Domino Theory
Crystal Dynamics
Halo CE has the best story though, and the flood twist was amazing at the time.
No, that goes to Halo 2.
edit: Beaten by Ghal.
Halo CE has the best story though, and the flood twist was amazing at the time.
then you can say people who only got in on Halo 5 are lame
Halo 2 had a more ambitious story, but CE delivered its more limited narrative more effectively. To me it's apples and oranges.No, that goes to Halo 2.
edit: Beaten by Ghal.
I don't get why they even tried to do the whole intimate squad storyline, while something huge and more interesting is happening outside. ODST did the squad storyline better, even with all the limitations.Reach is mediocre all around, it's not bad but it's not good either.
Also, Bungie is really bad at making it feel like a planet is under attack. They didn't pull it off in Halo 2, Halo 3 or Reach and I only got that feeling in the last few moments of ODST.
Halo 2>Halo 1>ODST>Halo 3>Reach
Halo 1>Halo 3>ODST>Reach>Halo 2
ODST>Halo 2>Halo 1>Reach>Halo 3
Agreed. ODST's setting lent itself much better to the squad dynamic. Reach should have had a much more gigantic sense of scale and gravitas.I don't get why they even tried to do the whole intimate squad storyline, while something huge and more interesting is happening outside. ODST did the squad storyline better, even with all the limitations.
I predicted Noble 6's death before even playing the game.
Halo 2>Halo 1>ODST>Halo 3>Reach
Halo 1>Halo 3>ODST>Reach>Halo 2
ODST>Halo 2>Halo 1>Reach>Halo 3
Halo 3's atmosphere was awesome, better then Reach by a mile.
ODST atmosphere was the best.
Steal Over post
Halo 3 >>>>>>>>
Halo 3 >>>>>>>>
Halo 3 >>>>>>>>
CastlevaniaCurious what my favorite game is.
I can't argue with that, still puts a smile on my face every time I go back and replay that mission.
also Ellis responded about the sparkast on twitter
I"m agreeing with you far too much lately.Story
Halo 2>Halo 1>ODST>Halo 3>Reach
Halo 1>Halo 3>ODST>Reach>Halo 2
ODST>Halo 2>Halo 1>Reach>Halo 3
I think I'd put ODST before Halo 3 in the gameplay department, but otherwise I 100% agree.Story
Halo 2>Halo 1>ODST>Halo 3>Reach
Halo 1>Halo 3>ODST>Reach>Halo 2
ODST>Halo 2>Halo 1>Reach>Halo 3
You are going to get SO much shit for putting H1 last for gameplay...Story
Halo 2 > Halo: CE = ODST = Halo 3
Halo 2 > Halo 3 = ODST > Halo CE
ODST > Halo 2 > Halo CE > Halo 3
that's right, halo reach isn't even on my list.
recorded our CTF match in Exile. Had lavalier mics in my headset to record audio. 20 minutes, will upload as soon as I can borrow a laptop.
bsangel came over and teased me when I spent the first 5 minutes just going through the loadout options.
bungie hasn't made a good Halo campaign in a decade. Bungie suffers from the Blizzard effect, where you have people who aren't very skilled in their fields getting executive directorial/writing positions simply because they've been with the company a long time, and now they can't be replaced.
Maybe it was because I didn't play through CE first, but yeah, I don't like it very much. At least campaign-wise. Multiplayer was awesome.
Yeah me too, it was mmm maybe very simple then you have to return for the very same path you came
bungie hasn't made a good Halo campaign in a decade. Bungie suffers from the Blizzard effect, where you have people who aren't very skilled in their fields getting executive directorial/writing positions simply because they've been with the company a long time, and now they can't be replaced.
Yeah, the backtracking really bothered me. Just felt like a chore, to be honest.
And if we're going to rank multiplayer, I'm assuming we all share a similar ranking:
Halo 2~3>Halo CE>pile of garbage>>>>>>>>>>>>>Reach
There's video of a Knight assassinating an Elite with a blade, but also backhanding someone with a light rifle. It looks like they use both for melee purposesI've noticed that a "Knight" wielding the Hardlight Blade uses it primarily for Defense to distance its enemies and breaking shields.
While higher class Knights "Captain, Commander, Battlewagon, and other unknown ranks (atm)" wield Hardlight Scythe for Offensive/Rogue Tactics when Insta-Strafe Phase at enemies. Results of fatality depends on class and difficulty.
For me, Halo had the best in-game atmosphere; the feeling of mystery upon initial landing on Halo, then dread and horror that builds up to the reveal of the Flood is second to none in the series. But as a story, Halo 2 takes the cake.
The sheer volume of world building Bungie did in that game is incredible. The scope expands exponentially, a host of charactes are created and fleshed out (the Arbiter and Truth being standouts), and there are actual character arcs they pass through. The Arbiter's journey from shamed commander to suicide mission chaser to having his faith shaken, and ultimately turning away from the Covenant was so well done; it's still some of my favorite story telling in all of gaming. There are so many ways it could have gone wrong, and they pulled it off at every front.
Shame it was cut short, but what Bungie did in Halo 2 has defined and set the fictional foundations for the entire rest of the series.
There's video of a Knight assassinating an Elite with a blade, but also backhanding someone with a light rifle. It looks like they use both for melee purposes
This as well. I liked that the Weapons are literally an extension of their own body.I love how in this image, instead of just slicing the enemy with his sword, the Knight does a 360 to hit it with the gun.
Looks sick though
Whoa whoa whoa... Now we're ranking MP?
Here goes!
Halo 2> Halo CE> Halo 3> MW3> MW2> Crap> Reach.
You go too far.
Seriously, the Modern Warfares are some of the worst games ever made. Don't get caught up in Reach hate so much that you lose all sense of perspective.
You go too far.
Seriously, the Modern Warfares are some of the worst games ever made. Don't get caught up in Reach hate so much that you lose all sense of perspective.
I don't think you really know what being one of the worst games ever made meansYou go too far.
Seriously, the Modern Warfares are some of the worst games ever made. Don't get caught up in Reach hate so much that you lose all sense of perspective.