A27 Tawpgun said:Any of you guys planning on going to PAX East by any chance?
Possibly, if I do I'll have to drag Tman along.
A27 Tawpgun said:Any of you guys planning on going to PAX East by any chance?
Oh wow, thats a great resource thanksLouis Wu said:doh - sorry.![]()
Maybe try here?
(The 360 template is all the way down at the bottom.)
GhaleonEB said:The package the Chief is toting down south is definately a new weapon, though.
We get a weekly update from 343 every Tuesday (and or Wednesday) now thoughLazslo said:So is Bungie's done with The Weekly Updates for awhile? Kinda bummed I love reading those.
Tashi0106 said:Looks like this will be my new monitor I play Halo on. It's HDMI ready so when I'm ready to get the Black Magic Intensity and a new 360, I'll be good to go. All I need now is the video card and Windows 7 and I'm ready to build.
Risen said:Out of curiosity why the BMI card and not the shuttle? I've heard a number of people say they notice some lag when running through the card streaming/capping live game play. I have not experience with it myself but would like to run a setup some day.
That sucks! I just tried to send him a PM and got denied. Came into this thread to see if anyone knew what was up, and, sure enough, he's banned. Mother BLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!Rickenslacker said:What the... Tashi got banned? Hope he's back soon.
Plywood said:Think it was this thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=436735 everyone who said Liam Neeson got banned and post deleted.
I'm almost to Legend, and the rank I'm on now is the last sub 1 million credit grind.bobs99 ... said:aw man, those stupid jokes are part of gafs charm, the mods are taking things too seriously. Hope its just a short ban.
Also im so close to Field Marshall I can taste it but 700K CR for the next rank up after than, thats like 10x worse than the Warrant Office grind!
Hey man! It's awesome to finally see you post on here.Gabo´s Palace said:[/B]Well my GT is gabotron15
Gabo´s Palace said:Well my GT is gabotron15 and you have probably already played with me, I have been lurking since I discovered the Halo Reach thread with Tom Morello's leaked images.
I'm a 18 years old spanish guy, my english skills are pretty good but things get worse while trying to speak it and understand it so you will not probably hear me as much as I'd like but I'm making some big improvements.
Lastly I will say that the registration system is a damm joke and say hello to Gui and bobs99.
Tashi's alt confirmed?xxjuicesxx said:gabo made it finally lol!
Haha that's right when I started lurking.Gabo´s Palace said:I have been lurking since I discovered the Halo Reach thread with Tom Morello's leaked images.
Now get a damn mic, lol.Gabo´s Palace said:Yeah it's awesome to finally be able to post here, so many discussions missed
EDIT: I'm working on a little project at the Waypoint Forums, if you want to take part you guys are more than welcomed.
They stare directly into your soul.
Except for that lightish red ODST on the left.Gabo´s Palace said:They stare directly into your soul.
Ya know, cool guys don't look at the camera.Ken said:Except for that lightish red ODST on the left.
And the green EVA above him.
I miss the Scout helmet.
Or maybe its on the disc and Microsoft/343i told/asked Bungie to put the helmet on the disc before launch.wwm0nkey said:
Holy shit welcome, finally! I remember you from Halo 3 Gaf customs eons ago.. :lolGabo´s Palace said:Highest Halo 3 level and which playlist.
20 in Lone wolves, didn't really enjoyed the ranked experience, I'm a social guy.
AR or BR?
Favorite multiplayer map from Halo 2 and 3 (one of each).
Valhalla, Avalanche and the Pit... I have never played Halo 2 but judging from some vids it looks baaad .Do you prefer BTB or MLG?jk
BTB, I love vehicles and explosions.
Competitive multiplayer or Firefight?
Firefight is an excellent addition but I prefer competitive.
Games completed on Legendary.
Halo 3 and Reach
Are you EazyB?
Sadly no
Favorite Campaign missions (all games).
Tsavo Highway, The Covenant, New Alexandria and The Pillar of Autumm.
Favorite Reach playlists.
BTb and Premium Battle, Action Sack is also pretty cool.
Size of frankie erotica folder (in megabytes).
The entire Deep Web
Opinion on reticule bloom.
Kill it
Opinion on Armor Abilities and the one you favor.
They are a nice addition to the series but some abilities seem out of place in some playlists, jetpacks in doubles and the Arena, armor lock in Team Slayer... evade should be Elites only too.
Why are you a Halo fan?
Halo 3 was the first Xbox game I played and I totally loved it, both campaign and multiplayer were awesome.
Favorite Halogaffer, and least favorite. (optional)
All you guys are awesome but it seems like some gaffers just have bad things to say about my Haloz lol
Now feel free to introduce yourself and/or share anything you want so we get to know you better, we'd love to read it. (optional)
Well my GT is gabotron15 and you have probably already played with me, I have been lurking since I discovered the Halo Reach thread with Tom Morello's leaked images.
I'm a 18 years old spanish guy, my english skills are pretty good but things get worse while trying to speak it and understand it so you will not probably hear me as much as I'd like but I'm making some big improvements.
Lastly I will say that the registration system is a damm joke and say hello to Gui and bobs99.
This is great.Gabo´s Palace said:
Can you load the maps in Custom Games?Jedeye Sniv said:Is something wrong with my game? Whenever I try to play online I get a load failed problem when I try to get matchmaking. Any ideas HaloGAF?
House in CT. School in Boston. Best be a GAF meetup at PAX East.kylej said:Gross so many CT/NY kids. Where are my Boston/NH bros at? Debating whether I want to brave PAX East again to meet up with some of you.
I'm 20 minutes west of Boston, I think I told you that before though.kylej said:Gross so many CT/NY kids. Where are my Boston/NH bros at? Debating whether I want to brave PAX East again to meet up with some of you.
We need more midwest gaffers. That's all I'm getting out of this.A27 Tawpgun said:House in CT. School in Boston. Best be a GAF meetup at PAX East.
Hitmonchan107 said:I was partied up with an Inheritor with the gamertag OU Champions X7. He kept shooting me and finally betrayed me.
I think he might idle, but I only found one idled game in his past 25 games.
Judging from games like this, he gets a kill at the beginning of a match and then proceeds to idle. What a jerk.
kylej said:Gross so many CT/NY kids. Where are my Boston/NH bros at? Debating whether I want to brave PAX East again to meet up with some of you.
.Tashi on XBL said:
:-(Letters said: