Cool stuff.
I should post that BR model on that site when I get it rebuilt...
Cool stuff.
I mentioned that in the last thread, and the idea was laughed at.
They should just restructure the AA completely and have it make you the other team's color. At least then there would be more of a risk of having your own team taking shots at you if there's no communication.
lol, I'd be ok with this AA...
agreed, I shat bricks. love Google. Company trying to actually do something instead of just gather up money and stall real progress.
Well, their endgame is global control of all information in order to acquire all the monies...I love Google. Company trying to actually do something instead of just gather up money and stall real progress.
I love Google. Company trying to actually do something instead of just gather up money and stall real progress.
Seriously hope every fiber optic company goes under and they are forced to update to this level.
Every 2 weeks or so I get a call from Washington State of some recording scam, I keep thinking it's 343 sending me in for a playtest.
Well, their endgame is global control of all information in order to acquire all the monies...
Regardless: I just googled "how much is rent in Kansas City".
LilBlain/Wape Culture you around to slap guests with the dee tonight
Have they said anything noteworthy today? Because I have to search through like 9 pages of garbage since my last post to see if they have.
I miss the constant Halo 4 information. I'm to lazy to search the internet for the latest tidbits.
Except that the UU's don't actually show any numbers so they are pretty useless. The install base is massive, and there are more and more AAA game now that are played for a long time by a lot of people. Halo 3 was number 1 or 2 for it's entire lifespan, but Halo 4 could sit at #3 for it's entire lifespan and more people would be playing it than ever played Halo 3.
You can't just say that Halo needs to be #1 on the UU list. The Xbox player base has grown and the number of AAA games has grown.
I would use this AA all the time.
That ignores the fact that almost every weapon we refer to as a "power weapon" has some negative associated with it. Rockets suck at long range. Sniper is only a one-shot-kill if you can hit the head. Shotgun/sword require you to be in CQC. Hammer requires you to be host. Laser has to charge before it fires (and on occasion projects a red line that paints the target). Grenade launcher requires accuracy and timing. etc etc.
I disagree with Shadow's desire to force those weapons even further into the specific roles that they have, but there are certainly more ways to control the effects that power weapons have on the game than ammo, frequency, and location.
Have they said anything noteworthy today? Because I have to search through like 9 pages of garbage since my last post to see if they have.
Precisely. That's why my suggestion was that it remain in the top 3 on the UU for at least 12 months post launch.
I fixed it. For Campaign after release and multiplayer for now. ODST ViDoc's were the best. Personally I hoped 343i is doing something similar to this, just explaining their vision of the Universe. There is too much stuff I want to know.
You know I kind of want 343 to copy DICE and do themed DLC.
3 snow themed BTB maps, 3 human themed asymmetric maps and 3 forerunner themed symmetric maps.
Dreams that map packs consisted of more than 3 maps.
Also love how DICE does DLC as "expansions", not just maps. New maps, gametypes, weapons, vehicles, assignments (challenges).
That was a trailer released in August for a game shipping in September. I want more videos and stuff too, but let's keep things in perspective.
You know I kind of want 343 to copy DICE and do themed DLC.
3 snow themed BTB maps, 3 human themed asymmetric maps and 3 forerunner themed symmetric maps.
I mentioned that in the last thread, and the idea was laughed at.
They should just restructure the AA completely and have it make you the other team's color. At least then there would be more of a risk of having your own team taking shots at you if there's no communication.
You know I kind of want 343 to copy DICE and do themed DLC.
3 snow themed BTB maps, 3 human themed asymmetric maps and 3 forerunner themed symmetric maps.
Daedalos42 Community Member of the Week
Halo weapon specialty/preference: The Magnum and Plasma Pistol at close range, and the DMR at long range.
^totally relevant to the thread
That would be cool and more appropriate for this game than past Halo games given what we know about Halo 4's investment system. I'd be all for new gametypes and challenges, but I would be iffy on introducing new weapons and guns through DLC if only because something like that has never been tried with Halo's sandbox.
<3 and you know.. I wouldn't doubt something great because it's clear 343 <3 Certain Affinity, so I'm hoping for not only GREAT quality maps, but MANY great quality maps.
"Please Please Find the glitches" *clapshand* Oh 343i, do you have your own Luke Timmins?How about this? Released in April, game in September.
Halo 4 ships in November, and it's nearly August. For perspective.![]()
Your whole grenade jump argument is so moronic because you could only nade jump if you were host in Halo 2.Reflection saw the biggest change. You could legit get on top of the center structure in Halo 2 on Sanctuary, Jetpack is useless on Hem, and is also useless on Pinnacle since you could already do a grenade jump from the lower bridge to the center with a grenade or just jumping on the overhead strut thingy. I think the map was better off for it, the sniper perch is a lot more dangerous which is always good for the top of a vertical map.
Yes, and their fix was to deleting armor lock from certain playlists and not including it in new ones. 343 was the one that started shoveling armor lock back into everything.
You view AAs as gimmicks but they are an evolution. Equipment in Halo 3 was a new concept of the OS/Camo from Halo 1 and 2, equipment you could choose to use/deploy when you wanted to. Bungie noticed in the telemetry that people would collect equipment and tend to not use it because they didn't want to "waste" it. So they evolved the equipment into forms that could be re-used and the player wouldn't have anxiety over using them. They didn't hit all the marks (drop shield) but it was a solid evolution.
Why do you keep acting like grenade jumping and trick jumping is the same as jetpacking?
Next month's OXM will include include a write-up of what people who have never touched a Halo game before in their lives think about the vidoc they saw behind closed doors. There may or may not be a follow-up video of 2 people akwardly discussing the same things they mentioned in the article on a bench in some random park.
As far as AAs go I really only use sprint as some others have said and even sprint I don't like that much. I think you actually have too much sprint, I would like to see a sprint more like COD where it runs out faster.
I believe it would elimnate sword sprinting/lunging as well as double melee beat downs out of no where which I absolutely hate in Reach.
Your whole grenade jump argument is so moronic because you could only nade jump if you were host in Halo 2.
Certain Affinity and great maps in the same sentence. *dreams*
Only thing that bugs me about Certain Affinity maps is how loud their environment is. Get close to the waterfall and you better hope that you aren't wearing headphones because that is all you will hear for the next 15 minutes.
The 37 power weapons on each map don't bother you?
<snipped rational, well-crafted point>
Worse, OT7. What the heck, guys?And we are at page 11. Wat.
GG guys!
Neo, your service tag was confusing.
Apologies Swarmer for the inconvenience.
lol wow I forgot about that.... I got hit with the stupid glitch where the game act like it's the first time I turned it on everything is reset, all my campaign progress is gone, and I have those stars in the armory like I never viewed them before... Glad I beat it solo on legendary after it did it the first time. That makes the 7th time it's happened. :/ I'll change it back lol
Is there a reason for the glitch...?
I'm trying to get to 100 birdy in battlefield3 instead lol. Pretty sure i've been at Nova in Reach this whole year.![]()
I really wanted to try and hit Inheritor before 4, but man, this game really bores me without a party to joke with...
Let's all post about complaining about people that complain that other people posting too much.Let's all post about how much people are posting.
You know I kind of want 343 to copy DICE and do themed DLC.
3 snow themed BTB maps, 3 human themed asymmetric maps and 3 forerunner themed symmetric maps.
No. Lets post complaints about be people posting complaints of people posting too much on how people are posting about how many posts are about the number of posts.Let's all post about complaining about people that complain that other people posting too much.
probably because everyone is know...working on the game