Just heard Ghaleon was dying. Sucks.
He's not dying silly. He's just passing the mantle on to you.
Just heard Ghaleon was dying. Sucks.
Man, those are some huge shoes to fill. I am not ready, I want see the world and meditate.You will be the new Ghaleon.
Step it up.
I guess if I could sum it up: The game is fun but it's barely Halo.
I'm still having a blast.I find it kind of "odd" the people who were vehemently defending the game pre-release and were drinking the kool-aid from E3/PAX and all that are now some of the most disappointed/salty/offended/disenfranchised etc.
What happened between those two things? Seriously? Did it just "take more games" for some of you to realize you hated it? All of you guys at those events and personal "parties" who got to play early were all kinds of indoctrinated. Now, it's like you're (some of you) different people.
Shit's really weird.
I'm still enjoying the hell out of the game, but I enjoy most of the changes. I think it's a step in the right direction, but perhaps I'm (and people like me) part of the problem. The way I see it, it's the "purists" who are having the biggest fits.
lmao, complain about the MP as much as you want, but this has to be a joke.This. The art design looks like a cheap Halo knockoff by Gameloft that could be called "Holy Ring: Warfare Developed" or something like that.
And the gameplay is equal parts Crysis 2 and Halo: Reach.
He's not dying silly. He's just passing the mantle on to you.
The art design is phenomenal.This. The art design looks like a cheap Halo knockoff by Gameloft that could be called "Holy Ring: Warfare Developed" or something like that.
And the gameplay is equal parts Crysis 2 and Halo: Reach.
No, the first week shows that Spartan Ops is a parceled-out and less polished (by necessity) Campaign rather than a team-oriented survival mode with fail conditions and controllable scoring. Hence: not as interesting to me as Firefight.It seems like the first week shows the whole content, Spartan Ops is going to have... Interesting.![]()
Halo 4 Grenade trick, you want to watch this. http://youtu.be/Dk7Cb7VYSYU
I guess if I could sum it up: The game is fun but it's barely Halo.
Lol you musta played a different Firefight than I did on Reach.No, the first week shows that Spartan Ops is a parceled-out and less polished (by necessity) Campaign rather than a team-oriented survival mode with fail conditions and controllable scoring. Hence: not as interesting to me as Firefight.
Maybe the people having a good time need to post more to balance out those about to throw themselves from cliffs.
Thread has been a straight devolution into sorrow the last two days.
But that's understandable since the negative stuff gets posted about, because those who are happy are less likely to say anything because the are playing.
Shit, I'm only typing now because I'm in the middle of reading my nuke book and taking online quizzes.
Yep. And when I was playing with Daravon and his buddies yesterday, there was a chorus of "Well, if Halo is CoD-lite now instead of its own thing, we might as well just play CoD." I fear for the population after next week.
Interesting. When did they say it is going to be like that?No, the first week shows that Spartan Ops is a parceled-out and less polished (by necessity) Campaign rather than a team-oriented survival mode with fail conditions and controllable scoring. Hence: not as interesting to me as Firefight.
I believe you're ignoring context when you say this, though. Bungie were obligated to create Reach, their decision to split a statement that they were creatively tired of the franchise, Reach was their last hoorah, and a chance to do something fresh, whilst still making Halo.
Reach wasn't Halo 4 to Bungie, Reach was still very much a spinoff, disconnected from the baggage that's associated with the numbered iterations.
It was precisely the principles that 343 have eschewed that caused Bungie to stand down in the first place, they recognised that there's a level of creative restriction associated with making Halo 4 that didn't enthuse them as a team.
It was 343's job to take that mantle and do what Bungie didn't want to, to make Halo 4 in line with what Halo fans want and expect. They've taken major liberties in that regard.
Welp, this OT went dark fast. Ghaleon moving on is sad![]()
There's also the fact a lot of core Bungie people weren't even working on Reach because they had moved on to Destiny.
ARE YOU ENTERTAINEDMaybe the people having a good time need to post more to balance out those about to throw themselves from cliffs.
Thread has been a straight devolution into sorrow the last two days.
But that's understandable since the negative stuff gets posted about, because those who are happy are less likely to say anything because the are playing.
Shit, I'm only typing now because I'm in the middle of reading my nuke book and taking online quizzes.
I was going to say something positive after I finished this mostly good game of Slayer Pro on Haven, but after killing two members of the opposing team while bottom middle and then getting wiped out because the entire enemy team immediately respawned right behind us, I don't have anything positive to say.
I am having a good time, and it is even better when I forget this game is supposed to be a continuation of the Halo series. But that good time is trampled on by a lot of design decisions, and an overarching philosophy that treats me as if I care about filling bars and armour unlocks and 'personalization' more than I do about two-teams-enter, one-team-leaves contests between similarly ranked players who have equal and informed access to the same resources and have to apply their knowledge and skill to win those contests.Maybe the people having a good time need to post more to balance out those about to throw themselves from cliffs.
This is why I see myself kind of separating from the current gaming demographic.
I don't need a bunch of shit.
I just want a balanced game.
For all its faults Halo was egalitarian as fuck. Everyone gets the same shit. None of this play to unlock, everything is random, oh by the way that guy had X after you die.
They've moved completely away from this.
Fuck me.
