Eh. That doesn't really work when you're supposed to capture an objective, or even guard your own.Edit: @Randomrosso- If you see blue dots don't go that way right? I mean everyone can understand that.
Eh. That doesn't really work when you're supposed to capture an objective, or even guard your own.Edit: @Randomrosso- If you see blue dots don't go that way right? I mean everyone can understand that.
I did this mission solo Legenday.CRAWLER WAVE
Clearing the third mission of Spartan Ops sealed it for me a short while ago. At one point I had six or seven Watchers hovering over me, Crawlers all over the place. Fighting Flood did get old. And it was occasionally tedious. But it was never as awful as what I just played.
We are still going! Feel free to join.
Yeah. It's hard not to feel the mp would be superior minus AA's.I really do not like active camo (It's impossible to see them at all now), hardlight shield (Always used as a last stand, really frustrating more than anything), Promethean vision (Seeing through walls? Christ. Even worse in objective gametypes) and jetpack (need I say more?). They're just stupid, plain and simple.
That's pretty much everything that's bothering me about the gameplay. Tweak some of those and I'd be really happy
Eh. That doesn't really work when you're supposed to capture an objective, or even guard your own.
What. The. Fuck...
Anyone else having vehicles disappear UNDER THEIR FEET in spartan op's? Please tell me my disc is faulty or something? First time, I jumped out of a wraith high atop a mountainside to plug some fire into a grunt in a ghost. I finish, turn around and the wraith I was standing next to had vanished. Ok, I thought, maybe they disintegrate after 15 seconds of inactivity.
Just now, I blasted towards a weapons cache in a ghost. Dismounted the ghost, swapped my pistol for a FRG, had the 'hold b to board vehicle' prompt for a second as I'm standing on top of the ghost then it vanished!
This sort of shit doesn't happen in Halo. Not this franchise. It's too good for that tacky shit.
Campaign is incredible btw. Started my solo leg run today.
What. The. Fuck...
Anyone else having vehicles disappear UNDER THEIR FEET in spartan op's? Please tell me my disc is faulty or something? First time, I jumped out of a wraith high atop a mountainside to plug some fire into a grunt in a ghost. I finish, turn around and the wraith I was standing next to had vanished. Ok, I thought, maybe they disintegrate after 15 seconds of inactivity.
Just now, I blasted towards a weapons cache in a ghost. Dismounted the ghost, swapped my pistol for a FRG, had the 'hold b to board vehicle' prompt for a second as I'm standing on top of the ghost then it vanished!
This sort of shit doesn't happen in Halo. Not this franchise. It's too good for that tacky shit.
Campaign is incredible btw. Started my solo leg run today.
It's not stupid; this is exactly what I'm doing. What bothers me is a broader, vaguer thing that the essence of what makes Halo Halo to my mind -- and what distinguished Halo from the other shooters on the market -- has been eroded if not eradicated. I miss that part, even as I enjoy the second-to-second combat.Apparently I'm stupid because I decide to look past the game's flaws and realize that I enjoy playing it regardless.
I rarely have a problem with camo players. I definitely don't camp my objective to defend it, maybe this "camo problem" comes down to skill.
Implying that I camp my own objective? lol. What I meant was simply that you can see the blue boxes on your motion tracker but it's impossible to see the player at all. I think it's worse because of the dark areas on some of the maps, but it's a still a problem. Not sure why, but it was a lot easier to see in Reach.
Ever play Dominion? There's always someone camping in the base with active camo, and you have no hope of seeing them before your shields are already half way down. Same with CTF.
It has nothing to do with skill.
It's not stupid; this is exactly what I'm doing. What bothers me is a broader, vaguer thing that the essence of what makes Halo Halo to my mind -- and what distinguished Halo from the other shooters on the market -- has been eroded if not eradicated. I miss that part, even as I enjoy the second-to-second combat.
That hasn't happened to me, but these things have...
-In the middle of an assassination and the guy just gets up and walks away. (multiple times)
Solo legendary is more of an annoyance that it is difficult. It's very tedious, of which I don't mind, however it's the situational disadvantages I'm put in that make the campaign more irratating than enjoyable.
