. Every single battle feels dynamic and replays never go the same way, just as Halo should be. Awesome story, even though it had a Halo 2 type ending where there's obviously going to be more.
One battle with Prometheans is practically the same as every other.
Kill bum rushing Crawlers. Kill cowardly watchers. Spam at bullet sponges, sorry, Knights until area clear.
Yes, the story, atmosphere and all that were good and I enjoyed it. I really have no motivation to play again for anything but achievements.
So it's gone from "You have to see it before you bitch" to "you have to play it before you bitch" and now to "You have to play it more before you bitch". What's next? "You have to wait until 343 fix it before you bitch". Newsflash, some people are actually smart and know something is fucking broken when others are too stupid to realise.
One battle with Prometheans is practically the same as every other.
Kill bum rushing Crawlers. Kill cowardly watchers. Spam at bullet sponges, sorry, Knights until area clear.
The Prometheans with Light Rifle and Scattershot are usually aggressive, bait them and they will come right at you. Which is fun, if you know when they are going to come straight at you, and then pump ‘em in the face with the Scattershot which catches them off guard. The phase out aspect can also royally screw you over, if you don’t react fast. Love that they are so aggressive though, reminds me much of how the Elites will chase you around the level.One battle with Prometheans is practically the same as every other.
You must not have liked any Halo game then, or really ANY game for that matter if you think that way about Halo's AI considering it's one of the best around lol
It's more like "Why are you bitching?"
I disagree, just because you kill them in the same order (Covenant) doesn't mean they always act the same. Their AI does vary a lot in my experience. Sometimes I'll trample a Knight like a little bitch, sometimes he'll teleport all over me and send me to the last checkpoint.
Amen.So it's gone from "You have to see it before you bitch" to "you have to play it before you bitch" and now to "You have to play it more before you bitch". What's next? "You have to wait until 343 fix it before you bitch". Newsflash, some people are actually smart and know something is fucking broken when others are too stupid to realise.
All I know is that past Halo games haven't clicked for me in multiplayer, even when they've hit the right notes in campaign and co-op. This one is different. For better or worse 343's calculus has resulted in game that is more fluid and responsive and enjoyable for me to play, win or lose, small team slayer or large team battles with vehicles. Everything just feels so damn good.
Its incredibly easy to get into the zone, and just as easy to maintain your full virtual awareness of the game world while causing all kinds of havoc for points and laughs. Its just a great time.
If that's true, I don't see the problem, as those who are skilled in the game will still end up exploiting the most advantages and therefore winning the most matches. Halo has always been about far more than just aim. But I honestly don't understand this mindset.Really don't mean to offend but that's because 343 have made it so fucking easy to aim. No matter how thumbless you are, you will get kills no matter how undeserving.
For all the crap 343 deserves, they nailed the shooting in the game. IMO there is a gem underneath this game, but eveything else on top of it just undermines it so much.Really don't mean to offend but that's because 343 have made it so fucking easy to aim. No matter how thumbless you are, you will get kills no matter how undeserving.
So it's gone from "You have to see it before you bitch" to "you have to play it before you bitch" and now to "You have to play it more before you bitch". What's next? "You have to wait until 343 fix it before you bitch". Newsflash, some people are actually smart and know something is fucking broken when others are too stupid to realise.
Haven is my favorite map as well. Seems to have the fluidness of lockout. Get that guy to make more maps
The other 4v4 maps look depressing. Too much brown! Seems like the BTB maps got the most color.
Apparently I'm stupid because I decide to look past the game's flaws and realize that I enjoy playing it regardless.
Oh my goodness
Frigging Mantis on Ragnorock.
Soooooo good. Halo 4 is justified.
Seriously though, getting in that thing, destroying banshee's, meleeing, taking out other manti.
Ohh it's great.
Uhm, youre making a pretty broad generalization here. First off, there are some inherent problems that could potentially become more frustrating down the line. Secondly, most people here enjoy the game but recognize that certain things just do the game no favors. HaloGAF bitches and moans like clockwork, but that doesnt mean everybody hates the game.Apparently I'm stupid because I decide to look past the game's flaws and realize that I enjoy playing it regardless.
Anyone noticed how inconsistent the Scattershot is? Sometimes you can kill someone with 1 shot, other times it takes 3 shots. Maybe it's just me.
I still don't understand global ordnance. Is there a pattern or not? One minute I think theres a rotation of where the weapons spawn, but most of the time it just seems completely random
Also, I really would like to see teammate markers improved. I have a really hard time keeping an eye on my teammates. I attribute some of the issues to the exclusion of the death indicator and being able to see when your teammates are taking damage/firing.
