Spartans are an offensive tool, they should be constantly harassing, ambushing, counterattacking, not defeding.
And for the majority of the game that's what they are doing.
Spartans are an offensive tool, they should be constantly harassing, ambushing, counterattacking, not defeding.
I understand that, but it just wasn't very fun. There are some firefight moments in 3, but the encounters are at least interesting. It's fun to sweep out the Covenant in the pelican bay in 3, not so much to sit there and wait for more and more enemies to stream into a courtyard while you wait for a door to open in ReachI also don't understand the mentality that the large defensive firefights in Reach were a bad thing. The whole point of the game is that they were trying to defend Reach, and even then throughout the majority of the game you're traveling different areas and making offensive pushes.
I disagree. It was a bunch of Firefight missions strung together with on rails sections, with a sniper and space section thrown in for fun
bungie hasn't made a good Halo campaign in a decade. Bungie suffers from the Blizzard effect, where you have people who aren't very skilled in their fields getting executive directorial/writing positions simply because they've been with the company a long time, and now they can't be replaced.
The main thing that popped up in my head was the Scarab fight. Which seemed like one big "kill guys before moving on" part. Reach did have a lot now that I think back, but the only ones I disliked in Reach was the one where you have to protect Emile from Hunters at Powerhouse, and the one protecting Jorge. The rest seemed fine.
I'm not going to sit and praise Reach, but I think this is a pretty cheap and terrible way to describe it.
This statement too:
What do you guys mean by "on rails"?
I know there was a sonic game described as on rails, but that's all I can think of.
And for the majority of the game that's what they are doing.
new avatars? whoever wants them
On rails means you cannot walk around. You are locked to a turret or track, etc. You don't control your own movement, just shooting.
Honestly, I have only fully played through the Reach campaign twice. That is very unusual for me because I have played the other Campaigns so much. Within the first year after Halo 3 was released, I had completed the Campaign front to back at least a dozen times. Same can probably be said for CE and 2, but I haven't really counted.
I guess that just goes to show how boring the Reach campaign actually is.
There are couple of times when you ride a Falcon and are a gunner. And one time when you can't do even that.The only time I can remember this in reach is the MAC cannon part.
Halo 3>ODST>Halo 2>CE>ReachAlright, let's rank Halo campaigns for the millionth time lol
CE > ODST > 3 > Reach > 2Alright, let's rank Halo campaigns for the millionth time lol
Halo 3>Reach>ODST>CE>Halo 2
The only time I can remember this in reach is the MAC cannon part.
Alright, let's rank Halo campaigns for the millionth time lol
Halo 3>Reach>ODST>CE>Halo 2
Alright, let's rank Halo campaigns for the millionth time lol
Halo 3>Reach>ODST>CE>Halo 2
Add me bro (at work, otherwise I'd do it). As far as tugboating (hmmm), you ain't seen nothin' yet.(also, if you play Rock Band Blitz you should add me on Facebook so I can tugboat you to goal completions)
Didn't care for Halo 1's campaign.
Pls don't kill me
Didn't care for Halo 1's campaign.
Pls don't kill me
Alright, let's rank Halo campaigns for the millionth time lol
Halo 3>Reach>ODST>CE>Halo 2
also inb4 frank/david post "Halo 4>"
Halo 3>Reach>ODST>CE>Halo 2
Alright, let's rank Halo campaigns for the millionth time lol
Halo 3>Reach>ODST>CE>Halo 2
also inb4 frank/david post "Halo 4>"
You can get out of the MAC cannon if you want to. There are three sections where you're locked in a Falcon and forced to do what the game is slapping you with:The only time I can remember this in reach is the MAC cannon part.
Alright, let's rank Halo campaigns for the millionth time lol
Stay out of gaming side for a while unless you love Wii U...
Didn't care for Halo 1's campaign.
Pls don't kill me
Too late.also inb4 frank/david post "Halo 4>"
Stay out of gaming side for a while unless you love Wii U...
My only issue with 2 was that it was the most linear out of any of the campaign games. At least that's what it felt like to me. I still immensely enjoyed the story. Reach's campaign was very fun, but nothing "epic" in comparison to 3 imo. 3 can still be played to this day and blow me away; especially on co-op. It's so fun, with so many variables involved.
I'd say:
I'm glad I waited for the 3DS, and yeah Halo 4 will consume all my winter gamingVery tempted to bite at launch.
Probably not though, I'll be balls deep in Halo 4 at that point.
Halo CE has the best story though, and the flood twist was amazing at the time.
I have something even worse: the first level put me off the game and I stopped playing (and later sold the Xbox b/c there was nothing out I wanted). Was years before I went back to finish it.
I know. The only thing worse than a Junior tag is coming into the Halo franchise with 3. I can't live with the guilt anymore.
Useless, pointless last stand.
Alright, let's rank Halo campaigns for the millionth time lol
Halo 3>Reach>ODST>CE>Halo 2
also inb4 frank/david post "Halo 4>"
One of the very few decent deaths in the entire game.
The mix of story and gameplay was excellent. SO much better than the other Spartans which mostly came off as predictable and cliche.
I don't neither. I think in terms of fun my order would change.Halo 2 is most visibly linear, with tightest playareas. But in all honesty, it ain't really any less linear than other Halos (not counting ODST hub). CE and Reach offer a couple of missions where you can do the objectives in any order you like, but only a limited selection of objectives.
The rest of the missions are very linear in all Halos. Which is why i never hold the tight playareas against Halo 2.