Besides, hasn't everyone here been a junior once.

I really wanted to try and hit Inheritor before 4, but man, this game really bores me without a party to joke with...
Besides, hasn't everyone here been a junior once.
I'm pretty sure they'll taste the same as they would've in September of 2007. Which is more disturbing than if they gave you slt food poisoning.MMM, I still have my Halo 3 Gamefuel and Doritos. Will eat in Honor of Halo 4 on Nov 6th.
That's not a fair standard to hold anyone to.hope lore takes it easy with more juniors for awhile...plywood was the last great junior.
Legend says that Ram has never been junior'd.Besides, hasn't everyone here been a junior once.
Legend says that Ram has never been junior'd.
EDIT: Mutombo'D?
Legend says that Ram has never been junior'd.
Can't shoot in Camo.
I have nothing against juniors. The only thing that can affect my opinion about a poster before reading his or her posts is a tag portaying that poster in rather negative light. Though those are rare. And usually i try to avoid reading tags before reading posts.
Besides, hasn't everyone here been a junior once.
Just realized I had the first post on the last three pages.
Triple kill.
From what we've seen of Thruster Pack, you can't use your weapon during the animation, perhaps Jet Pack will take a similar route.
It might be interesting to see how not being able to use your weapon with any AAs works.
I thought that raising/lowering your weapon during PV would be a nice balance tweak to lessen its rumored strength.
Evil is the sites owner. Or co-owner? Not sure. Also an admin.
I definetly would prefer Emp.
I normally don't either but this batch has been baad. I didn't post for a year after I got my account lol I had like 300 posts in my first 2 years.![]()
Why do you keep acting like grenade jumping and trick jumping is the same as jetpacking? Jetpacking is easy and incredibly quick. The only down-side is the fact that it's loud, nothing else. With grenade jumping people can both hear you and you're vulnerable by the damage done by the grenade. And then there's the fact that grenade jumps are a lot harder than just simply jetpacking on top of something. Trick jumping makes you a lot more vulnerable because it's even harder to do than grenade jumps and especially jetpacks most of the time and it usually takes much longer.Reflection saw the biggest change. You could legit get on top of the center structure in Halo 2 on Sanctuary, Jetpack is useless on Hem, and is also useless on Pinnacle since you could already do a grenade jump from the lower bridge to the center with a grenade or just jumping on the overhead strut thingy. I think the map was better off for it, the sniper perch is a lot more dangerous which is always good for the top of a vertical map.
Make camo only work when no-one is looking at you.
Ship it.
GG all.
Connection/netcode was not so great today.
Make camo only work when no-one is looking at you.
Ship it.
Make cammo a power up ONLY... FFS.
Ship it.
Elzar I'll try to play 3 with you next time your on.. probbaly won't be able to stand the slowness of it though.![]()
Way too logical, you must think of some ridiculous way to balance the camo AA.
I always thought camo should remove your HUD while you have it activated. That functionality is already in the game, so it would be easy to implement.Make camo only work when no-one is looking at you.
Ship it.
That's a great idea. But would people still use AC then?Can't shoot in Camo.
I think with a disadvantage as huge as not shooting, you could actually make Camo stealthier as long as there was a delay between deactivating it and being able to shoot.That's a great idea. But would people still use AC then?
YES.Enter Camo, lose shields.
To be fair you can't compare population numbers that we can see for H3 and Reach because H3's numbers are reported 30 times slower than Reach's leading to inflated numbers due to backlogging.In this case 343 can look at matchmaking populations across both Halo 3 and Reach and amongst playlists within Reach. If Reach's overall population is significantly less than Halo 3's was at a similar time in its life-cycle then they know there is a problem with the MP experience.
Funny enough, Powerhouse is one of the only maps on Reach that the Jetpack doesn't have a devastating effect on.I think the Jet Pack breaks less maps in Halo 1 than it does in Halo: Reach because a lot of Halo 1 maps had ceilings.
I think Jet Pack on Adrift, which looks like it has a ceiling, won't be nearly as powerful as Jet Pack on Powerhouse.
Just out of curiosity, have you played Prisoner since they fixed the spawns? It was painfully broken before, but now I find it to be an awesome bit of fast paced vertically gameplay that doesn't really exist in the franchise anymore (Talking about the Anni gametype on it specifically.About as much as grenade jumps do. As in, they don't. Prisoner example is terrible because Prisoner is a terrible map even without jetpacks, as me and Devo's adventures in Anniversary Classic have proven.