The locations are the same for each map. If you learn the locations, you can narrow down where they're going to spawn. Every 2 minutes a weapon drops at one of those locations, "randomly". On some maps there are single drops locations that shuffle through a couple different weapons and on others there's only one weapon that will ever spawn on that one drop. (It might actually just be the latter, not 100% sure) Every 2 minutes, bam, a new weapon drops. It seems like the same weapon won't drop twice in one match so you can really narrow down weapon spawns as the match goes on (Especially on Solace & Abandon. Maybe even Haven)
Protip: Every 2 minutes on Solace hang around either of the front bases (Maybe Jungle side more) and there's a good chance a weapon will drop near by. It would be a Needler, Railgun or a Sticky Detonator. Off to the sides you might get a sniper and towards top middle, it's rare but you might get the Incineration Cannon.
That reminds me, my last game on Abandon, all the ordnance showed up as spartan lasers, but they were all grenades. It was an odd bug.
:lol that would be amazing if they actually were Lasers!
Tashi just beat me to this, but I did a bit of testing myself and yeah, there's no pattern to where the system will spawn things. What will spawn is a different matter. Sort of. On the map there are Initial Drop objects, which can have a Resupply Time, which is what all the grenade drops are (3 minutes), and then the normal initial power weapons have a Resupply Time of Never. Then there are the Random Drop objects, which can be tailored to drop a rotation of weapons or just a single one. As an example of single-weapon tailored drops, top middle on both sides of Solace will always be Incineration Cannon, below and to either side of jungle side's snipe ledge will always be a needler or sticky detonator, and in those respective spots on the sunny side will always be a railgun or SAW. On Haven, though, you see that nearly every random drop item (Binary Rifles at the side ramps and a couple other RDs aside) has Needler, Sticky Detonator, and Scattershot on its list, and I believe it picks which it will be at random.I still don't understand global ordnance. Is there a pattern or not? One minute I think theres a rotation of where the weapons spawn, but most of the time it just seems completely random
Probably because some of the same boneheaded mistakes are being made that have been made for the last 8 years, like putting tanks and gauss hogs in matchmaking. Nobody here hates the game, and nearly everybody agrees that at its core is something great, but also that there are some serious issues layered on top of it.It's more like "Why are you bitching?"
So the drop locations are the same, it is just the weapons that are random really.
I think everything is "unlocked" in that you can create set loadouts with any item in them per-gametype, not that they're all available for per-player loadout creation :\So uh when we did system link nothing was unlocked. Is there some sort of special button input or what?
Holy cow dude. Yeah, it's got a pretty neat bit of custom UI that would have saved you a ton of time, I think some of the maps have a longer list of items that can be in a particular drop than Haven's 3 as well, but I'm not sure since those were the only 2 maps I tested. Doing it by observation would have driven me crazy, so props to you for doing that.edit: Oh shit Havok, I forgot that I could go into Forge and see all that stuff. I was just sitting on a map watching the stuff drop and taking note of what was dropping lol.
I think everything is "unlocked" in that you can create set loadouts with any item in them per-gametype, not that they're all available for per-player loadout creation :\
Holy cow dude. Yeah, it's got a pretty neat bit of custom UI that would have saved you a ton of time, I think some of the maps have a longer list of items that can be in a particular drop than Haven's 3 as well, but I'm not sure since those were the only 2 maps I tested. Doing it by observation would have driven me crazy, so props to you for doing that.
I can't stop nodding at everything you post, Havok. Mirrors my complaints so much.Tashi just beat me to this, but I did a bit of testing myself and yeah, there's no pattern to where the system will spawn things. What will spawn is a different matter. Sort of. On the map there are Initial Drop objects, which can have a Resupply Time, which is what all the grenade drops are (3 minutes), and then the normal initial power weapons have a Resupply Time of Never. Then there are the Random Drop objects, which can be tailored to drop a rotation of weapons or just a single one. As an example of single-weapon tailored drops, top middle on both sides of Solace will always be Incineration Cannon, below and to either side of jungle side's snipe ledge will always be a needler or sticky detonator, and in those respective spots on the sunny side will always be a railgun or SAW. On Haven, though, you see that nearly every random drop item (Binary Rifles at the side ramps and a couple other RDs aside) has Needler, Sticky Detonator, and Scattershot on its list, and I believe it picks which it will be at random.
Every 2 minutes from the start of the match it will pick a single Random Drop to insert a weapon that's on the list for the given RD point, so prediction of where it will be is impossible.
