If Tashi were a drug, he'd be....Dani said:
If Tashi were a drug, he'd be....Dani said:
This is the important part of why Reach's AR is so irksome for many. It's effective at mid-close range instead of just close range. I don't think it's very balanced with regards to the magnum in that respect.Steelyuhas said:Yeah, I agree. Obviously it should be within ranges.
The range that the AR is effective against the Magnum in this game is awful IMO. It is especially irksome because the Magnum is so much fun to use in this game.
Hells to the yeah I wanna play some ODST.Hitmonchan107 said:Edit: Would anyone be willing to play ODST Firefight tonight? I just realized I have four more of the 200,000 point achievements I need to get to 100 percent complete the game.
Barrow Roll said:This is the important part of why Reach's AR is so irksome for many. It's effective at mid-close range instead of just close range. I don't think it's very balanced with regards to the magnum in that respect.
What I would personally like to test with the AR is making it a monster at very close range but have it recoil out the wazoo. I don't mean bloom, I mean actual recoil. You wanna shoot it at mid range? Learn to burst fire or switch to a more appropriate weapon. Of course this would require that everyone starts with some sort of precision weapon in every gametype with the AR as a secondary.
Yeah, that would work too. The idea in my head was under the assumption that we were stuck with the Magnum the way it is. A little less bloom (get rid of it completely? XD) and a 12 shot magazine and I think the Magnum would be set.Steelyuhas said:I think if the Magnum was very good like it should be than the current AR and DMR would balance with the Magnum nicely. Close range, AR is best. Mid-range, Magnum is best. Long-range, DMR is best.
Barrow Roll said:Yeah, that would work too. The idea in my head was under the assumption that we were stuck with the Magnum the way it is. A little less bloom (get rid of it completely? XD) and a 12 shot magazine and I think the Magnum would be set.
Hitmonchan107 said:Awesome! I was starting to wonder if I was on everybody's ignore list now. :lol
Give me an hour or so to find a stopping point on studying and to cook spaghetti for supper.
Ken said:Sounds good. I'll check the thread again and go online in about 40 minutes.
My fashion blogger sent me a blog to copy edit and put online, so I won't be on until 10:30 p.m. EST (one hour from now). Sorry about that!Barrow Roll said:Hells to the yeah I wanna play some ODST.
We need one more person! You know you want to.NullPointer said:In the old days I would've joined you, but with Reach that means I never have to play firefight with that damn Black Eye skull EVER again.
I do so miss those maps though, and the silenced SMG.
In the old days I would've joined you, but with Reach that means I never have to play firefight with that damn Black Eye skull EVER again.Hitmonchan107 said:My fashion blogger sent me a blog to copy edit and put online, so I won't be on until 10:30 p.m. EST (one hour from now). Sorry about that!
I would kill ALL the Dachshunds for that.vhfive said:Have you used Far Cry 2's map editor? I would fucking kill that Dachshund to have that in Reach.
Lolol I've actually never heard that one.Hydranockz said:If Tashi were a drug, he'd be....
It's the one day in the year where this joke is funnier than it might normally beTashi0106 said:Lolol I've actually never heard that one.
Hitmonchan107 said:I've been listening to Kid A all day.
Best music to study to. Well, that and Aphex Twin.
Edit: Would anyone be willing to play ODST Firefight tonight? I just realized I have four more of the 200,000 point achievements I need to get to 100 percent complete the game.
Oh right it's 4/20. I actually don't smoke so that hasn't really popped into my head lol.Hydranockz said:It's the one day in the year where this joke is funnier than it might normally be![]()
I'm pretty the fourth slot is going to be filled up by someone from HBO. But if I'm still up later tonight, we can tackle some cheevos together. *Bro knuckles.*O D I N said:Hitmonchan! I need 1 or 2 more ODST firefight cheevos myself! I may not be able to play until late though...
On a side note, I'm loving FF Limited. I need more people to play with. Any takers?
I don't either broTashi0106 said:Oh right it's 4/20. I actually don't smoke so that hasn't really popped into my head lol.
Are we still doing the gaf odst andH3 vidmaster party Friday? Have to wake up early tomorrow though so can't tonight.O D I N said:Hitmonchan! I need 1 or 2 more ODST firefight cheevos myself! I may not be able to play until late though...