We both know that even if Anniversary was an awesome 1:1 of CE, it wouldn't have a high population because it requires DLC.Look at that massive Anniversary Classic and Halo PC population. Wait, no. Games have to modernize as time goes on.
Because no matter if you claim multiplayer was an afterthought, or if the game was multiplayer only, it's a better game.I just don't understand the constant Halo 1 CE multiplayer worship when the game and weapon sandbox was campaign first and multiplayer got leftovers of that work.
Well watch 343's presentation, don't watch the Rooster Teeth guys play the stupidest game of Horse I've ever seen. There was nothing remotely interesting in that game of Horse, or anything that showed off cool stuff about H4 Forge in an interesting way.I'll also admit that I've not seen more than 2 minutes of the Forge RTX reveal because it wasn't direct feed footage and I'm not gonna watch the Rooster Teeth guys goof off for an hour so that I can "check it out". Basically to echo Ghaleon's earlier sentiment BTS'/ViDoc's would be great right about now.
Those are both changes made to Ivory Tower to make the jetpack even better on a map that it already would have been very good on, while also destroying important things about the maps in H2 (low ceiling for grenade bouncing and smaller area being harder to hold) that makes the Reach version a camp the sniper spawn area.Jetpacks are an inherent part of the game. The map's "flow", or pathing, did not originally have a state in which the jetpacks don't exist in the shipping game. They even mentioned making adjustments to Reflection to accomodate jetpack usage by making the ceiling higher and the sniper rifle ledge bigger to make it easier to land on.
We don't even know if Assault and Territories are in the game. They mentioned CTF, King, and Oddball as returning objective gametypes, but nothing else.But what about King of the Hill? Assault? Territories?
Ah, how I miss the concept of an actually difference between average and maximum kill time.This.
Same with the 3sk in H1. When people talk about it, they make it seem like EVERYONE could do it 100% of the time.
Pros were lucky to consistantly 5 shot with the pistol, especially against someone with half a strafe.
Amazing show, so funny.Speaking of, I got into Archer because of mastrbiggy and her character is phenomenal there, haha.
Is that Tsquared?
I think with a disadvantage as huge as not shooting, you could actually make Camo stealthier as long as there was a delay between deactivating it and being able to shoot.
lose all shields or half? If half, then I can see that. invisi elites were way weaker in the game then a regular elite in terms of shield.Enter Camo, lose shields.
To be fair you can't compare population numbers that we can see for H3 and Reach because H3's numbers are reported 30 times slower than Reach's leading to inflated numbers due to backlogging.
Er, no. If you made it stealthier, melee would become overpowered. Maybe 3-hit melee with no beat down or assassination?Presumably you'd still allow melees? That could work.
Er, no. If you made it stealthier, melee would become overpowered. Maybe 3-hit melee with no beat down or assassination?
What if you had to hold down the AA button for Camo?
What if you simply couldn't zoom in while using Camo as an AA? That would eliminate a lot of the camping/sniping issues. Especially in 4 where they've said they rebalanced the sniper to be harder than reach, but easier than 3.
This way you can be invis and scramble other radars, but you're literally forced to move around to be effective.
Or camo can just be a pick-up again since things like overshield, speed boost and damage boost already come in that form.How about you move at incredibly slow speeds with camo on?
Camo is just less obnoxious as a power up.Stop... you're going the wrong way... the power up is over there ----->.
Except 343 has apparently decided that camo is an AA, even though many of its problems are solved by making it a powerup, so we all have to try to twist our tortured minds into the shape of a camo AA that doesn't break the game in some way.Stop... you're going the wrong way... the power up is over there ----->.
lol just read the thread
Well then my point still stands on King of the Hill.We don't even know if Assault and Territories are in the game. They mentioned CTF, King, and Oddball as returning objective gametypes, but nothing else.
Now, they probably are in the game though.
Oh, I know about that, but 343 has probably dredged up legit numbers for both games. If the numbers for Reach are not up to whatever standard 343 has set, they can start to draw some conclusions about how the MP has been received.
I feel famous.
Reserving this post for when Camo is an AA and nothing about it has changed.![]()
WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH WOO????I've been shortened to Woo? Hmm. Definetly need to ask name change to Empyrus, at least it can be shortened to "Emp" which is considerably better than "Woo"
This made me laugh. A lot.Is that Tsquared?