Slightly Live
Dirty tag dodger

1am Superior Standard Time.
When is that in inferior time?
Figure it out yourself. London time plus or minus something. 1h45min from this post.
It invite only! How do I join?
Send a message via Live to Slightly Live. Just send a simple request for an invite and you'll be invited as soon as space opens up. Will reject Friend Rejects, bribes and offers of unscrupulous services in exchanges for entry.
Can my cousin's brother's friend's little step-brother join too?
Following the welcoming tradition of HaloGAF, of course not. There's a priority hierarchy when it comes to joining.
Awesome People > Random Members > Juniors > Lurkers/Stalkers/Flim-flammers/Bnet Kids/Siblings
What will be playing tonight?
A mix of Slayer, Classic, Objectives and lots of games involving the non-appearance of Armour Lock. Maybe one or two "silly" gametypes to wash the serious business down.
Do I need the Defiant and Noble map packs?
No. The on-disc maps are just swell.