Shake Appeal
Eh.Clinton ... progressive.
Eh.Clinton ... progressive.
Yep. I hate the CTF design and rules as it stands, but I'd be more pissed if there were five different versions of CTF in seven different playlists.I don't love all the changes they are making, but I respect 343i's apparent commitment to their decisions. It's the only way to do things if they are to own the franchise and try to reignite it, rather than being glorified caretakers of an aging brand in Bungie's stead. Plus, the core gameplay feels great, so even if some choices don't work out, Halo 4 will still be fun to play at its core.
IMO, of all the things to be upset about, the lack of Mark V is the most silly and petty.
The lack of the Mark V is maybe a silly complaint, but to miss one of the iconic Halo helmets is just stupid, escpecially if there was room for some of the abominations that are in.
Nice bulletin
So excited for a CTF only playlist, it's all I've wanted since forever!
I'm gonna cry the saltiest of tears when they inexplicably remove it.
So excited for a CTF only playlist, it's all I've wanted since forever!
I'm gonna cry the saltiest of tears when they inexplicably remove it.
I like it that 343 is removing customization options from the game. I will totally love playing a CTF playlist that has a CTF gametype that'll probably suck for me. It'll be like having a full speed flag playlist. Fun fun fun.
Grifball is very popular.
Can't wait to see what they've done with their most popular playlist Living Dead!
Sneak preview:Can't wait to see what they've done with their most popular playlist Living Dead!
Wait so wut, you can't customise Flag in customs, but you can customise grifball....
Obviously they don't have enough space left on the disc to add the drop flag options and not automatically pick up flag options.
Screw dat.
I think someone asked the question at PAX, and I think Josh said that the armors are saved in the .map data. So I am not sure if we are going to see it. But I definitely misheard something. So do not take this post serious or news-worthy. I do not want to be the source for wrong assumption and hate.I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Mk V be made available as paid DLC. Maybe bundled in with the inevitable classic map pack.
I'm sure 343 will have realised the monetisation potential of selling DLC armour anyways.
Personally I disagree to an extent.
Especially with a new developer, and a "reboot" of the series 343 has become very fond of calling it, they should deliver their vision of the game, not try to cater to every person that has ever had an opinion.
*sees Unicorn suit gets in and Mark V doesn't*
I think this is new footage of the SAW. That shit is a BEAST!
That said, Vahalla seems the most likely to me, although I'm not sure how well it will play in H4.
Isn't your unicorn suit the unicorn suit that will pierce the heavens?
Halo Tappas FOTUS Lagaan?
Bewb guy makes sense.The FOTUS is my soul!
I actually like the look of the new CTF.
I rarely if EVER played CTF, but I think I might start to more regularly now.
Shooting while holding, auto pick up, can't drop. Gives it focus and streamlines and speeds up matches. I like it.
Fantastic post Henery.I heard the exact same argument regarding Bungie's bloom in Reach. A week after release people were begging on the forums to have a no bloom option patched in just for customs. Naysayers arrogantly dismissed these pleas with "It's Bungie's vision of the game" and told players to "adapt". We eventually got that option but it took a year (because of the changeover).
Custom game options do not impede upon a developers vision of their game, ever. The developers vision is the one that appears in matchmaking, which is the version of the game that gets played the most by a very very significant margin.
Does 300% speed in custom games impair 343's vision of the game? Does invincibility enabled, backsmacks only unlimited sticky detonator starts in custom games muddy 343's rendition of Halo?.......... Of course not. So why can't 8 guys, playing with their friends, having a beeeer, it's Awesoooome... why can't they play normal CTF that has been present in Halo since its inception and is as ingrained upon its tapestry as warthog's, rechargeable shields and a field with a base at either end? Why shit on their parade in a custom game setting?
I thought Halo 4 was all about customising your own experience, fine tuning your own engine.
Shooting while holding, auto pick up, can't drop. Gives it focus and streamlines and speeds up matches. I like it.
Finnaly a gameplay with somebody using the SAW. I was just wondering, because somebody mentioned it when the weapon trailer was released, if you were able to stop shooting. So basically it is a more powerfull AR, but it is a little bit more diffucult to handle it (can't say exactly, but it looked like he had some struggle with it).
A friend and me, are planning to go to the First Look event in the Netherlands, but the website is completely on netherlands and I'm understanding just a little bit... Somebody from Netherlands please help.
Happy Birthday Plywood![]()
Will there be an option to turn off the white text notifications in the middle of the screen? -The Yanix
No, but the fact is that it vanishes after a few plays. Ask people whove played a lot. This is something we spent a lot of time on and is true of many intrusive UI, audio and dressing aspects of the game they provide vital information for certain types of players and quickly vanish for frequent players in terms of intrusion. They were designed, tested and tweaked to achieve this. Watching other people play is almost counter to how it feels in practice.
You can't turn on flag dropping or turn off auto-pick up in CTF at launch?
Jesus Christ, 343.
You can't turn on flag dropping or turn off auto-pick up in CTF at launch?
Jesus Christ, 343.
Yes, it provides vital information for certain types of players but not ALL players, so make it an option. Jesus the more things change the more they stay the same. One dopey artist would get offended because he thinks text in the screen is the equivalent of the Pieta, and now we can't disable it ever.
Maybe we'll get some options after 80% of the people who buy the game leave to go play COD after a week.
You can't turn on flag dropping or turn off auto-pick up in CTF at launch?
Jesus Christ, 343.
Yes, it provides vital information for certain types of players but not ALL players, so make it an option. Jesus the more things change the more they stay the same. One dopey artist would get offended because he thinks text in the screen is the equivalent of the Pieta, and now we can't disable it ever.
Maybe we'll get some options after 80% of the people who buy the game leave to go play COD after a week.
I heard the exact same argument regarding Bungie's bloom in Reach. A week after release people were begging on the forums to have a no bloom option patched in just for customs. Naysayers arrogantly dismissed these pleas with "It's Bungie's vision of the game" and told players to "adapt". We eventually got that option but it took a year (because of the changeover).
Custom game options do not impede upon a developers vision of their game, ever. The developers vision is the one that appears in matchmaking, which is the version of the game that gets played the most by a very very significant margin.
Does 300% speed in custom games impair 343's vision of the game? Does invincibility enabled, backsmacks only unlimited sticky detonator starts in custom games muddy 343's rendition of Halo?.......... Of course not. So why can't 8 guys, playing with their friends, having a beeeer, it's Awesoooome... why can't they play normal CTF that has been present in Halo since its inception and is as ingrained upon its tapestry as warthog's, rechargeable shields and a field with a base at either end? Why shit on their parade in a custom game setting?
I thought Halo 4 was all about customising your own experience, fine tuning your own engine.
Despite all that, as far as MM management goes, I'm happy that they're launching with their new CTF mode as a playlist. Hopefully this means 'fringe' gametypes won't be cluttering up MM playlists. Having a limited set of gametypes that are tuned and tested to specific map setups is a good thing and preferable to using Team Objective as a dumping ground for every wacky Megalo gametype you can think up.
I'm all for streamlined playlists. I'm not all for homogenised, inflexible gametypes in custom games and nobody else should be.
lolit'll be a year. we'll get a TU with all of the things that matter. Audio and Notification toggles, Flag in MM not auto pick up and droppable, A DLC pack with all Pre-order/exclusive DLCs.
That's going to be a DLC option