Gabotron ES
Not having middle text being toggleable is just silly imo.
Fantastic post Henery.
Awesome art. The helmet looks weird though.
We understand this is controversial but are now pretty confident the changes will be enjoyed.
I shall call you "The Anti-Kyle"
Boy oh boy I've heard that one before.
I guess they think all of their consumers will take the bungie-esque information that is shoveled out of their studio
Wait, there's enough memory for unicorn armor but not for Mark V?
Jesus Christ, 343.
I ask myself this, although I'd settle for working in any kind of software development at this point.Back at work. Ugh, why don't I work in video games?![]()
This is home.Link?, What is this?
"I do believe 343 has good intentions. I think this decision was made with the general population in mind and to improve objective gametypes on some of the larger maps"
Translating from Polite to Real Talk:
These changes are dumb as fuck but I don't want 343 to hate me and I'm desperate to have an actually good Halo MP so I'll just blindly trust them.
So 343's tag line continues to be, "Just trust us, guys even though you have no reason to". Awesome.
Was the vehicle setup on Exile planned to be what is used in matchmaking? -GhaleonEB
Vehicle setup was designed to show a ton of content for PAX. That map content will vary dramatically depending on game mode and playlist.
Can't wait to see what they've done with their most popular playlist Living Dead!
Link?, What is this?
.Was the armor that was available in the PAX build the full set? If so, why is there no Mark V armor? -ArchedThunder
The PAX build contains the full set of armor in Halo 4. In the final game, there are a variety of methods for unlocking armor and armor skins - ranking up, earning commendations, progressing through Specializations and completing goals on Waypoint. Some of the skins, helmets, and the FOTUS armor are exclusive to various retail offers. Some of these items MAY become available to all players at a later date. We wanted to focus on the Spartan-IV armors for Infinity, maximizing the amount of variety across the armor designs. However, we did want to include a reward for completing the Campaign on Legendary, so we decided to use the Mark VI armor as that reward. While we'd love to include every historical variant of the Chief's armor, it's just not possible to fit more armor sets into the available memory.
I like asymmetric gametypes, but they require maps that are very, very specifically (and smartly) designed but aren't really usable for most gametypes, so I can see why they'd cut it...or at least not focus on it. I'd imagine that they'd need all of their maps to be usable in several gametypes, and shoving Slayer onto something like Zanzibar is a pretty crappy experience.Am I the only one who prefers 1 flag (one team defending a flag, one team grabbing)? I am glad CTF will have it's own playlist overall though.
At this point, with the gametypes we've seen, and with a guess that King of the Hill will return over Assault, I wouldn't be surprised if the "everything else" list was a new Team Control. The gametype in that leaked Hardlight Shield picture where the UI was very similar to 3 Plots could fit into something like that.So basically, we know weve got the following lists, right?
-Infinity Slayer
-Classic Slayer
-Team Flag
-Coop campaign
-Spartan Ops
I think it's safe to assume we will have some "everything else" objective list. So that's roughly eight. Not sure exactly how Ops in matchmaking will really work.
But he's played it.
No talent?Back at work. Ugh, why don't I work in video games?![]()
Not having middle text being toggleable is just silly imo.
Maybe we can trade in a Spec Ops mission for Mark V.That's the kind f logic that could be applied to maps. It's nice to want old ones but I want new content. Not the same old historical tuff, as nice as that was.
Maybe we can trade in a Spec Ops mission for Mark V.
So... 2 Spec Ops missions then?Couldn't that be said of anything? Of course it can, but that is a pathetic mindset. If I don't ever play campaign, I wish they'd just trade one mission for the equivalent in MP maps. It's silly.
That's the kind f logic that could be applied to maps. It's nice to want old ones but I want new content. Not the same old historical tuff, as nice as that was.
I heard the exact same argument regarding Bungie's bloom in Reach. A week after release people were begging on the forums to have a no bloom option patched in just for customs. Naysayers arrogantly dismissed these pleas with "It's Bungie's vision of the game" and told players to "adapt". We eventually got that option but it took a year (because of the changeover).
Custom game options do not impede upon a developers vision of their game, ever. The developers vision is the one that appears in matchmaking, which is the version of the game that gets played the most by a very very significant margin.
Does 300% speed in custom games impair 343's vision of the game? Does invincibility enabled, backsmacks only unlimited sticky detonator starts in custom games muddy 343's rendition of Halo?.......... Of course not. So why can't 8 guys, playing with their friends, having a beeeer, it's Awesoooome... why can't they play normal CTF that has been present in Halo since its inception and is as ingrained upon its tapestry as warthog's, rechargeable shields and a field with a base at either end? Why shit on their parade in a custom game setting?
I thought Halo 4 was all about customising your own experience, fine tuning your own engine.
Despite all that, as far as MM management goes, I'm happy that they're launching with their new CTF mode as a playlist. Hopefully this means 'fringe' gametypes won't be cluttering up MM playlists. Having a limited set of gametypes that are tuned and tested to specific map setups is a good thing and preferable to using Team Objective as a dumping ground for every wacky Megalo gametype you can think up.
I'm all for streamlined playlists. I'm not all for homogenised, inflexible gametypes in custom games and nobody else should be.
Fixed.ITT: Everything that doesn't affect other players' experience or give any form of advantage should be toggleable
No talent?
Forgot to bring your resume to PAX?
Not kissing ass in this thread hard enough?
jk brah
I love one flag given that the maps are good for it. Halo2 had some of the best asymmetrical maps for objective.Am I the only one who prefers 1 flag (one team defending a flag, one team grabbing)? I am glad CTF will have it's own playlist overall though.
That is the total armor count? Beh, I hope to god we get DLC.
No ODST/Security/Mark 5 is horrible hell id even like to see something like Hayabusa return.
Also not pleased we have seen the full set before launch. Takes away some of the surprise.
Cant say im displeased with armor because i actually like it, Id like it more if it was expanded.
Noble Team stuff should of returned aswell, and the EU stuff like SPI.
Wait, there is no ODST armor? That's just stupid. We have a retarded sadface helmet but no ODST.
Everything was at PAX they said.
I realllllllly don't think they are going to announce every armor set pre-launch.
Everything was at PAX they said.
The definitive Halo© from the people that made Halo©.I quit out of one game yesterday to play with a friend and then I was booted from a game today for betraying.
Now I'm temporarily banned from matchmaking?
This one is actually fine by me. Spartans are Spartans, not ODSTs. I always found it jarring seeing someone with big Spartan armor, then an ODST helmets?
Why do spartan IV's get to wear unicorn helmets. I mean, that helmet doesn't make any canoncial sence either.