Domino Theory
Crystal Dynamics
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Master Chief's helmet design and aestethics in that Halo Fest poster. LOVE IT.
neoism said:too me it adds fun shame it doesn't for you. I really don't care about canon.I think it's funny that Bungle even tried to explain the different weapons in each game.... its a video game poeple. I'm all for game play. I just really love sprint though, I'm also a fan of inertia, yes its an easy way out. Sad for the pros and not soo sad for me. I enjoy REACH more mainly because its an easier game. I wasn't good or bad a 3, but you definitely need more skill. But Halo will have to be "easier" now I think. But yeah, sprint to me is fun. This core game-play talk doesn't make much sense to me. Every game has been different, and I don't want 4 to play or feel like an 7 year old game. I think neither does 343.
Also I'm surprised at 3 not being the fastest I can't really remember, haven't touched 3 since REACH. Which game had the fastest base speed?
But I see these low numbers in the fringe playlists as a direct consequence of Reach's bad mechanics such as bloom, melee, and other things like armor abilities leading to frustrating experiences in anything other than non-competitive playlists. You can't play Reach competitively and not want to pull hairs. If we were to go back to Halo 2 and 3, the numbers were different. Of course a lot of the quirky playlists didn't exist back then, but they also didn't need to exist.GhaleonEB said:I don't think that gives people enough credit. The difference is not in the name, it's in the content. One is tailored for the masses, and one a bit more hardcore, and the populations represent accordingly.
GAF is a more hardcore community, and so...
Exactly. HaloGAF, generally speaking, does not represent the player base, but the hardcore player base.
BIG TEAM BATTLE 5,165 Players
INVASION 2,795 Players
TEAM SWAT 5,157 Players
LIVING DEAD 12,281 Players
GRIFBALL 2,117 Players
The real fringe playlists are:
MLG 641 Players
SQUAD SLAYER 1,281 Players
We are hardcore. Hardcore are the fringe.![]()
All good points. And maybe there is a way to balance map design and movement speed to where I no longer feel like I'm moving sluggishly slow.A27 Tawpgun said:So it's only useful in BTB maps... And that seems like a problem with the maps, and not the base traits.
So you admitted it lets you flee fights easier. Which I don't like since running away was in all the Halo's. I don't want it easier.
Regrouping with teammates isn't much of an issue. Never has been. Unless its the maps fault. The 4 v 4 maps are small enough that you can help teammates from almost any point on the map.
Also, variance in movement speed for defensive maneuvers? I have NEVER seen sprint used like this. What you described is strafing. Something useful at higher movement speeds.
I actually bring up canon somewhat tongue in cheek. If there's anything I've learned about Bungie is that gameplay comes first, and the fiction afterwards. Can't blame em at all for that outlook really.neoism said:... I really don't care about canon.I think it's funny that Bungle even tried to explain the different weapons in each game.... its a video game people.
I'm shocked.Domino Theory said:I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Master Chief's helmet design and aestethics in that Halo Fest poster. LOVE IT.
I think I need to see some more to properly judge my feelings... Just a little bit more.Domino Theory said:I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Master Chief's helmet design and aestethics in that Halo Fest poster. LOVE IT.
I'm right there with you Ram. Of all the armor abilities, I thought the jetpack was the most interesting and fun to use, but I can understand how people feel that it breaks maps. I would prefer armor abilities to be scrapped altogether. I'd rather go back to a faster default movement speed where strategy can come back into play and not just reckless abandon with sprint and other abilities.Ramirez said:Man, I just sit here and shake my head reading what most of you want out of 4, blah.
I hate sprint, mainly for the fact that upon spawn you can be right back where you were 5 seconds prior to mop up the kill. I can't tell you how many times I've sprinted back to the guy and got a revenge medal within 10 seconds of dying, heh. It also ruins objective games, if flag juggling was still in it wouldn't matter as much, but here you are running slow as a snail while the other team sprints into position, really lame. I like how MLG locks it out on spawn, but really I would love to just see it gone for good, as someone else said, just because every other FPS on the market has sprinting doesn't mean that Halo needs to fold on its core gameplay and include it.
I just hope 343 can find a middle ground, I'm not delusional enough to think everything they do is going to be a "hardcore" Halo fans wet dream.
