Puck Beaverton
im glad knowles is getting his writing reveled to a wider audience
fingers crossed its collected in a book
fingers crossed its collected in a book
Wow, this guy... sure wrote some things...
(A Dramatic Reading of Harry Knowles' BLADE II Review)
Also wasn't he engaged/in a serious relationship to a Asian women (and the person he sent those DM's to is Asian I believe so he clearly has a type) what happened to that and, if he still is with her, what does she have to say about it?
Seen this posted on Twitter, Harry's review of Urban Legend (1998) and not that I want to pile on, but how was this tolerated as film criticism? It's straight up disgusting.
I don't even know what to say.
Seen this posted on Twitter, Harry's review of Urban Legend (1998) and not that I want to pile on, but how was this tolerated as film criticism? It's straight up disgusting.
I don't even know what to say.
I'm sure both "could" be, if you were so inclined.
Clearly the first accusation is more than just receiving a text however. The idea physically assualting someone and sending a crass but fairly harmless text are comparable is pretty ridiculous.
Brb. Writing a mashup of The Collector/Silence of the Lambs where Harry Knowles kidnaps a cast member from Urban Legends and forces them to apply Noxzema constantly.
Wow, this guy... sure wrote some things...
Holy shit. This has to be the nail in the coffin.
Oh, for the love of... truly, the only reason Ain't It Cool ever prospered was because they were the only ones doing what they did back in the day.
Wow, this guy... sure wrote some things...
Ebert was always interested in promoting up and coming film critics, especially those who wrote online. Knowles REALLY did not belong on that show, though.I visited AICN pretty regularly around the time of the Star Wars Special Editions and then leading into the prequels. Then one day I was watching Roger Ebert's show and he had Harry Knowles be the guest reviewer with him. I'd never seen the guy before and that was not what I was expecting.
Sci-Fi was working with him on a AICN TV show back in the day that never went anywhere. I cannot imagine what that would've been like...
This guy has always weirded me out.
Is this the right time to link to his Blade 2 "review"?
It's his classic move of bragging about his connections (Guillermo Del Toro sees him as his brother apparently, and they spend their days talking about art and sex), and the rest of the review is just one, weird, baffling thing about oral sex.
You're better off not reading it. The guy has issues.
This is just one example of a long list of Knowles acting like a sheltered dick, but it seemed appropriate to the current situation.
Wow, this guy... sure wrote some things...
True Blood must be his favorite TV show of all-time.
This reminds me, there was another site around the same time of AICN, that covered uncoming movies.
Was it call Event Horizon? Am I imaging it?
Wasn't he the first one?He just perpetuates the creepy neckbeard stereotype doesn't he?
This guy is like the final boss of all creepy neckbeards
Wow, this guy... sure wrote some things...
Jesus, dude was already getting ethered in the comments 19 years ago.Seen this posted on Twitter, Harry's review of Urban Legend (1998) and not that I want to pile on, but how was this tolerated as film criticism? It's straight up disgusting.
I don't even know what to say.
God damnHell yeah we chicks, excuse me Harry, we "sluts" and "blonde fuck queens" enjoyed getting a look at some P & A from Ryan Phillipe in "54" (god knows besides the disco granny and Blondie tunes there was no other reason to see that film). I I think it is your pimp/horndog tone which we could ALL do without. ... the shit about putting her over a barrell, plugging a hole, etc. Then you turn around and say she should see past your weight and looks, well hell, you're off to a helluva start there. I think all of us just saw all we needed to of the true Harry, and even if you look like a Greek god in another life, spewing shit like that would turn off anyone but a $20 an hour hooker. I doubt you saw many postings from women about Ryan Phillipe that said "oooooo baby. I'd like to straddle his boner for a few hours. Hot damn. I'm getting moist ....I don't know how much longer I can type. I just know Ryan's turning, churning male madness would love a piece of my ass if he could only see me for the wonderful personality that I really am....etc. etc." Luckily, we sluts and blonde fuck queens don't need to boast about our lustings in order to assert our heterosexuality.
what did Nick do?
Sexual harassment. Thread here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1415751what did Nick do?
Envying everyone here who hasnt had these reviews seared into their brain for the last 15 or 20 years.
Envying everyone here who hasn't had these reviews seared into their brain for the last 15 or 20 years.
Reading some of these excerpts... how did this dude make it big?
He was the first major online film blogger at the dawn of online film blogging, so he made it big just by virtue of being there from the beginning.Reading some of these excerpts... how did this dude make it big?
Seen this posted on Twitter, Harry's review of Urban Legend (1998) and not that I want to pile on, but how was this tolerated as film criticism? It's straight up disgusting.
I don't even know what to say.
Reading some of these excerpts... how did this dude make it big?
Reading some of these excerpts... how did this dude make it big?
The website garnered national attention in 1997 with the release of Batman & Robin. Knowles posted several negative reviews from preview screenings. When the film performed poorly at the box office, studio executives complained that it had been sabotaged by the leaks to the Internet. However, negative reviews from other, more traditional media confirmed what Knowles had posted. From there, the site's popularity rapidly expanded. National magazines such as People and Newsweek called for interviews with Knowles.
Reading some of these excerpts... how did this dude make it big?