On a side note, I'm loving FF Limited. I need more people to play with. Any takers?
Hitmonchan107 said:I'm pretty the fourth slot is going to be filled up by someone from HBO. But if I'm still up later tonight, we can tackle some cheevos together. *Bro knuckles.*
MrBig said:Are we still doing the gaf odst andH3 vidmaster party Friday? Have to wake up early tomorrow though so can't tonight.
You can add my gamertag as I usually do FF Limited nowadays when no one else is on.O D I N said:Hitmonchan! I need 1 or 2 more ODST firefight cheevos myself! I may not be able to play until late though...
On a side note, I'm loving FF Limited. I need more people to play with. Any takers?
As long as you aren't intending to make a profit from it, you should be covered by the doctrine of fair use.Hydranockz said:I don't either bro
Would making a game in XNA for my final year project in university slightly related to Halo be frowned upon? I was gonna make all the assets myself like.
Ah right cool... Adventures of Oonsk will be a W.I.P after allHitmonchan107 said:As long as you aren't intending to make a profit from it, you should be covered by the doctrine of fair use.
If you plan on releasing it through the XBLIG platform, it'd be frowned upon. If you make something that's similar to Halo, it could be considered a parody and be granted protection.
Ken said:You can add my gamertag as I usually do FF Limited nowadays when no one else is on.
You're finally here! Congrats bro (guess you've been here for awhile, sry I never noticed)Ken said:You can add my gamertag as I usually do FF Limited nowadays when no one else is on.
No worries and thanks lol.Lazslo said:You're finally here! Congrats bro (guess you've been here for awhile, sry I never noticed)
I don't have DefinantDomino Theory said:So is there anyone left on HaloGAF who does NOT have the Defiant or Noble MP? Just curious.
I don't think anybody else in this thread came as close as you did to me disagreeing with everything you just said. I am the complete opposite with everything here. Congratulations.Kuroyume said:That's why the AR is so obnoxious in this game. It's effective in close and middle range. Bloom doesn't matter for that weapon at all and you can just keep spraying it because of the large clip size but if you miss a shot with the pistol you're pretty much dead. It's ridiculous how much crap pistol users have to take into account when using that weapon compared to someone running around with the AR. Just wish they would explain how they justified nerfing the pistol and beefing up the AR after the beta. It was simply moronic.
I'm so damn tired of the AR in these games. Tired of hearing about how it's an iconic weapon. There's nothing iconic about it no matter how much they keep putting it on the art and other Halo crap. Maybe it's iconic for poop because that's all I think of when someone mentions the AR. It was nice to see it return after Halo 2 but we've reached the point where it needs to go away for a few games. Does the weapon look and sound better than it does in Halo 3? Yes, but I still refuse to use it whenever I can. I dislike everything about it. It's ugly and not fun to use at all. It ruins everything. Ruined BTB in Halo 3. Ruins the close to mid range combat with the pistol in this game. It's the turd gun.
I have neither, but I don't think that will come as a surprise to anyoneDomino Theory said:So is there anyone left on HaloGAF who does NOT have the Defiant or Noble MP? Just curious.
It would be better for sure. But any changes done to the Magnum to make it better at mid-range would also make it better at long range. I'm all for it, but I think a lot of people would object.Barrow Roll said:Yeah, that would work too. The idea in my head was under the assumption that we were stuck with the Magnum the way it is. A little less bloom (get rid of it completely? XD) and a 12 shot magazine and I think the Magnum would be set.
Kuroyume said:That's why the AR is so obnoxious in this game. It's effective in close and middle range. Bloom doesn't matter for that weapon at all and you can just keep spraying it because of the large clip size but if you miss a shot with the pistol you're pretty much dead. It's ridiculous how much crap pistol users have to take into account when using that weapon compared to someone running around with the AR. Just wish they would explain how they justified nerfing the pistol and beefing up the AR after the beta. It was simply moronic.
I'm so damn tired of the AR in these games. Tired of hearing about how it's an iconic weapon. There's nothing iconic about it no matter how much they keep putting it on the art and other Halo crap. Maybe it's iconic for poop because that's all I think of when someone mentions the AR. It was nice to see it return after Halo 2 but we've reached the point where it needs to go away for a few games. Does the weapon look and sound better than it does in Halo 3? Yes, but I still refuse to use it whenever I can. I dislike everything about it. It's ugly and not fun to use at all. It ruins everything. Ruined BTB in Halo 3. Ruins the close to mid range combat with the pistol in this game. It's the turd gun.