Ramirez said:I thought that fake boxart model looked really awesome, not sure why people aren't ok with it.
Domino Theory said:Seriously, how can you not like this?[/IM[/QUOTE]
Because it looks better suited for an Anime than a main Halo game. And coming after the Mark VI, it's a disappointment and in every way a downgrade from the former.
Pretty much this, at least from what I've seen. It looks like its not the right size.MrBig said:Because it's bulky and has stuff added just to add detail to it, like a concept of a high school kid's doodle.
He has no more dick armor though D:Domino Theory said:Seriously, how can you not like this?
Dax01 said:Because it looks better suited for an Anime than a main Halo game. And coming after the Mark VI, it's a disappointment and in every way a downgrade from the former.
Domino Theory said:Seriously, how can you not like this?[IMG][/QUOTE]
Way back when I was in first grade and loved the Power Rangers I really wanted a green ranger action figure. One of those bigger ones. My parents came home one day with one, but something was amiss... it was a Chinese knockoff power ranger toy, and it looked bulky and robotic in the way an actual power ranger wasn't.
This redesign of the Chief reminds me of that Chinese knockoff power ranger toy.
Domino Theory said:Seriously, how can you not like this?
Best chief ever imo. Make it look exactly like thatA27 Tawpgun said:I don't know. This seems more iconic to me.
A27 Tawpgun said:It's the helmet that really bothers me. It's just... sort of a break in continuity.
I don't know. This seems more iconic to me.
But in all honestly I have to see what it will ACTUALLY look like and such.
Domino Theory said:Yeah, I like Chief's design from the CG trailer, but it came from just that: a CG trailer. We'll have to wait and see how it actually looks in-game/in-engine before we ask for a re-design.
That's everything it shows on the cover, bro. lolololRamirez said:Bulky? He looks way smaller than past iterations, IMO. Really the only big differences I even notice are the shoulder pads, chest is a bit different, and the helmet has changed. Other than those small things, he looks practically the same to me.
Domino Theory said:Yeah, I like Chief's design from the CG trailer, but it came from just that: a CG trailer. We'll have to wait and see how it actually looks in-game/in-engine before we ask for a re-design.
The Halo 4 one was not though.darthbob said:That trailer was real-time.
(E3 06)
He's talking about the Halo 4 announcement.darthbob said:That trailer was real-time.
(E3 06)
Yeah. I mean, seriously compare this:PsychoRaven said:See something we can all agree on. I don't like it's design one bit. I really do hope the design changes before ship.
Well, in terms of the actual design of the armor, what we got in the H3 announcement trailer is what we got in Halo 3, so I don't think asking for a re-design right now is unwarranted.Domino Theory said:Yeah, I like Chief's design from the CG trailer, but it came from just that: a CG trailer. We'll have to wait and see how it actually looks in-game/in-engine before we ask for a re-design.
A27 Tawpgun said:He's talking about the Halo 4 announcement.
I almost made the same mistake lol. But deleted my post before I submitted it. Googled Halo 3 Chief and everything.
Dax01 said:Yeah. I mean, seriously compare this:
or this
to this
And you can see why the design is lackluster and pretty disappointing.
darthblob said:That trailer was real-time.
(E3 06)
Exactly.NullPointer said:Its also proportioned well.
Prior to Reach, Bungie's Spartan design has been detailed, but the profiles are clean and angular, not chunky. It's one of the Chief's signature elements. Reach's Spartans are very chunky to facilitate their individualization and the armor customization feature.Dax01 said:Yeah. I mean, seriously compare this:
or this
to this
And you can see why the design is lackluster and pretty disappointing.
I think that's a safe bet actually.A27 Tawpgun said:ZERO G COMBAT WITH MAGNET BOOTS CONFIRMED.
That's a very good point. It does look like one of Reach's custom Spartans.GhaleonEB said:Prior to Reach, Bungie's Spartan design has been detailed, but the profiles are clean and angular, not chunky. It's one of the Chief's signature elements. Reach's Spartans are very chunky to facilitate their individualization and the armor customization feature.
The guy on the cover of that mock up looks like one of Reach's custom Spartans to me, not the Chief. Very chunky and lacking in the clean lines.
It's not a huge deal. It's early yet, and they may well take the look in a different direction in the end. But it's markedly different from Bungie's design aesthetic. (But then, it would be.)