Was near the end of mission four last night, where you have to hold the area in front of the door while Cortana hacks into it. Naturally, all of the supporting Marines die long before you get to that area (regardless of what weapons you give them), and the weapon caches are all near the front of the door, which is in a completely open area, where all the enemies tend to converge. I was forced backwards into the level to camp in an outpost under the cover of some foliage on a tree branch, where I picked off Crawlers before I ran out of ammo. The blessing on that level are the turrets, which manhandle the Knights (granted you get rid of the Crawlers first). The worst part is missing a Watcher and having them spawn in more Crawlers and revive the Knights while you sit there helpless because you've run out of precision weapon ammo and all you have is a half-empty Boltshot and a Supressor.
The amount of enemies and the placement/selection of the weapon stashes on that part of the level are super frustrating, and the feeling I got after beating that part was more of a "FUCK YOU" rather than a "FUCK YEA!"
If I had to guess, it's got the most auto aiming of the series. I feel bad sometimes about the shots I pull off, especially with the snipers.The actual core aiming in this game feels really, really easy. Is anyone else getting this?
Yeah, this is mindboggling. I unlocked it last night so I might just spend the afternoon griefing.Camo is terrible - if you crouch it doesn't even put the dots on the radar - thing is like playing the game on easy mode.
If I had to guess, it's got the most auto aiming of the series. I feel bad sometimes about the shots I pull off, especially with the snipers.
What's also maddening about the Watchers is their very poor visual feedback. A Watcher that's about to die looks the same as a Watcher that hasn't been shot at to begin with. The player isn't getting anything out of shooting the Watcher; they just die. Being so small doesn't help matters too.Yeah. Before the Prometheans were revealed, 343 talked about how they were working to create new enemies who worked together in interesting ways on the battlefield. And you cans see how they did that with the Prometheans.
But the problem is, there's an absolute hierarchy to target. The Watchers 1) catch grenades, 2) regenerate Knights and 3) spawn Crawlers. Therefore:
Always. On every encounter, no matter what.
Then it's a matter of clearing straggling Crawlers or plugging enough damage into Knights to move on.
With the Prometheans, there's an order at play. SHOOT THE WATCHER FIRST, why would you NOT ever do that? I never once saw their grenade tossing ability, since I saw that during the E3 video and it was made clear you should kill them first. Toss in their other abilities, and it's downright fooling to do otherwise. And there's not a reaction from the other enemies, that I could tell, to their types getting taken out, as with the Covenant. Just a hierarchy to whittle down.
Less autoaim and smaller hitboxes would be nice - that said I really struggle to get the killing headshot - even with a red dot in the reticle and hit markers - feels like hitmarkers don't work like the call of duty hitmarkers and confirm shots landed but instead simply trigger if your reticle is over someone even is lag/ spread stops the bullets from hitting.
I'm not having that, to be honest. I'm just dropping five shots anywhere and everywhere, to the point where it isn't as rewarding as it once was in prior game. Perhaps it's because true skill hasn't embedded itself properly yet, in fact, that's probably a large part of the issue, but it doesn't help stem the feeling of ambivalence when I'm just coasting around the map in the knowledge that one on one fights aren't overly taxing.
I'm sure a large part of that is also that I couldn't give a shit about winning the match, nobody does; if I die, who gives a shit? Not me, especially not my team. And people don't even know I've died anyway because the scoring system is utterly useless at communicating the score in a game of slayer.
What weapon are you using? Feels like BR / dmr / carbine are all so situational that I can't settle for which I want to use and just get frustrated when I get into a battle where I know my choice in the main menu was the wrong one.
I remember Halo 2 having quite a bit of auto aim, but back then I played a fair amount of PC shooters, so perhaps my senses were heightened. It does feel exceptionally simple to pull off shots with the DMR though, and the BR, I'm just zoning in on people without much care or thought. I'm quite a good Halo player, I like to think, but I didn't think I was that good. I literally haven't stopped destroying people since I picked up the game, and it's beginning to feel a little simple.