And I think it's pretty dumb. In a world of entirely FFA, maybe it would be a good system because there is no real zone of control per player, but when 95% of the games being played are symmetrical team-based gametypes, getting totally fucked over because the system blessed them with a Railgun on their doorstep and you with jack shit is maddening, especially in a gametype where the spawns are functionally locked by virtue of a team having a good reason to hole up, like CTF. When the ebb and flow of a match, and to a much lesser extent its immediate outcome, is determined by a dice roll, all semblance of control and prediction is gone. I get what they were going for, I really do. Wanting to encourage people to use more of the map is a decent goal, but this doesn't do it. It either randomly rewards players for managing to exist at the right spot at the right time, or punishes players for not having a premonition that the system is about to bone them. And at this point, I'm seeing far more concentrated rushes to single points on the map just after the moment of the drop, which I don't think is the goal. With set weapon spawns, you got a rotating flow between several points on the map where the weapons spawned (and several of these could be going simultaneously depending on the map), with players arriving just before they spawned, fighting with the enemy over them to determine who was going to get the weapon, and then from each of these points to and from the primary point of control, like Ivory Tower's top floor (which isn't a great example, since it was very much an imbalanced area) or Beaver Creek's arch.
I think everything is "unlocked" in that you can create set loadouts with any item in them per-gametype, not that they're all available for per-player loadout creation :\
On Haven specifically, most of the Random Drop points contain all of the three weapons I mentioned: Sticky Detonator, Needler, Scattershot. I'm still not exactly sure how it shuffles those three, but I suspect it's probably random. There are only two that I know of on Haven that are only for a single weapon, and those are the two Binary Rifle spawns at the side ramps. Solace is how you described, though. One weapon per RD point.So are there a lot of drop locations that shuffle through multiple weapons? Or is it pretty much one weapon, one gun.
Something I noticed when I was messing around with the settings for a gametype: You have to set the game to use Game Loadouts, and you have to make each and every loadout you create in the Game Loadout menu visible using the Hide Loadout setting or else it won't appear when the game loads. It's a little silly.Couldn't fuck with those either.
On Haven specifically, most of the Random Drop points are the three weapons I mentioned: Sticky Detonator, Needler, Scattershot. I'm still not exactly sure how it shuffles those three, but I suspect it's probably random. There are only two that I know of on Haven that are only for a single weapon, and those are the two Binary Rifle spawns at the side ramps. Solace is how you described, though. One weapon per RD point.
I totally missed that Sword spawn with the crazy lighting reflecting off the floor like that, thanks. You can get an incineration cannon there too. Bizarre. I don't actually know if they can do weightings for the individual spots. I would think there must be an option, but I haven't found it yet. You're right though, some spots seem to be way more heavily favored than others, but I guess it could just be luck of the draw. How very convoluted.Those are exact same actual drop pods? And yea on Haven it seems there's a lot of that. There are also some weird drop spots that happen rarely. Like Scattershot and Needler at the bottom of those large ramps you can walk up to get to top mid. Those don't show up often. Binary is on both sides huh? I thought it was just on one side. Good to know. There's a sword that shows up on Haven as well. It's near the mohawk (across from the main ramp with the huge statue). I've only seen that like one or twice tops.
edit: Abandon seems pretty strict with the one drop for only one weapon. I don't see much of shuffling per drop in there if any at all. Those spawns are getting easier to predict as well.
I totally missed that Sword spawn with the crazy lighting reflecting off the floor like that, thanks. You can get an incineration cannon there too. Bizarre. I don't actually know if they can do weightings for the actual spots. I would think there must be an option, but I haven't found it yet. You're right though, some spots seem to be way more heavily favored than others, but I guess it could just be luck of the draw. How very convoluted.
Couldn't fuck with those either.
That reminds me, my last game on Abandon, all the ordnance showed up as spartan lasers, but they were all grenades. It was an odd bug.
You have to keep killing the leader or be the leader and kill other dudes to win. It's really not that hard to understand. It's how FFA is supposed to work. Sorry you can't chill in one part of the map mopping up scrubs anymore. But no, it's the gametype that is borked, not your attitude.
It's annoying for people to come in here and say something is stupid or broken without justifying their position, because maybe, just maybe if they did have to write a critical argument, they might stumble upon their lack of understanding and avoid embarrassing themselves altogether.
Basically, all you Juices-style posters, be more like Havok or don't bother posting at all. Your self-perceived Halo enlightenment doesn't preclude you from critical thinking and sound argument.
THIS! damn we had this yesterday on haven and were like "what?" There were 3 Lasers shown for us, and we wondered which sick mind would spawn 3 Lasers on Haven, but there were no Lasers on the maponly a symbol glitch.
I also have to learn that grenade super throw, other button glitches discovered so far?
You have to keep killing the leader or be the leader and kill other dudes to win. It's really not that hard to understand. It's how FFA is supposed to work. Sorry you can't chill in one part of the map mopping up scrubs anymore. But no, it's the gametype that is borked, not your attitude.
It's annoying for people to come in here and say something is stupid or broken without justifying their position, because maybe, just maybe if they did have to write a critical argument, they might stumble upon their lack of understanding and avoid embarrassing themselves altogether.
Basically, all you Juices-style posters, be more like Havok or don't bother posting at all. Your self-perceived Halo enlightenment doesn't preclude you from critical thinking and sound argument.