xxjuicesxx said:yea whats liveupdateer?
Striker said:Saw Ghaleon post in the Optimatch as well, but some good news regarding BTB.
He exclaims there will be a playlist change up. In two words, "-blam- yes".
Unless they're really demanding BTB to be a true CTF/Assault playlist, or changes to Team Slayer for that matter, what's the point of this? They'll have it on smaller maps, although some larger ones at times, so I'm thinking along the likes of Tempest, Boardwalk, Condemned, etc. Unlike 6v6 Team Battle in Halo 2, however, I'm not sure it has the map quality for it. In that sense, we had many. There was map sizes that were prime for it, namely Colossus, Zanzibar, Burial Mounds, Relic, Terminal, and Tombstone. Now they also had Skirmish variants included, so there was lots more variety. Not sure I'll be interested in this, especially if BTB gets its true access back.
I always thought Team Objective would play better as a 5v5 playlist, myself.Domino Theory said:*sigh* There are way too many playlists in Reach. I think it'd be better if Team Slayer was bumped to 5v5 instead of adding a 5v5 playlist.
Something I certainly agree on, it's weird to feel like it's the same situation that H3 was in before they trimmed the playlists.Domino Theory said:*sigh* There are way too many playlists in Reach.
If Bungie did that, I'd never be able to play Team Snipers again. :'^(Domino Theory said:Or Team Objective, yeah. Just better to bump an existing playlist to 5v5 than to add another one.
I'd also like to see Team SWAT and Snipers morphed into one playlist called "Team Tactical" in addition to both DLC playlists being morphed into one called "Team DLC" or something. Those are my two cents, anyways.
GhaleonEB said:I always thought Team Objective would play better as a 5v5 playlist, myself.
Tunavi said:
Most of the maps are too small for those extra players. It would end up being a spawn/grenade clusterfuck anytime you made a push into the enemy base. it already kind of is at 4v4.GhaleonEB said:I always thought Team Objective would play better as a 5v5 playlist, myself.
Probably so. I just like how, in concept, five man teams work out. There are only a couple maps that would support it well though.Havok said:Most of the maps are too small for those extra players. It would end up being a spawn/grenade clusterfuck anytime you made a push into the enemy base. it already kind of is at 4v4.
Top 5 new junior posters of OT3:Karl2177 said:Awesome, ended the last thread with 117 replies.
Does that make me a Spartan yet?
Not a junior anymore(Congrats, if I didn't say it in the last thread). ODIN is the 5th one.Hitmonchan107 said:Top 5 new junior posters of OT3:
No. 5 - ncsuDuncan (168 posts)
No. 4 - Hitmonchan107 (246 posts)
No. 3 - A27_StarWolf (255 posts)
No. 2 - Steelyuhas (262 posts)
No. 1 - A27 Tawpgun (334 posts)
That's why I said "new" junior posters. Those were the highest posters from the new junior wave that happened in OT3.Karl2177 said:Not a junior anymore(Congrats, if I didn't say it in the last thread). ODIN is the 5th one.
Well to be honest lockout is not that great in Reach from what i've played. Not that its a bad map, it just feels strange, as most teams just grab the towers and destroy you from across the map. Dreadnaught is straight up terrible though.Bread said:I hate people on Reach for choosing Dreadnaught TSC over Eclipse TS Rifles. So stupid.
WHATLingitiz said:Well to be honest lockout is not that great in Reach from what i've played. Not that its a bad map, it just feels strange, as most teams just grab the towers and destroy you from across the map. Dreadnaught is straight up terrible though.
I agree that it doesn't feel the same, but it's so much better than Dreadnought, I can't stand that shit. It's so easy to dominate that map if you have a team that just sticks together on the top level (which I don't because I'm playing with randoms)Lingitiz said:Well to be honest lockout is not that great in Reach from what i've played. Not that its a bad map, it just feels strange, as most teams just grab the towers and destroy you from across the map. Dreadnaught is straight up terrible though.
