Finally going to get that job @ Target?Honestly, I'm glad the servers went down. Gave me a chance to update my resume. Yo D. Ellis. Where do I send that?
No joke, I did update my resume, it's way too long now
Finally going to get that job @ Target?Honestly, I'm glad the servers went down. Gave me a chance to update my resume. Yo D. Ellis. Where do I send that?
No joke, I did update my resume, it's way too long now
Can't play Spartan Ops by myself because of servers. Fantastic.
*Anxiously waiting for April and the ranking system*
Can anyone explain why the Civilian Spade in the Majestic Map pack, is like 3x the size it was from Reach
^^ Who votes for me to change my avatar to that?
I love this avatar though, chiefpopcorn is so good.
Honestly, I'm glad the servers went down. Gave me a chance to update my resume. Yo D. Ellis. Where do I send that?
Somebody should remake that character in the pose of my avatar. So good.Add in popcorn and I'm game. Maybe change the sphere he's holding to something relevant, too.
Look at my amazing ideas that should've been in the campaign
Is Craig Mullins still doing concept work for them, because that first shot especially looks like his work. I remember I had a Marathon box set that came with a bunch of his art and a behind the scenes book. The bleeding marine piece he did was at the very end I think and it blew my mind.
Gender isn't binary.
So sad.I just want to share a personal story. A dear friend of mine's sister had a somewhat troubled experience with her own gender identity. I grew up knowing this person as a girl, and she was biologically a female. She moved to San Fransisco after high school and some college and later came back as a man. It was hard for me to understand it, and I was somewhat annoyed and resistant to the idea. In my rationale, I believed that she was wrong to go against her own biology. That there was some errant psychological condition that compelled her to live as a man. I was annoyed at the prospect of calling her a different name, of pretending that I didn't remember her as the little girl I went to school with. I tried to be respectful, but I didn't feel comfortable with it and I didn't really accept it in my heart of hearts.
I'm sorry to say that he put himself in a drug-induced coma from which he never awoke. It was heart-wrenching to see the sadness and turmoil the family went through when I was with them at the hospital.
I don't understand why a person would want to identify as the gender opposite to their biology, and I don't know whether it is healthier to embrace this compulsion or reject it. What I do know is that we should treat the ones we care about with as much love and respect as much as we possibly can, as my own inner squabbles about whether to call this person "he" or "she" flew out the window when they were lost from this world.
No I mean the random inceration cannon, shotgun, and sniper drops. Global
And the president too :lolI like how Marty is shopped in there
It's the Apple of Eden.Grifball?? In Destiny?
It's the Apple of Eden.
Somebody should remake that character in the pose of my avatar. So good.
maybe later
Off-topic but uhhh Murder Miners may get MM support and 1-50 skill ranks thanks to some of my suggestions.....
maybe later
gonna hop on and play some games then
From r/Halo
Added in the TU for hitting 130?
They should release a classic map pack. Surprise they haven't yet.
They should release a classic map pack. Surprise they haven't yet.
Good ideas have no place in Halo, silly.