Plywood said:
Completely agree I think wasted like 3-4 hours doing it and now I read you could've used the Pelican Turret.
FFS, I DID THAT SHIT WITH MY BAREHANDS. Calculating and taking out every damn enemy one at a time and the Elite's being complete tools just sitting at there post or position, fuck them, fuck them to hell.
The payout was not worth it, but every time I pushed myself to a new section or checkpoint I told myself "I got this far, might as well keep going.
Honestly I could have done the same thing you did. Save Quit, Save Quit, Save Quit. Not too hard. I would have done that if I did it solo.
We chose to do it as a 2 man cell AND with Blind Skull on. LASO is not LASO without Blind.
I decided to use the Pelican turret, yeah, but it was still freaking hard enough trying to keep my buddy alive anyway. I killed but 7 Elites and some grunts with it to end the game. I do think using it on Solo would've been a bit of a cheap scape move.
We sure could've spent an extra hour trying to kill those last elites sure. If Bungie didn't intend for the turret to be used it wouldn't have been usable.
The only real difference in our methods was the time it took. 2 hours vs 4.
Go do it again WITH Blind on then tell me how crappy of a player I am.
Mikasangelos said:
I dont think thats tied into Halo Faith. Is it?
I thought they were one in the same. My bad. Har har. The point remains.
They go on to post this in the comments of the album: "
Operation Chastity |We have completed filming of our teaser. We will no doubt make an announcement when casting begins for the feature.

What do they mean by "Teaser"? Is it a short film? A teaser trailer? Why would they spend time filming a trailer without the feature cast in it? Wtf?