Xbox message center
Thank you very much! I pre-ordered a few days ago, so I probably won't get my code for a while, haha.
Xbox message center
You might get lucky and draw a good RNG card and get it today. If not probably next week 😒Thank you very much! I pre-ordered a few days ago, so I probably won't get my code for a while, haha.
So is it just a game browser at this point?
Yes, once there's an actual online population, this unranked game browser thing is going to get really old. No way to tell if you're going to have an even match or a one-sided murderfest.
I think the reason would be they didn't want a near-empty population to stop people from finding games (like what happened with HW1), but this kind of thing should only switch on during low population hours. If the servers are hopping I don't need to fight the world champion when someone whose just okay would be a fairer fight for both of us.
I hope it's added. I had some great plans to do ranked 2v2 and 3v3s and start all fresh.Yes pretty much. You can browse by team size, 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3 etc, you can browse by game type as well. That part is not that bad, the bad part is there is no leaderboards, Ranking and such. I know a lot of OG Halo Wars players that were looking forward to a fresh start with Ranking and such, but none of them now are looking forward to this. I don't understand why they took the other stuff out, it was a great feature a common feature amongst on-line RTS games, why would they remove that?
Game looks great however, I played a bit more of the single player and then went back to the 360 version and damn does it look so much better and very smooth. Loving the game, but once the SP content is done, it was MP and Rankings/Leaderboards I was looking forward too.
I did get in a 3vs3 game, but it was over pretty quick, one guy on my team quit early, the opposing team was able get a big tank battalion really fast and as they attacked my remaining team mate he quit as soon as the attack started, leaving me on a 3 on 1 and I was toast within minutes. Was still fun but I sorely miss Ranking and matchmaking. Right now you can have noob in a game versus a vet and they would be toast, with matchmaking and the true skill the OG did a pretty good job at matching you with others. Maybe since this is now a Beta/Early access version that the other online features will return.
No ranked or matchmaking? Odd to take out features and not readily disclose that. Unless I missed something in the description stating browser only that I missed.
Sour tastes all round.
Premade v pubbies oh boy.Meh, one positive that comes from this is that you can search for Co-op campaign sessions. Couldn't do that in the original.
I suppose as well you will get more arranged parties in 2v2/3v3 going up against randoms, which will suck if you're on the other team ahah.
Am I the only one who honestly wants Halo Wars DE just for the campaign again?
Now Halo Wars 2 I'm hoping to find a lot of gaffers to play Blitz with![]()
So we know if people have won the code lottery today?
You expect the people at 343 manually generating these codes to be working at 832am? That is crazy talk. They will get around to it at noon after they have had their meeting on which features will be broken at the halo wars 2 launch.
To be honest, I would expect that they have an automatic system in place. If they don't, then I would like to suggest they fire the genius who came up with the codes thing.
They are literally asking people to tweet them their gamer tags so they can manually generate a code. I honest don't think it is automated or why would it take so long.
Wait WTF?!? So those who preordered before the 14th are now shit out of luck and have to wait a week or more compared to those that preordered on the 14th getting them now? Microsoft what the hell are you doing?
Where is this happening and who is asking for the tweets. This is some backwards ass way of finding who needs a code or not. They should have a system in place where a bot picks out those gamertags or Microsoft accounts that have preoredered the Ultimate Edition. Is this so hard to execute?They are literally asking people to tweet them their gamer tags so they can manually generate a code. I honest don't think it is automated or why would it take so long.
Same here, I also like Skirmish games.I play halo wars for the campagin. Hope the sequal will have a great campagin too.
What...?? I might cancel my preorder. What kind of clown operation are 343 running lol.They are literally asking people to tweet them their gamer tags so they can manually generate a code. I honest don't think it is automated or why would it take so long.
Where is this happening and who is asking for the tweets. This is some backwards ass way of finding who needs a code or not. They should have a system in place where a bot picks out those gamertags or Microsoft accounts that have preoredered the Ultimate Edition. Is this so hard to execute?
So we know if people have won the code lottery today?
Good luck to anyone still waiting for a code.
Just got my code and I didn't pre-order until the 18th or 19th.
Goddamnit Microscofft
fuck still no code
At this point Frankie, needs to just PM OP a code. The dude made the thread, been prolific in the thread, pre-ordered his game a while ago and nothing. Glad to see people getting Code's though...would be nice to be able to find some more matches on-line, even this morning is was pretty barren and on the Original Game last night there were over 9500+ on-line, since it shows what the on-line population is at, where the new version of the game does not. But man going back to the OG hurts a bit because of how improved the new version is looks and runs. Just need for them to add back matchmaking, rankings and leaderboards and it will be golden.
Pre ordered December 7th still no code
From reddit to twitter to here; This batch seems to be 18th+ as the 14th should have already gone out.
Where did you make your pre order? I did mine on the W10 store on December 7th and still node code like you
At this point Frankie, needs to just PM OP a code. The dude made the thread, been prolific in the thread, pre-ordered his game a while ago and nothing. Glad to see people getting Code's though...would be nice to be able to find some more matches on-line, even this morning is was pretty barren and on the Original Game last night there were over 9500+ on-line, since it shows what the on-line population is at, where the new version of the game does not. But man going back to the OG hurts a bit because of how improved the new version is looks and runs. Just need for them to add back matchmaking, rankings and leaderboards and it will be golden.
So, I got my code yesterday. I've redeemed it. But I can't find a way to actually bloody install the thing on my PC!
There's two entries for the game on the Windows 10 store, one says the game's not currently available, and the other says I own the product but offers no download button!