You're the one with the stats on challenges and the like. It seems to me in the past few months it has mostly been LASO and MP stuff. What are the totals for weekly challenges in each division?GhaleonEB said:Brutes are a cakewalk next to Elites on Mythic. Here's hoping for a Firefight weekly Challenge next week. (It'll be MP.)
I have far less kills and games played, but mine is at 1%. I hate the AR in MP, it's a scrubby weapon and no fun to use. It has great uses in Campaign and FF against Grunts especially, but it is just miserable to use, and be killed by in MP.GloveSlap said:100% agreed. I won't use it either. I don't care how effective it is, running forward and spraying is just completely lame. Same goes for armor lock. There are some things just so offensive from a gameplay perspective that i won't go anywhere near them. I would rather die(in the game).
Edit-Does anyone have less AR kills as a percentage than i do? http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/CareerStats/weapons.aspx?player=GloveSlap
I have almost as many 1-shot grenade launcher kills, lol
It'll probably get more active if they announce some new Forge maps. I wouldn't mind seeing a New Alexandria styled Forge map along with the Covenant one everyone talked about.Insaniac said:seems like forgegaf is slowly dying, but I thought I'd share this map that I made that uses about 2/3rds of Forgeworld, its a large battlefield style game with 5 territories, games last for 20 minutes and the team with the most points from captured territories wins.]
Mine is pretty low I'll bet.GloveSlap said:100% agreed. I won't use it either. I don't care how effective it is, running forward and spraying is just completely lame. Same goes for armor lock. There are some things just so offensive from a gameplay perspective that i won't go anywhere near them. I would rather die(in the game).
Edit-Does anyone have less AR kills as a percentage than i do? http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/CareerStats/weapons.aspx?player=GloveSlap
I have almost as many 1-shot grenade launcher kills, lol
PNut said:I'm barely 20% in Gold division and it takes 10-15 minutes to find a game searching solo. It loads up 3 players almost instantly and then restarts the search over and over. Because of this I can usually only get in 4-5 games in one hour. I think The Arena as run its course.
When I do find games they all become camp fests. With radar and power weapons every where no one moves. More times than not the time expires before the 50th kill. The only maps that are fast paced are Zealot and Asylum.
343, please make the next Halo have numbered ranks in the competitive playlist that are visible for all to see, one level symmetrical maps and faster kill times for the starting weapons. Thanks.
Halo Reach caters to many audiences. the competitive scene is alive and kicking.Ramirez said:I'm not even placed in a division yet and it takes FOREVER to find a match, I usually give up before I even get 2 games in. Then when I do finally get into a game I'm reminded why it's garbage, radar has no place in a competitive playlist, and not a single map has had its weapons rearranged, shotgun/sword have no place on Swordbase, among other annoying things like the sniper respawn times on Asylum. I also don't understand why you only start with one grenade here, but two in classic, baffling to say the least.
^ How could anyone miss Community BTB, that was seriously the worst garbage I've ever played in a high profile online shooter.
You sound like a man after my own heart. We should hang out lol.GloveSlap said:100% agreed. I won't use it either. I don't care how effective it is, running forward and spraying is just completely lame. Same goes for armor lock. There are some things just so offensive from a gameplay perspective that i won't go anywhere near them. I would rather die(in the game).
Like Booshka, I don't have nearly as many games played, but I too am at 1%: Long Live the Pistol!GloveSlap said:Edit-Does anyone have less AR kills as a percentage than i do? http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/CareerStats/weapons.aspx?player=GloveSlap
I have almost as many 1-shot grenade launcher kills, lol
Gamer98 said:I miss community BTB![]()
Oh no.Lake Minnetonka said:Get online fools, drunk Halo time.
I have a rockin' 1%. I blame commendations for that many.Tashi0106 said:
That's really impressive, Tashi, considering how much you've played. Dang.Tashi0106 said:
G3+ 0\/\/|\|3D n00b.Tashi0106 said:
Ummm. Not really. Have you been in the MLG playlist lately? He doesn't play anything outside of it. ARs don't exist there.Deputy Moonman said:That's really impressive, Tashi, considering how much you've played. Dang.