That's another thing. When people said "they were seeing the game through tainted eyes" or "they didn't play enough games to really pass judgement yet." Many of those people would give the "yeah, but we didn't play it enough *eye roll* crap."
This happened a ton in the threads leading up to launch with the whole team slrp vs team downer crap. Now it's actually playing to fruition and many of those problems seem to be effecting those "team slrp" people. It's kind of fucked up to see.
And again, this is coming from someone who is enjoying the shit out of the game.
Well, it was indeed hyperbole (I wrote the post immediately after checking out the armory), but the art design of everything covenant related and around 75% of the armor permutations is terrible. Flood look stupid too, and covie weapons sound all wrong.lmao, complain about the MP as much as you want, but this has to be a joke.
There's also the fact a lot of core Bungie people weren't even working on Reach because they had moved on to Destiny.
Even if people don't spawn right by you there's always dash and PV to make up for that.
Never, and accordingly I never expected it to be that. But that is what I would have preferred, and I am not enthused by what I have played in its place. That shouldn't be hard to follow, but whatever. 343 don't need you to defend their honour with passive aggression and sarcasm, kid.Interesting. When did they say it is going to be like that?
That's a generalization I can't agree with. The difference between the Gaming OT and this one is that everyone here has been pickled in Reach for 2 years.This is what 343 never was able to understand. It's what made Halo different from every other me too FPS.
I find it funny how positive the gaming OT is because its full of new fans while old Halo veterans in this thread are able to see all the problems with the game
Yeah BTB is pretty crappy. Sucks as over half the maps are catered towards it.The BTB games I've played against better teams can be summarized as this:
Turtle in some well fortified area. Wait for ordinance drops. Snipe and laser the other team from who knows where.
Which core people? Seropian was gone after Halo 1. Jones went into the background since Halo 2. ODST was Staten's baby, and Reach was Marcus Lehto's.
The Big Guy behind each Halo hasn't been really that consistent in the first place. This is just my view of them, though, maybe Bungie historians have a better view.
343 made half their changes base traits that can't be changed in customs in order to push "their vision", even if their vision happens to be different from our vision of what Halo ought to be.I don't understand how some of you could put up with Reach's bullshit longer than this one though. What's stopping you from doing customs? The baseplay is superb.
This game gets me really excited for Blops2. There thats positive!
Yeah its really thrown me. I LOVED the game when I was playing it out at Eurogamer, but it feels like online I keep playing against people who just want a good K/D and will camp back and use camo and AR rather than get into BR/ DMR battles.
Game felt like it had a gentleman's agreement going on pre-release, online everyone is just scrambling to abuse the cheapest elements of the game.
Games a LOT of fun when its played 'well', but that rarely happens.
Yep. And when I was playing with Daravon and his buddies yesterday, there was a chorus of "Well, if Halo is CoD-lite now instead of its own thing, we might as well just play CoD." I fear for the population after next week.
343 made half their changes base traits that can't be changed in customs in order to push "their vision", even if their vision happens to be different from our vision of what Halo ought to be.
343 made half their changes base traits that can't be changed in customs in order to push "their vision", even if their vision happens to be different from our vision of what Halo ought to be.
If you had told me a year ago that a Halo game would launch with a dedicated CTF playlist and that I would not only spend relatively little time in it, but that I would avoid going near the flag and instead hang back and get kills while defending, well...idiotic CTF rules
What probably bugged me the most about Halo 4's campaign isthat 5 years later, Halo 3 still has the biggest battles. Why don't get get to fight half a dozen wraiths, choppers and ghosts with our own 3 tanks, and a couple of Warthogs? Halo 4 doesn't even come close to that kind of scale, especially when you take the Scarab battles into account. Instead we get a cheap Scarab knock-off which you can board by simply going up the lift or jetpacking up and it doesn't even move around. Then you clear the enemies and destroy the core only to see that it doesn't explode until it's position right above the abyss and when it does there's a small poof and the entire ship is completely gone. Not even chunks of the ship falling down, nope just a small explosion and the entire thing evaporated.
I think this 'Scarab' battle clearly shows the difference between (pre-Reach) Bungie and 343. Where Bungie gives you the Scarab which you can approach in a ton of different ways and is much more dynamic and fun to take down. 343 gives you a Lich which is a static vehicle which you can only approach in one (maybe two) ways and which explodes in a scripted and unsatisfying way. It's a half-asses attempt at creating a new Scarab and I'm pretty sure we only even see it pop up once during the entire campaign which makes it feels kind of out of place.
Damn, what maps? I love doubles so I won't complain, but I guess it will be a lot of Adrift, Solace, Haven and Abandon? Maybe some Forge maps also, but bleh they look so bad. Maybe some standard maps can be forged to make smaller variations.
If you had told me a year ago that a Halo game would launch with a dedicated CTF playlist and that I would not only spend relatively little time in it, but that I would avoid going near the flag and instead hang back and get kills while defending, well...
That said, in customs you can set flag at home to score and take the waypoints off carrier heads and give the flagnum limited ammo. You can't stop instant pick-up or the ability to, uh, put the thing down, but you can do that much. Combined it with some map changes to get predictable global ordnance and some other gametype changes to force loadouts, and you could make a decent CTF Classic.
I don't understand how some of you could put up with Reach's bullshit longer than this one though. What's stopping you from doing customs? The baseplay is superb.