Ugh man, I ordered mine Sunday and I haven't gotten anything eitherIt's supposed to be 7-10 days from when you placed your preorder. I ordered mine last Thursday and haven't received my code yet.
Ugh man, I ordered mine Sunday and I haven't gotten anything eitherIt's supposed to be 7-10 days from when you placed your preorder. I ordered mine last Thursday and haven't received my code yet.
Ugh man, I ordered mine Sunday and I haven't gotten anything either
You can always contact support in the hope of a key![]()
That is an excellent idea. I keep telling myself I will. I might as well right now. Will report back if it helps.
Edit: Did not help. Agents tried but said the system would not let them override 7-10 day wait.
I really can't play this online right now. The only people I find are ridiculously good and I can't touch them.
I'll play skirmish against AI for fun I guess until HW2 releases.
Without Ranking/Matchmaking this is the cause of uneven games.
Can anyone explain why an app in my library will show as no longer available? Did a fresh install of W10 and both Halo Wars DE and Halo 5 Forge are saying they are not available. My computer is update and on the Windows 10 1607 (Anniversary) update.
Open the Xbox app, you probably need to sign in.
Ok, did that... and now it's saying this app will not work on my device (and the XB1 icon is the only thing showing.) Huh?
A normal Play Anywhere code should add the title to your ready-to-download section on the XB1, and for PC to either your library on the Win10 store app (occasionally you pull it up on the store and add it from there). Your library should have a section for what plays on the PC you're on. It can be confusing because it will also show you the XB1 license which won't play on that device.
Double-check to see if you were looking at the Xbox license or the actual PC license (both will show up in your library). There may be an actual problem for you, but someone else had the same situation and it was just looking at the wrong item.
Click icon top right> my library > games/show all > press thingy next to it
Back to store
Since, it is New year eve and is weekend. You didn't receive code today. You will get I tomorrow
It maximum takes 7-10 business days. You will receive it. I am really sorry for the inconvenience.
Figure I would give an update of where my code is since it's been over 10 days and I haven't received it yet.
Contacted support via chat and was told the following
I guess MS doesn't work on Sundays...New year eve? Really?
7-10 business days? First I've heard that one.
Anyway, it's late. I don't have it. Hope to get it tomorrow.
Edit: Contacted MS support again since the last person only confused me. New person was very nice. I guess the order didn't go through until the day after I preordered, so that pushes me back one more day than I thought. Not entirely sure why I was given different answer from 3 different support people, but it is what it is I guess.
¯_(ツIt's been more than a week, this is super lame. Why exactly does it take 7-10 days?
Weird that they got rid of all the co-op achievements? The game is so fun in co-op.
Also, RIP best achievement name ever:
If I'm not going mad, at least one of the secret achievements is a coop one
Really was interested in this but the 7-10 business day BS completely turned me off. I just will have to see how it reviews before I decide to pick it up then.. Unfortunate..
Weird that they got rid of all the co-op achievements? The game is so fun in co-op.
Also, RIP best achievement name ever:
Yeah, was kind of odd. At least for me I found co-op harder on Legendary than doing it solo, even disregarding save/checkpoints.
Can you cross play skirmishes between PC and XB? Didn't see any info in the FAQ besides "you can play with friends".
Such a great name![]()
ill buy it off youWell that's interesting....
I received a code from support earlier when I contacted them, but just now received another one in my messages. They're not the same code/
Might have to give one away
ill buy it off you
a true hero, thanks mateTell ya what, if the first code I try works, i'll give you the other one.
Won't be able to try until later, but i'll let you know.
Yeah it's so good.After a whole bit of messing required to reinstall Windows on my new SSD, upgrade to 10, get the codes and stuff, finally playing. Halo Wars in 4K is definitely really nice.
After a whole bit of messing required to reinstall Windows on my new SSD, upgrade to 10, get the codes and stuff, finally playing. Halo Wars in 4K is definitely really nice.
Stupid question, how do you play in 4k? Do I need a 4k monitor? I don't see any 4k options...
Actually, if I set my monitor resolution to 4k, would that trick it into playing it in 4k? (edit: Yup, that works)
I even got access to the Halo Wars root folder and I found nothing of use.
Hmm so that's why Legendary didn't pop.God damnit the Par Time achievements are bugged. Not only does Legendary in Par Time not contribute to the achievements, but it's also a lottery, if you actually finish the Missions in Par Time on Heroic. Progress is not increasing.
Oh boy. Beta/demo incoming.
"Dan Ayoub ‏@Danayoub
Feel like announcing something today... #HaloWars2"
Seriously, what a great port. Had a blast playing this on Normal co-op and Solo everything else again. Hopefully the next one is as great as this one. I'm ready for the sequel.
Seriously, what a great port. Had a blast playing this on Normal co-op and Solo everything else again. Hopefully the next one is as great as this one. I'm ready for the sequel.
Yeah HW2 will be great.
Blitz opens in ~6 days so look out for that.
Nice! Got sucked into dealing with The Witcher 3, but will be itching to finish up HWE before the sequel hits.
I don't know if it's going to be great, but I really hope so.
I also know about the Blitz Beta, but I don't care about it. Looked very bad from the already shown gameplay from the several events we have seen. I don't like the RNG + microtransaction system.
But to be honest, I don't actually care about MP either way this time arround. The only way I'll play it, is if there's achievements. Otherwise it will be Campaign and DLC Campaign only.
You have a month left, I think you will be fine.![]()