Their relationship was always vague. A friendly kiss on the cheek here and there, promises of “”cake”” and what not. However, after peach turned his thirsty ass away at the end of mario odyssey, it seems as if she has finally grown desperate enough to commit to a full time thing with him. Maybe she was getting old, worried that her opprotunity to have kids was going to come and go if she waited to long. So, in an act of desperation, she finally accepted mario’s advances. Now “what proof do you have!?” Your probably thinking.
well in two Mario and mario adjacent games released since odyssey its clear they have grown closer.
exhibit A: Luigis mansion 3
exhibit B: Mario golf super rush
the proof is there, its in the numbers.
Mario and peach are indeed going to pound down, he is balls deep in her mushroom kingdom. She’s making him get bigger with her “fire flower”.
well in two Mario and mario adjacent games released since odyssey its clear they have grown closer.
exhibit A: Luigis mansion 3

exhibit B: Mario golf super rush

the proof is there, its in the numbers.
Mario and peach are indeed going to pound down, he is balls deep in her mushroom kingdom. She’s making him get bigger with her “fire flower”.