Looks similar to what you can see across the water from Foundry.
The settings are great, the quitters are not. I wish there was some way to keep it from happening so much.
Too bad there's nothing of value in this game for asshats to lose.
So it's clear that HaloGAF likes the look of the Majestic maps?
There is. Get the objectives out. I think a good portion of the quitters are because they don't want to play the gametype. Put CTF in its proper playlist and KOTH/Extraction in Team Objective.
I like good maps before good skyboxes.
Took me faaar too long to spot the man in this pic.
Does anyone know which store is stocking this in the UK? Is it GAME?
Grainger Games, not on the website, though.What stores? Not seeing it.
Took me faaar too long to spot the man in this pic.
Landfall Skybox .GIF Loop:
Took me faaar too long to spot the man in this pic.
Took me faaar too long to spot the man in this pic.
I think its obvious where they got their inspiration for this.
Might as well replace snipers with BiRi's in Team Snipers, it's basically the same thing with flinch.
Might as well replace snipers with BiRi's in Team Snipers, it's basically the same thing with flinch.
Ordered my TV tonight, I return to console gaming next week!
Ordered my TV tonight, I return to console gaming next week!
Every skyscrapper burning is going to remind you of this...I think its obvious where they got their inspiration for this.
That hasn't been my experience. Majorities are voting for gametypes other than Slayer, and people start quitting when they perceive no chance of a win. This is shit behavior that stretches beyond gametypes, and bad decisions like instant respawn only served to exacerbate the problem.There is. Get the objectives out. I think a good portion of the quitters are because they don't want to play the gametype. Put CTF in its proper playlist and KOTH/Extraction in Team Objective.
I think its obvious where they got their inspiration for this.
So now that Spartan Ops is over, how will they manage Spartan Ops matchmaking?
Are they just going to leave Episode 10 up, or are they going to go back and cycle through each episode?
Every skyscrapper burning is going to remind you of this...
So now that Spartan Ops is over, how will they manage Spartan Ops matchmaking?
Are they just going to leave Episode 10 up, or are they going to go back and cycle through each episode?
ign and new maps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tniIwT0eUjE
Did he just say he enjoys infinity slayer because it has more of the classic Halo feel? I don't want to live in this world.
Every skyscrapper burning is going to remind you of this...
Did he just say he enjoys infinity slayer because it has more of the classic Halo feel? I don't want to live in this world.
Fuck trueskill get your shit together. I would play with friends if my friends still fucking played this game.
No, a picture perfect image of the event put in the game reminds me of this. This isn't just influence. If I showed you that pic and maybe cropped of the left end and asked you what it was your first thought would be 9/11.
I should know, I was there watching from across the river.
Did he just say he enjoys infinity slayer because it has more of the classic Halo feel?
Fuck trueskill get your shit together. I would play with friends if my friends still fucking played this game.
you know a group plays every night, no?
Havent won a team throwdown yet oh my gooddddd
maybe your bad
just sayin