Karl2177 said:Not a junior anymore(Congrats, if I didn't say it in the last thread). ODIN is the 5th one.
I don't remember how long the Halo 3 thread was, since I was still lurking at the time, but I think it may have been longer. And that was all just one thread.computers putin' said:HOLY SHIT!!!!1! a fourth OT? this has got to be a record for most posts on a single topic on this board or something....
Yes, because by posting more you clearly show you are not a junior.Hitmonchan107 said:Top 5 new junior posters of OT3:
No. 5 - ncsuDuncan (168 posts)
No. 4 - Hitmonchan107 (246 posts)
No. 3 - A27_StarWolf (255 posts)
No. 2 - Steelyuhas (262 posts)
No. 1 - A27 Tawpgun (334 posts)
xxjuicesxx said:Auto updater doesn't seem to work I left for the bars and then refreshed and there was at least 10 new posts that didnt update.
Yeah, the max count on map should be reduced across the board for weapons. Although I will say, I just got done playing a whole bunch of Arena games with Striker and JdFox and they were more enjoyable than the default gametypes by far. Jetpack needs to be taken out ASAP though, it breaks every single map. For people that are sick of armor lock and just want to play some Slayer, it's what I'd recommend. A good team can absolutely mop up on the bad kids in that playlist.PNut said:Hot damn OT 4!
During a game of Arena on Countdown tonight there were 2 swords, 2 shotguns and 2 concussion rifles live on the map. Wow. Felt like I was playing a game of Team Melee in Halo 3. Whatever needs to be done to keep the population at a reasonable number I'm all for, but the power weapon respawn times need to be tweaked for that playlist. Glad evade was removed though.
When I think of Halo CTF or Halo Assault, I think of 4v4. Maps like Beaver Creek, Warlock, Midship, and Sanctuary, the prime objective maps from Halo 2, were sublime for 8 people. Any more and it becomes crammed.GhaleonEB said:I always thought Team Objective would play better as a 5v5 playlist, myself.
Yeah, it's going to be ridiculous when you already have:Domino Theory said:*sigh* There are way too many playlists in Reach. I think it'd be better if Team Slayer was bumped to 5v5 instead of adding a 5v5 playlist.
That nobody but us like to play Objective, and so Drop Shield will remain firmly in its place for all of eternity, standing next to its companion, Assault Rifle starts on Hemorrhage.Striker said:Yeah, it's going to be ridiculous when you already have:
SLAYER ONLY Team Arena (4v4)
SLAYER ONLY Team Slayer (4v4)
SLAYER ONLY Squad Battle (5v5)
What's the sense of this?
Speaking of Objective, I haven't seen a basic 1-flag or 1-bomb show up one Reflection in a while. It's mostly Pro variants. I kind of wish they would be dropped on smaller maps, but saved for larger ones.Havok said:That nobody but us like to play Objective, and so Drop Shield will remain firmly in its place for all of eternity.![]()
Just because you made a lot of posts doesn't mean they were good posts.Hitmonchan107 said:Top 5 new junior posters of OT3:
No. 5 - ncsuDuncan (168 posts)
No. 4 - Hitmonchan107 (246 posts)
No. 3 - A27_StarWolf (255 posts)
No. 2 - Steelyuhas (262 posts)
No. 1 - A27 Tawpgun (334 posts)
Yeah, if it were up to me I'd put an axe to a whole bunch of them and relegate them to double credit weekend hoppers.Striker said:Agree about playlists, Mojo. I know some here might not agree, but in my world, I wouldn't make things like Living Dead and Grifball every day, permanent playlists. They're ideal for your weekly extravaganzas, or for a "Double cR" idea. I still can't understand why Living Dead is in Competitive anyways. It should be, if it's permanent, remaining in the Community section with Community maps.
Seems like it's not activated by default. Click the little icon at the bottom of the page, then it will check every minute for new posts as long as you stay on that page. At least that's how I think it works. :Ixxjuicesxx said:Auto updater doesn't seem to work I left for the bars and then refreshed and there was at least 10 new posts that didnt update.