I'd go through stages during Halo 3 where I wouldn't be able to hit anyone, no matter how intensely I concentrated, or how much my hands began to cramp, and competing with the BR would become really difficult, and I'd almost have to relearn the game to an extent. I can't see that ever happening with this.
What weapon are you using? Feels like BR / dmr / carbine are all so situational that I can't settle for which I want to use and just get frustrated when I get into a battle where I know my choice in the main menu was the wrong one.
Maybe cause the hit registration was terrible in H3 or the fact you had to lead shots. Now we have hitscan back and people still bitch. Geez
You sure your trueskill is working correctly haha. I've been in plenty of intense matches in every playlist minus Infinity and Flood. DMR/BR battles are no joke when facing someone of equal skill range.
DMR. BR is pathetic in comparison, from my experience. If you're able to hit all your shots the DMR is unarguably superior. And with the lavish amount of auto aim and the generally uneven opposition I've faced so far, that's pretty much been the case. I did get a lot of practice in with a no bloom DMR in Reach, I suppose, but it still feels too simplistic thus far.
I do like grenades though, to inject some positivity in my recent tirade against the game, I think 343 have balanced them superbly. They're strong, often decisive, but never overpowering.
No, I mean the simple task of tracking and following an opponent in combat scenarios, not anything to with bullets registering. It's like I had to work hard to change up my strafing patterns whilst keeping on song with the opponents, whereas in this game I barely have to think at all. It's just pop, pop, pop, pop, pop and move on. I'm not an elite player, like Tashi is, for example, but I'm finding the base game of 4 both enjoyable, but almost a little simplistic. As I've admitted there are probably a range of other factors at work in my lack of exhilaration.
As for true skill, I've had games where the end result has been fairly close, but in nearly all examples I've still been fairly positive in my end game ratio. From the basic in game stats I can see that my kills in War Games sit at around 500, and my deaths are 270 something, from memory. That's a little too skewed, in my opinion. Can't believe I'm asking to be killed more, but it'd certainly help me engage with the game a little.
They fixed it with that day-1 patch!Is the death-cam networking going to be fixed? It's frustrating being shot through a wall, then watching a replay of your enemy shooting you through a wall...
I feel like getting headshots was easier in Reach for some reason. In Halo 4 I often have people 1-shot and still have put several shots in them to get the headshot. This is mostly with the DMR or BR, the LR seems really generous with headshots at long range.
They fixed it with that day-1 patch!
No.So you enjoy deciding factors in gun battles like bloom and leading shots...
Yes, the better aim wins, but unless you don't recognise the basic systems which underly 'aiming', such a thing can fluctuate from game to game. Aiming isn't just where you move the analogue stick, it isn't a mouse, there are certain assists under the hood which help you to do this. It's my assertion that these things are exceptionally forgiving in 4, which Shake seems to agree with.It's quite simple in H4, the better aim wins. The bullet literally hits where you aimed. Maybe you have gotten better. Who knows but in every FPS the simplicity comes from aim, shoot, kill and move on. Now they removed all the garbage of bloom and leading shots and it's still a little to simple for you. I would suggest to you that you go join a custom with high skill players and see how you fair with the simple gun mechanics.
Halo 4 Grenade trick, you want to watch this.
Clearing the third mission of Spartan Ops sealed it for me a short while ago. At one point I had six or seven Watchers hovering over me, Crawlers all over the place. Fighting Flood did get old. And it was occasionally tedious. But it was never as awful as what I just played.
Wait... Spartan Ops doesn't scale? WTF? I didn't think it was too bad, I only died a few times on Legendary with the last mission, and it had only a few frustrating bits comparable to Legendary on other Halo games for solo, but it'd be incredibly dumb if it didn't scale.Are you playing Spartan Ops solo? Because it came apparent to me very quickly the mode wasn't designed for that, at least on the higher difficulty levels. If there were checkpoints, Spartan Ops would be damn near impossible to solo on Legendary.
That's probably my big disappointment with the mode, since the consensus is that it's too easy with 4 players.
I think Shake Appeal and Arnie have pretty much nailed my feelings on multiplayer.
