Here's a fun drinking game: Pick any random Harry Knowles movie review and take a shot for every paragraph that has nothing to do with the fucking movie he's reviewing.
The basement is an excellent place for a child eating monster, like closets and underneath the bed... and storm drains... let's not forget fucking gutters.
It was funny, Moriarty posted an image to the ol John Sayles ALLIGATOR movie. Alligator in the sewers vs Robert Forster – and I was terrified of taking the trash out at night, because right by where we left our trash at my house was a gutter – and after that movie, I knew a giant Alligator was going to get me.
Jeremy Ray Taylor's Ben Hanscom... LOVE. When I was his age, I was the New Kid in Seymour, Texas... a town far smaller than Derry. Seymour felt more like the town in FOOTLOOSE, honestly. At the time it was a dry county, no condoms for sale... and oddly our school had the highest teen pregnancy rate in the state. Fun. But being the stocky, full-figured kid that he is, he instantly attracts bullies – and his interactions with Beverly represent a lot of my Junior High years, but High School I was far past the fear stage. I was always a library hound. When I finished class work, I'd ask for a pass to the library, because there's nothing worse than being idle and bored in class. Libraries are magic – and the source for the zillion stories that could earn you friends and the respect of others. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER – Electric Company ruled.
Now, before I get into Pennywise – let's talk – Henry Bowers. This kid thrives on sadism and being an Alpha Prick Loser of the highest level. He has his own gang of fuckarrific asshats. But – this kid had nothing on the kid I knew. Josh Burnham. The first day he transferred into my second grade class, Mrs. Moseley asked what we wanted to be when we grew up. Almost everyone was wanting to be astronauts in the wake of STAR WARS. Josh stood up and declared, ”I want to be Darth Vader so I could have a light saber to cut your fat tits off with!" The next year, he threw a desk at the 174 year old Mrs Sparkman, my third grade teacher. I lost track with him after 7th grade when I moved away, but he had two stints in Juvenile Hall – and each time he came back, I swear his fists tripled in size. Of course – he never did anything to my friends, we were the squad at school meant to catch him and drag him to the principal's office. I've always been the good kid. This Henry Bowers would skin the Mini-series Henry Bowers alive. Both Josh and him had really smart looking mullets (sarcasm).
Now... for Pennywise.
Every single review is marked by his self-absorption, arrogance, and pathological need to lie about clearly impossible shit. Half of his reviews are completely unrelated anecdotes, name-drops, and bragging.
It was always some shit like:
"Harry goes WILD for JOHN WICK!!!
I saw a movie...IT WAS EPIC!! *giggle* But you know what a really epic movie is...the 1989 film PUPPET MASTER!
We all know the true hero that movie...BLADE THE PUPPET.
Actually, when I was 6, my dad aka PAPA GEEK convinced the entire puppetry crew of PUPPET MASTER to show up at my birthday and magically bring those awesome puppets to life.
-- Incomprehensible gibberish follows ---
Oh, and the movie I saw was JOHN WICK. Pretty good movie but I fell asleep near the end."
Every review is like this. I just went on the site for the first time in 5 or 6 years, picked one of his most recent write-ups, and like clockwork, here are some perfect examples of his awful brand of verbal diarrhea. From his "review" of IT:
The fuck is he on about?
Everything is ultimately about him and how great he is, knowledgeable he is, he was turned on to everything in pop culture since the moment he was a fetus, etc.
Every single review is marked by his self-absorption, arrogance, and pathological need to lie about clearly impossible shit. Half of his reviews are completely unrelated anecdotes, name-drops, and bragging.
It was always some shit like:
"Harry goes WILD for JOHN WICK!!!
I saw a movie...IT WAS EPIC!! *giggle* But you know what a really epic movie is...the 1989 film PUPPET MASTER!
We all know the true hero that movie...BLADE THE PUPPET.
Actually, when I was 6, my dad aka PAPA GEEK convinced the entire puppetry crew of PUPPET MASTER to show up at my birthday and magically bring those awesome puppets to life.
-- Incomprehensible gibberish follows ---
Oh, and the movie I saw was JOHN WICK. Pretty good movie but I fell asleep near the end."
I know this picture was taken recently with the look of the website he has to be still using that phone.![]()
I for one am SHOCKED that this man turned out to be a gross creeper.
While technically not a review, there's his reaction to the Speed Racer trailer.
the Wachowski's SPEED RACER trailer. I predict that there will be two reactions to this trailer. There's mine... which is HOLY FUCKING AWESOME DIPPED IN CHOCOLATE COATED PUSSY JUICE
I can't believe this was written in the year of our lord 2008. Also, how the fuck would one even make chocolate coated pussy juice? You can't coat a volume of a liquid in another liquid, that's not how fucking fluids work.the Wachowski's SPEED RACER trailer. I predict that there will be two reactions to this trailer. There's mine... which is HOLY FUCKING AWESOME DIPPED IN CHOCOLATE COATED PUSSY JUICE
I for one am SHOCKED that this man turned out to be a gross creeper.
This post is just shitty stereotyping tho
I for one am SHOCKED that this man turned out to be a gross creeper.
Has anyone mentioned his Blade 2 review yet?
This post is just shitty stereotyping tho
It's utterly bizarre and hilarious that this dude is still just tweeting away about movies and shit while women in the industry (well known women, no less) are calling him out as being a major creep.
I know! It's so fucking odd.
Even he's old AICN writers denounced him and he's typing along like nothing is going on.
It's the uncomfortable truth though.
What truth? That fat dudes are more likely to be creepers? All this attitude does is provide cover to predators that are more traditionally attractive while shitting on a bunch of people for nothing more than their appearance.
What truth? That fat dudes are more likely to be creepers? All this attitude does is provide cover to predators that are more traditionally attractive while shitting on a bunch of people for nothing more than their appearance.
I for one am SHOCKED that this man turned out to be a gross creeper.
Anthony Weiner is a fairly handsome man and he's as creepy as they come. Can't judge by looks.
nobody ever makes judgements on physical appearance ever
Yeah well obviously people judge others based on appearances, but it doesn't make it right, and it can clearly have shitty or dangerous consequences. Humanity needs to do better.
Yeah, AICN was always embarrasingly purile, and often I'd read their stuff and suffer through it because at the time they really were one of the only sites that were semi-comprehensively looking at lower end genre film.
Vern broke off many years ago now, haven't been back since his direct-to-video Steven Seagal reviews migrated to his own site.
There, its the best stuff AICN ever produced without having to support a creep. Just a guy on his own who's got a passion and a talent for writing about B-movies. If he turned out to be a monster too I'd be utterly crushed, bit I'm pretty sure he's decent (he's able to get a few good social justice points in a Scott Adkins review, somehow).
that would be nice but it will never happen
So will this be the end of Butt Numb A Thon?
Kinda weird how I always wanted to go to that, when I used to read AICN back in the day.
Or your confirmation bias.It's the uncomfortable truth though.
"Quint" and "Capone" are out...
Fucking hell, Lloyd.
I for one am SHOCKED that this man turned out to be a gross creeper.
Fucking hell, Lloyd.
That wasn't even coherent