Der Flatulator
Any chance of a person of the Internet getting a chance to see/read 343i's Static Lighting and Forge Dynamic Lighting GDC lectures?
Much better than Forge Island because it has flat and open spaces alone. And thank god.
Whatchu talking bout
I'm sure 343 would've made a killer Halo game, but MS probably intervened somewhere.
Currently testing out Murder Miner's CTF mode....its A LOT of fun. Will be uploading a few matches soon after the testing is done.
While things are being worked on
You can also drop it and use it as a harpoon to kill people.
Rumble Pro is pretty good in it.
Rumble Pro is pretty good.
Pro is pretty good.
Infinity is bad.
Replace Infinity with Rumble.
Hire DeadNames.
Wow, no flag auto-pick up! How much is this game?
You can also drop it and use it as a harpoon to kill people.
Whatchu talking bout
Yea WTF. Explain yourself.
By now you should've already been playing competitively from previous titles, if not just shows you care too little to improve your own skill. So it would be useless or you started playing halo with 4. You should have started years ago. Competitive halo seems dead.
Are you trying to say social is a form of competitive play? Or are you saying H4 is competitive?
Cause if you're saying people who "obsess" over getting better just want to be pros is totally off mark. Social has never matched people close to skill ever, ranks did that relatively great. Now the problem is halo has shifted since Reach to cater to the mass casuals who could careless about improving their skills and just want to join in a social match so they can push the left thumb stick up the whole time with no thought. Sorry but competitive and skill gap only works in ranks. RIP in peace Halo.
El bought.
Are the maps made for 8 players? The spawns are so bad I'm sick of the game starting with a guy directly in my cross hairs, and pretty often you spawn right next to someone, who's probably one shot because he just killed/someone else. Also some of the maps have ridiculous sight lines, easy to one-shot a weak guy across the map because there's no cover.
While things are being worked on
You can also drop it and use it as a harpoon to kill people.
Oh man in so you can combine gametypes in MM and I am playing Infection Flag, 2 zombies at the start and their goal is to infect everyone before the humans score.
If you can't find it for some reason, here you go
So you can throw the flag?
Oh my.. We're seeing the evolution of Halo through Murder Miners.
Oh and if you are a zombie you can use your tenticle grab to move the flag to you since you yourself can not hold it when a zombie. Its kind of like having a dollar on a string lol
I'm playing on PC on Ultra graphics. 60fps smooth. So good.
The Carbine in BSI has the same reticle as the DMR. It's as if I'm in a dream world and playing a 60 fps Halo game when I'm using that gun. Feels good man.
Ermahgerd! I hope the update comes out soon.
Are the maps made for 8 players? The spawns are so bad I'm sick of the game starting with a guy directly in my cross hairs, and pretty often you spawn right next to someone, who's probably one shot because he just killed/someone else. Also some of the maps have ridiculous sight lines, easy to one-shot a weak guy across the map because there's no cover.
Oh and just a personal grief, WAAAAAY too Automatic friendly. Screw the AR. I also think 2 nades are way too much for this playlist where the rooms are already small and limited, grenades are spammed really often.
Hey guys how big is forge island?
Heckfu says I'm a dick and 343 hates me.
Kansas lost! *Dances*
I'll have the full calculations on who needs what to win tomorrow(I guess today now).Poor Juices. I'm clinging on to Syracuse but there are 6 gaffers with Louisville to contend with![]()
I have to give it to Halo 4. Hit detection feels much better than Halo 3.
Murder Miners Zombie CTF
(Really nice toss at 18 seconds)
Finally a way to show my idea of how to save CTF. Looks like it could be a lot of fun.
Just played the game again and the UI improved drastically. Still trying to get the right aim settings down..
Finally a way to show my idea of how to save CTF. Look at how fun that looks.
Just played the game again and the UI improved drastically. Still trying to get the right aim settings down..
Nope, last updated fixed a lot of freezing issues.Does the game still freeze every 3 matches
Not sure if I should upload the harpooning video or not, its like 2 seconds long.