I knew it! Its Jorge!Dax01 said:That's a very good point. It does look like one of Reach's custom Spartans.
yep the top one is BOSS as fuck. The shoulder pads on 4s makes he's arms look really short. Also does anyone even know who made the trailer... was it 343.Dax01 said:Yeah. I mean, seriously compare this:
A27 Tawpgun said:He's talking about the Halo 4 announcement.
I almost made the same mistake lol. But deleted my post before I submitted it. Googled Halo 3 Chief and everything.
But then again, Halo 3's CGI trailer had him down almost exactly like he was in game.
I was going to mention that also. Halo 3's marketing campaign was the best I've ever seen. The 06 announcement, the ARG, the Believe campaign with all the live action stuff. The diorama. It was amazing. Reach on the other hand barely had anything.Domino Theory said:Speaking of, that was a brilliant marketing srategy by Microsoft for Halo 3. I hope they do something like that again for Halo 4, just a tad later than the December before its release (which, for Halo 3, was 10 months prior). Sports games on TV usually are the highest rated slots on television and fit a large portion of the demographic that would play games such as Halo, Gears and Call of Duty.
If I was a part of the marketing team, I'd try to have a similar CG trailer, but air it during the Super Bowl. You'd get the most consumer impressions from there.
A27 Tawpgun said:I was going to mention that also. Halo 3's marketing campaign was the best I've ever seen. The 06 announcement, the ARG, the Believe campaign with all the live action stuff. The diorama. It was amazing. Reach on the other hand barely had anything.
Halo is losing it's popularity with CoD. It needs to have strong marketing campaigns to compete with that juggernaut. Not to mention this is 343's first Halo game. I think they need to approach the marketing from two fronts. Standard, hype everyone marketing. But almost more important than that... a marketing campaign re-assuring Halo fans that their franchise may have changed hands, but its still going to be as awesome, if not better than what they are expecting.
For once I'd like to see actual gameplay that could hold a candle to their marketing vision. Show us something from behind that helmet, that's playable, not just some cinematic, that we won't soon forget.A27 Tawpgun said:Halo is losing it's popularity with CoD. It needs to have strong marketing campaigns to compete with that juggernaut. Not to mention this is 343's first Halo game. I think they need to approach the marketing from two fronts. Standard, hype everyone marketing. But almost more important than that... a marketing campaign re-assuring Halo fans that their franchise may have changed hands, but its still going to be as awesome, if not better than what they are expecting.
Domino Theory said:The issue isn't that Halo is losing its popularity to Call of Duty, it's that Halo isn't really gaining many new fans. It seems that those who fell in love with Halo are sticking with Halo and it isn't really going beyond that.
Halo: Reach managed to gain some new consumers with gameplay additions such as the Jetpack, the Armory and credits, but not by much, I imagine.
Look at the sales numbers for Halo 2, Halo 3 and Halo: Reach's first month on the market. Each has sold 3.3 million units on launch month, afaik.
Halo is withstanding the market nicely with consistency, but it also needs to grow in the market. 343 is attempting this with new Halo novels, new Halo action figures, Halo: Legends for Japanese/Anime users and of course, Halo Anniversary.
Like Phil Spencer said, those who were only 8 years old when Halo CE came out are now 18 years old so Halo Anniversary's release makes perfect sense from a marketing/business perspective and is definitely a fan service (one of the most requested releases for the Halo franchise).
ODST didn't help either in terms of what it offered. I love it to death, but I'm a weirdo.Thagomizer said:Part of this was also because, for the vast majority of Halo 2's lifespan, it was the ONLY decent FPS option on the Xbox. Now, Halo has a lot of competition that simply didn't exist back on the original 'box.
It's my second favorite in-game story. Most of Halo's audience had no idea what to do when it wasn't exactly like the normal formula.NullPointer said:ODST didn't help either in terms of what it offered. I love it to death, but I'm a weirdo.
Must have gotten Bungie to do that one for them, or they might have Megalo.Steelyuhas said:Elite Grifball? How did they do that? I thought there wasn't a way to force races in custom options.
MrBig said:It's my second favorite in-game story. Most of Halo's audience had no idea what to do when it wasn't exactly like the normal formula.