It's that they think their vision is so superior that players don't deserve to have the option to play anything different. It's unbelievably arrogant
in order to push "their vision", even if their vision happens to be different from our vision of what Halo ought to be.
I honestly, cannot believe what you both just said. It's their game, they spent the last 4 years building it and pouring their blood, sweat, and tears into it... and you're complaining that it doesn't match "your vision". "Unbelievably arrogant"? Wow, just wow.
Maybe the people having a good time need to post more to balance out those about to throw themselves from cliffs.
Ok. I love this game so far. All this negativity is really surprising me. I can't believe so many people compare every game in the industry to CoD these days, and Halo I mean come on. Just because a game adds sprinting (which greatly balanced it compared to reach where some could sprint and others couldn't) and armor abilities (came from Shadowrun because of Sage the asshole) and some gunplay modifiers does not mean it is CoD. There is no discussion or people getting together to play or anything here anymore. It's just complaining, and it's getting hard to hear. I understand the internet can be a place to voice your complaints, but I'd expect chat like this from r/halo or something, not the most seemingly dedicated Halo fans on the internet.
Anyway, so I really enjoy this game. Infinity Slayer is nuts, though I feel like ordinance should come every 100 points or something, I get way to many power weapons.

Slayer Pro is great, it's what I wanted in this game. The gunplay is incredible and the best in the Halo series I feel like. Had a great time playing KOTH with MGTrey last night, and CTF and Oddball are right up there in fun factor. So many things have been improved upon and I really love some of the changes (ie flinch).
Once this game gets some better playlist variety, a bug update, and some other things cleaned up, it could be my favorite Halo in the series. Halo 2 and Halo 3 are only good because of the nostalgia I remember, but if I went back and played them today, I might just find Halo 4's gameplay better.
My advice to the ragers out there: If you want to have fun in Halo 4, quit caring so much about your K/D. Everyone I play with after every game has to check their K/D and "omg I did so bad"... so... did you have fun? It's just a game. It's designed for entertainment, play it and have a good time. If not, then okay get mad at the game (and not yourself for getting outplayed) and go play something else. You will not be missed.