I'm having a lot of fun, but I really do miss the likes of Halo 2 and a lesser extent, 3. I feel that now we've seen Halo go so far in the direction it's currently, that it would be impossible to go back to the way it was before. It's too far gone and we've just got to deal with it.
I think a compromise could be found. I'll construct a 25 page PDF on 'the future of Halo multiplayer' and send it in alongside my CV when I graduate in June. I'll preface it with, "eear Frank lad, have a look at this'.
hire arnie?
Adebayor looks well up for it.
edit: fuck wrong thread
Is the death-cam networking going to be fixed? It's frustrating being shot through a wall, then watching a replay of your enemy shooting you through a wall...
DMR. BR is pathetic in comparison, from my experience. If you're able to hit all your shots the DMR is unarguably superior.
In Reach, there's a defnite feedback to when I'm hitting someone with the NR/DMR/whatever weapon I'm using. There's a solidness to it. If there's hitstun from my shots on an enemy in Halo 4, I sure can't tell. The base gameplay is definitely Halo, but there's
Yeah, this is mindboggling. I unlocked it last night so I might just spend the afternoon griefing.
We need a real BTB playlist.
Get some 8v8 CTF, Dominion, some Slayer and chuck it all in a single playlist. Maybe limit power weapons a bit better too.
Playlists just aren't doing it for me as of this
I don't know what you're doing here, whether you're trying your best to argue your point by making me out to sound like some raving bloom-o-phile (which we all know are certifiably crazy individuals), but I've never once intimated I enjoyed bloom or leading my shots. Perhaps you've simply misunderstood my point, I'll expand...
Yes, the better aim wins, but unless you don't recognise the basic systems which underly 'aiming', such a thing can fluctuate from game to game. Aiming isn't just where you move the analogue stick, it isn't a mouse, there are certain assists under the hood which help you to do this. It's my assertion that these things are exceptionally forgiving in 4, which Shake seems to agree with.
Not that I'd rather return to modelled ballistics, or have my aim fluctuate depending on the timing of my shots.
I'd be very interested in playing with higher level players to see how the core combat evolves, but unfortunately matchmaking doesn't seem to be doing its job at the moment, and even if it is I can't tell because we aren't able to evaluate a player's general ability outside of how the perform in a single, isolated match.
I'm referring to my own ambivalence in combat scenarios because tracking the opponent isn't taxing enough, not that it somehow allows anyone an advantage over another. Your point is correct, but it isn't wholly relevant to the post you quoted.As far as I can tell, the argument of auto-assist making the game 'easier' is totally redundant, because if you are being aim-assisted, so is your opponent, which means if you win the BR battle, you were still better than the other guy.
We'll have to agree to disagree, I've played predominantly on Haven and Adrift because I stick to mostly Slayer Pro, which means these occur over 50% of the time, and in that I've tested both the DMR and BR and felt, without a doubt, that the DMR is superior in almost all combat scenarios. If you can hit your opponent consistently and are able to nail the headshot it's just faster, and without seeing specific numbers I'd be tempted to say that's a fact. Where the BR takes advantage is in real close quarter duels whereby you can still manage to hit the opponent with some shots by pulling your aim, even if your initial shot wasn't blob on, so to speak.I disagree that the BR is worse than the DMR though. It fills the role it's supposed to, at medium range it does a far better job than the DMR and I would use it 100% of the time on smaller maps. I think the reason people think the DMR is better is because there AREN'T smaller maps. Adrift and Haven are really the only two that fill that gap, which is my one issue with Halo 4 MP. We need some Guardian sized maps where 4v4 doesn't make the map feel empty. Doubles is going to be a giant game of hide and seek.
We'll have to agree to disagree, I've played predominantly on Haven and Adrift because I stick to mostly Slayer Pro, which means these occur over 50% of the time, and in that I've tested both the DMR and BR and felt, without a doubt, that the DMR is superior in almost all combat scenarios. If you can hit your opponent consistently and are able to nail the headshot it's just faster, and without seeing specific numbers I'd be tempted to say that's a fact. Where the BR takes advantage is in real close quarter duels whereby you can still manage to hit the opponent with some shots by pulling your aim, even if your initial shot wasn't blob on, so to speak.